One Way Tram


One Way Tram~Part3~Elizabeth
The next time the tram stopped, Hank was almost overflowed with joy. It had been almost a half hour since he had left the grocery store, so he immediately ran to the door thinking Tomika had come to her senses. But the joy turned to despair when the doors opened. Behind them was a woman. She was very tall, probably because of the stilettos she was wearing on her feet. She had a red dress that went down to her knees. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses that probably cost a fortune. She also had a sunhat made to match her dress, which covered up here hair, although Hank had no idea why someone would wear such things late in the night. She took three careful steps up the tram and said “Excuse me” to Hank, who moved out of the way after just staring at her. He heard the doors slide shut.
“Take a seat, I have other stops tonight, ya know.” Tomika said, ”Where to miss?”
“The college please.”The lady said while Hank took his seat across from her. The tram started moving while the lady reached into her purse and took out a lipstick container. When she was done, the tram must have hit a bump in the track and all of the contents of her purse spilled out all over the floor. Hank got down to help her pick it up. He came across her cell phone with the name Elizabeth Buttermore on the back.
“The Buttermores?!” Hank asked surprised ”The Buttermores that own all the oil companies surrounding Rosewood?”
“Yep, my daddy owns it all.” Elizabeth said after all the stuff was back in her purse and had taken her seat.
“If you’re rich, why are you taking the tram?”asked Hank.
“Watch it” added Tomika
“Well, Daddy thinks I should live like a normal person.”
“Why are you all dressed up then?”
“I’m not dressed up.” said Elizabeth confused.
Just then, Hank realized the golden opportunity sitting across from him. “Do you think I might borrow a dol-“
“The college” Tomika said quickly.
Elizabeth got up and said ”It was nice meeting you! Have a good night!” She walked over to Tomika and gave her the dollar twenty-five, then walked off the tram.
When the doors closed Hank walked up to Tomika and said “What was that all about?! I was about to get off this banana boat!”
“It was a nice try!”Tomika said and the tram started off again. Then he heard a faint scream and ran to the back of the tram.
Elizabeth was lying on the ground. Hank saw a man in a dirty brown trench coat and a purple toboggan on his head running away with Elizabeth’s purse in his hand. She got up to run after him but tripped again because of her shoes. By now she was just a faint blur and hank slowly walked back up to Tomika.
“Why didn’t we help her?”
"It’s not my job” was the reply
Hank sat back down wondering what her job even was.
Part4~Edgar~By Pat Fisher