The Misadventures of Kade and Celine


Celine really felt like a fairytale princess when she woke up in the morning. Soft early sunlight streamed through the window and her very own prince charming was still sleeping soundly next to her. When evening approached he’d have to shift, and even though he was grumpy about it Celine didn’t mind his monthly wolf form. She had been afraid of the MacIntosh wolves killing him; having a clumsy four legged Kade during the full moon was a much better alternative as far as she was concerned. Since shifting would be a draining and painful process, Celine let him sleep late. She slipped quietly out of bed, throwing on a robe and padding downstairs to fix a large breakfast.

She had made the table and was just returning inside after slipping out back to pick some flowers when Kade came shuffling into the kitchen. His shirt was rumpled and his hair still a mess, so she knew he’d just rolled out of bed.

“Morning, sunshine,” Celine said, putting her little blue flowers in a vase.

“How do you always look so good first thing in the morning?” Kade asked. “I always look like I was just fished out of the ocean.”

“I think you look adorable.” Celine ruffled his messy hair and kissed his cheek. “Now eat your breakfast.”

“You’re starting to make me feel a little spoiled,” Kade said as she shoved a loaded plate across the table to him. “I’m also still kind of grossed out that I’m going to eat all this food.”

“Oh, please,” Celine laughed. “With your new metabolism your figure is perfectly safe. I’ve been feeding you like this for a year and you look even better than you did before.”

That earned her one of the crooked smiles she loved so much. After breakfast he lifted her out of her chair, wrapping one arm around her waist and taking one of her blue flowers and tucking it behind her ear before kissing her.

“Those were for the table,” she chided, smiling.

“It looks prettier on you.”

Kade was better at shifting than he had been at the beginning, though he still tried to do it as rarely as possible. Since he wasn’t a naturally born wolf, the shifting process wasn’t as instantaneous for him. It took a little while and he always turned a little green. Celine sat beside him as night began to fall, while he grimaced and writhed around on the floor. She really thought that he needed to shift more often to make it easier, but she didn’t push the issue much. He had to get comfortable with his non-human condition in his own time. When he’d completed his shift he clambered onto his feet, his big paws sliding a little on the hardwood floor.

Despite him looking sullen even as a big shaggy wolf, Celine couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She patted his furry head. “I know you don’t believe me, but you’re so cute,” she told him. Kade sat with a huff, his wolf eyes unamused. Celine ran her fingers through the thick fur on his neck and his tail thumped against the floor. She bit back a giggle and Kade nudged her with his nose, gently knocking her over.

“Don’t blame me that you’re so adoring even in wolf form,” she said. “Come on, let’s go outside.”

She stepped out onto the porch and sat on the little swing she’d bought, using her foot to rock it back and forth. Kade padded out into the yard, nosing around. One advantage to being a mutt instead of a full wolf was that he didn’t go completely berserk on the full moon like they did. He got a bit antsy, and he had to change; but he didn’t need to leave town to avoid mauling anyone. He trotted around the perimeter of the house and was startled by a gopher when he nosed too close to its little burrow. Celine smiled. Jinxie finally roused from his daytime snooze and flew out to join them. He perched on her shoulder and stretched his wings.

“What a nocturnal bunch we make,” he said. “Is Kade trying to chase his tail?”

“Shh, pretend you didn’t notice. He doesn’t like to be seen doing dog things.”

Jinxie made a squeaking sound that sounded like a laugh, then he flew off to flutter around the yard with Kade. Then night wound down and Kade came loping back onto the porch. Celine opened the door to let them back into the house and Kade turned in a restless circle before flopping over on his side. He groaned and sprawled on his back as he turned back into a man. Well, mostly. Fuzzy wolf ears were still sticking up through his hair.

“Kade…your ears.”

He reached up to see what she meant and groaned again. “Oh, come on.”

“You haven’t had this problem in a while,” Celine pointed out, sitting on the floor beside him. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” Kade kept swiping at the ears, as if he could flatten them back into their normal state. “Dammit.”

“Someone is cranky. Do you want a belly rub?”

Kade gave her an exasperated look and Celine giggled.

“What if they’re stuck like this forever?”

“Then I’ll have a boyfriend with furry ears,” she shrugged.

“But they’re huge,” he complained.

“All the better for you to hear me say I love you with,” Celine replied seriously. Kade stopped fussing with his ears and actually laughed a little.

“I’m trying to sulk right now but you’re making me feel better,” he grumbled.

“You think about it too much,” Celine said. “It’s supposed to be a natural process and you’re always fighting it and stressing yourself out. You need to relax.” She leaned her back against the couch, pulling Kade with her and resting his head in her lap.

“Now close your eyes,” she instructed.


“Do it.”

He sighed and closed his eyes. She ran her fingers through his hair, singing to him softly. After about fifteen minutes, she gently tugged on his now human ears. “See?” she said. “I’m always right.”

“Yeah, I know.” Kade opened his eyes and sat up slowly. “Still gives me a headache when I turn back though.”

Celine brushed a kiss across his forehead. “Kade, are you sure everything is all right? You seem like something is on your mind.”

He smiled, pulling her closer. “Everything is fine, I promise. I’m just tired, with the full moon.”

She nodded. “Let’s go to bed.”

The three of them retreated upstairs, Jinxie retiring to his jewelry box bed and Kade sprawling across the normal bed while Celine pulled the curtains closed to block out the sunlight. Kade had his face buried in a pillow, probably already asleep. Celine shook her head, tugging the blanket up over him before burrowing under the sheets and laying her head against his shoulder.