Chocolate Fudge Brownie Love


Growing up I had had a normal working class kind of childhood along with two siblings, a mom and dad. Where money had been tight but dinner had always been served on the table. The houses we had lived in always seemed to have one bedroom too little but there were never any big emotional traumas. Nothing extravagant about it and my parents never had any big plans for me and a young age eluded me to dream of greatness. I had always taken school seriously and knew that the only way I would be able to go too collage was getting a scholarship which I did. My childhood wasn’t that special so I had made my stories instead and let my wildest dream live through courageous heroes created in my mind.
I had told Gabe everything when he had asked me and he had told me about him. Just like people in a relationship do. Right?

I can’t stop, don’t care if I lose, Baby you are the weapon I choose.
These wounds are self inflicted; I’m going down in flames for you! One more thing I’m addicted too

That morning I woke up early inside of his crowded way too small bunk with his arms tightly around me. We had traveled from Jersey to wherever the warp tour had its first stop. I had always liked sleeping in moving objects and had been woken up by the fact that we weren’t moving anymore. It was quiet everywhere and I grabbed a cigarette and headed outside. I hadn’t smoked in days but today I was feeling the erg to one. Gabe had never really liked the fact that I smoked and I was seriously thinking about quitting since I didn’t know why I started in the first place. Everywhere there were buses and more buses were coming into the concrete parking lot. A lot of people were sleeping and it seemed to me that I was the only one awake.

“Hey,” I turned and saw a very slim and tall man. It seemed that it was only me and William Beckett up at this hour. “This is Cobra Starship bus right?” he seemed confused by the fact that I was leading against that bus.

“Yes, I believe so since I just woke up inside of it!” which confused him even more and he frowned a bit. I loved messing shit up and threw away my cigarette but.

“Who are you?” I know he didn’t mean to come off as arrogant as he did and pulled his newly cut bang straight. The wind had made it twirl.

“Vera and you are William Beckett,” a light went though his eyes and he laughed.

“That’s right you are Gabe’s girl, the hot writer if I remember his words correctly,” he stretched his hand out for me to grab.

“I don’t know about the hot thing but the part of me being a writer is true,” I grabbed his hand to say a proper hi. “I’m a huge fan I might add. You should really watch your back or I might go all crazy teenage fan girl on your ass.”

“The way he described you don’t do you justice at all he forgot all about you un-lady like tong and behavior,” there was a twinkle in his eyes and we both laughed. “This is going to be a start to a beautiful friendship! Breakfast?”

“Yes, please! I’m starving and I’m in desperate need of coffee,” I said as he grabbed my arm as girlfriends do.

“Yeah, that’s right don’t all writers live by coffee and cigarettes?” he walked as he had walked that exact parking lot a hundred times.

“Guess someone preconceptions about writers, wait don’t rock stars do the same thing?” I giggled with the four year old laugh I’d always had and let him drag me along for the ride.

“Hey guys wait up!” I turned to see Gabe running up towards us. “Dude are you trying to steel my girlfriend again!” he kissed me and I felt William letting go of my arm. I in stead found my fingers laced by Gabe’s. “Missed you when I woke up alone.” I kissed him again since that was the right thing to do.

“You better have!” we began walking again.

“This girl is a keeper!” William said and we all laughed.

“Where are we going exactly?” I asked being curious.

“I have no idea!” William said simply.

Let go! Let go! I just don’t want to be in love
♠ ♠ ♠
told you I'd put an other chapter up!

see you in the next one