Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


At first I was incapable of doing nothing but stare at the foreign naked man as he was. Then my first instinct kicked and I carefully removed myself from the bed and then ran into the bathroom where I got dressed and brushed my teeth. Back in my bedroom I found myself once again staring at Gabe. A big part of me wished for the first time in a very long time ago to crawl back into bed and into his arm. He could be my boyfriend in whose arms I could wake up in every morning. That maybe I could fall in love with him, for real.
But looking I didn’t feel a thing. You were supposed to feel something when you are in love with someone? Right? I had never and by the look of it never know real love. That was actually something I didn’t mind. Then I realised that standing there staring at Gabe wouldn’t do me much well. Should I wake him up? Say what? That was some drunken night! No. But I didn’t have to do anything, a second later he made a sudden move and his eyes sprung open. He was awake.

“Hi,” I placed my arms at my chest giving away the energy of being mad but I was the opposite. By his glace I felt exposed like I was back in high school being judged by the other girls in gym class.

“Hi! Some 24 hours right?” He spoke as I sat down at the end of the bed and we share a laugh.

“Well, I don’t remember that much from the last hours. Hope we haven’t caused to much damaged.” I couldn’t bring myself to look at him and kept my eyes to the floor.

“Ehm no you were good, Great in fact. I mean not in… I should be quiet.” There was an awkward silence between us where nobody spoke. Then I couldn’t keep myself from it much longer I began to laugh. I laughed hard and so did Gabe.

“I know it’s not funny… Ehm well it is… I mean… Screw it! You want breakfast?” I threw him his pants that happened to be lying next to my left foot and then wiped a pair of tears out of my eyes.

“Sure!” He said as he grabbed the rest of his clothes which were lying all over my floor. “Where is the nearest starbucks? I suppose you don’t cook, right?”

“I do actually! I just don’t have had time to go shop yet so the nearest is just down the street.” I laughed a little again to the surprise in his face.

“Really?! Well in that case I’m going to need a hell of a lot of coffee. My head is killing me.” I noticed how he wasn’t too sad about the fact that he no longer had a girlfriend. Yesterday he had seemed so broken.

“Yeah, and now I should leave so you can get dressed. If you want to shower the shower is in there.” I gestured to the bathroom and went into the kitchen to give him some privacy. “So how did we get here last night exactly?”

“A cab probably, I’m a bit fuzzy on the details.” I heard him turn the shower on and went back into my bedroom to look for my bag. Which I found laying in the mess that was my shoes and jacket. I pulled my cell phone out and I began to ring. It was my editor, Jamie. This time I had to answer, there simply was no excuse anymore.

“Hello Jamie!” I said.

“Vera! Finally, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all week!” He sounded angry but still happy as normal. It was Jamie who had found my script out of pile of hundreds of books and fought for it to become a book.

“I know, I’ve been pretty busy!” I heard Gabe turn of the shower as I sat down on the bed.

“Busy? It’s like you’ve fallen of the sight of the earth. Where you have you been? How’s the writing going?” Then Gabe came out of the bathroom dressed ready to go.

“Listen Jamie, this isn’t a good time! You should probably call me later or something!” I said laughing since Gabe started making funny faces.

“Vera, no don’t hung up! I need to talk to you!”

“Sorry! Bye!” I hung up. “So I’m ready!”

“Who was it?” Gabe asked as he headed for the door and I followed.

“My editor asking how the book is going! I really don’t want to talk about it!” I locked my door.

Down at the street at we ate a awkward breakfast neither of us wanted to bring the subject of us sleeping together to the conversation. Though it was hard not to, it was like having the pink elephant in the room. All of the sudden he was surrounded by five fans wanting autographs and all telling him how awesome of a singer he is.

“So is she your girlfriend?” One of the asked pointing to me.

“No, she is just a friend!” Gabe said and smiled slightly at me. The girls seemed pleased and disappeared again. “So if you are not going to bring the subject of us sleeping together I might as well do.” He said a little too loud.

“Not that high! And well what is there to talk about. It happened and it didn’t mean anything. Right? So we might as well leave it to that.”

“Oh, yeah. Uhm this night wasn’t really my finest act. I should really get going now. Thanks for breakfast Vera. You are really nice and yeah.” He got up but not before programming his phone number into my phone.

“Bye Gabe!” I said as he hugged me before running off. As he the door closed I felt something, something I’ve never felt. Like my heart had taken a jump. I had never felt more alone in my life.

Dark blue, dark blue. Have you ever been alone in a crowded room?
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Here is the new chapter! Sorry that it sucks but I'm trying to get a chapter up every night. I'll do better tomorrow!