Here We Go Again

Chapter 2




“What’s going on?! How am I alive?! Didn’t I die?!” Andra mutters to herself after falling off her bed.

After having a panic attack on her bedroom floor, Andra gets up.

‘It must have been a dream. Just a dream.’ Andra reassures herself.

“Andra honey, you’re going to be late for school,” Mom knocks on her door.

“I’m getting dressed!” Andra shouts back.

After getting dressed she books it to school.

‘That was a really weird dream. It felt so, real. I should stop thinking about it because it freaks me out'



“Oh My God, I am so sorry! Are you ok?” Andra hears someone ask.

‘Weird this happened in my dream too‘ Andra thinks while looking up

‘Holy mackerel, that’s the same person I saw in my dream!’

“Umm, are you ok?” The girl asked

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine. By the way, your name wouldn’t happen to be Ren Nakamura, would it?”

“Yeah! That’s my name! How’d you know?” Nakamura asked.
‘Oh My God, no way'

“Oh, I think we met before at a coffee shop or someplace like that. Anyway, it was nice meeting you, but I have to go.” Andra said before running off.

“Oh ok, well bye!” Nakamura says.

‘It’s just a coincidence, I’m just going to go about my day and forget that this ever happened.’


Andra falls to the ground in pain.

‘Are you kidding me? I really shouldn’t have taken a long way home. Stupid mugger! Stupid dark alley! Stupid dream! I’m not ready to die yet! Oh god, mom, I’m so sorry!’

Andra Miller died on April 14th at 4:00 pm after being shot by a mugger.


“That’s starting to get annoying,” Andra says to herself after waking up.

‘That wasn’t a dream. Maybe I’m stuck in a time loop? Like in those stories I like to read. How is that possible though. It just doesn’t make sense. I don’t have a quirk like that, I don’t have a quirk at all. If someone did use their quirk on me last time, they couldn’t have done it this time because it was just me and the mugger in that alley, and if it was the mugger who used their quirk on me this time, they couldn’t have done it last time when I got hit by a car because he wasn’t there… I should write down what I did the past two times just in case I accidentally forget anything.’

While looking for something to write with and a paper Andra comes across a letter on her desk with ‘READ ME’ on the front.

‘Huh? This wasn’t here before.’ Andra thinks to herself while opening the letter.

It reads:
Dear Andra Miller,
You’re probably wondering what’s going on right now and why the day is repeating. If you wish to have the answer to all your questions, then meet me at Takoba Municipal Beach Park at 7:30 am on the dot!
Your friend, Kairos

‘The day is repeating! I was starting to think I was going crazy. Wait, should I go. What if this person is bad, but if I don’t go, I might not figure out what’s going on. Ok, I’m going to go. If I want to make it on time, I need to get going because it’ll be 7:30 in 45 minutes. I should get dressed first though.’ Andra thought while looking down at her pajamas.

“Andra honey, you’re going to be late for school,” Mom knocks on her door.

‘Oh right, I have school. I guess I could just skip. Sorry, mom.’

“I’m coming mom!” Andra yells back while getting dressed.

When she’s done, she leaves the house and starts walking towards Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

‘I hope that whoever this Kairos person is will stop causing me to repeat this day and die. Mostly dying though because dying freaking sucks.’

Andra arrives at the beach at exactly 7:29 am.

“So, I guess I just have to wait here for this Kairos perso-“


“OH MY GOD” Andra screamed as she fell to the ground.

“Do NOT do that again!”