‹ Prequel: Peaky Wolfers

Gatsby Wolves, Vol. 4


Kade wasn't so sure about adopting a pet into the family, but it didn't look like he had much of a choice. Illaria and Emelie became best friends right away, and she was even cuddling with the fairy creature when they tucked her into bed at night. Celine wasn't willing to argue with Kade, either.

"I just don't understand why we need a pet," he said while they got ready for bed. "We have a pet. We have me. I'm furry enough."

"It's not just about having a pet," Celine said. "It's that connection. We had a connection."

"Fine, but I'm not cleaning up after it," Kade said. "The responsibility is all you and Emelie."

"Deal," Celine said, kissing his cheek before getting under the covers.

Kade stood there and looked at his reflection for a few moments longer. His nose was still tender but the bruise was already starting to fade. He sort of spent a couple minutes pushing his hair back and examining his face up close, noticing crows feet by his eyes for the first time. He still wore an earring from his impromptu piercing years ago, but it didn't look quite as good anymore.

"Kade, are you coming to bed?"

He reluctantly moved away from the mirror and climbed into bed. He picked up one of the books on shapeshifters that he had avoided for so long and just examined the cover for a bit. Then he flipped it open and read a couple pages before setting it down with a frustrated scowl.

"Your head is hurting again," Celine noted, reading his mind. "I keep telling you that you need glasses."

"I don't need glasses," Kade said. "I can't work a desk job and wear glasses."

"Don't be so dramatic," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not, it's just... do you think I've kind of gotten dull?" he asked.


"Yeah," he said. "I mean, when you met me I was this hotshot criminal on the rise. Getting into adventures, doing cool things. You said I was like a rugged pirate. Now I'm just a guy that does paperwork and wears an earring. And has wrinkles. And needs glasses."

"You don't have wrinkles," she told him. "You have some lines in your face, but after what life has put us through I would be shocked if you didn't."

"You don't have any."

"We age differently."

"Exactly," he grumbled. "I'm grateful that at least our life expectancy is the same, but I'm not 'preserved' like a vampire. I'm going to get older. And now all the younger ones like Joseph, George, and Tommy are handling the rough and tough so I'm just-"

"Kade," Celine interrupted, taking his face in her hands. "I don't know where any of this is coming from, but you are just as handsome as the day I met you. Just as charming, just as endearing. In fact, you've only gotten better over the years we've been together. I loved you when you were wild, but I also love this mature family man you have become. Alright?"

"Alright," Kade sighed. "I guess it doesn't matter as much as Wes MacIntosh nearly smashing my face in today. Whatever he was talking about, he was infuriated by it. I can't imagine who it was. It's not me, and it couldn't have been anyone else in my pack. If it was someone in his own pack, they wouldn't send someone after their own family. We're the only two wolf packs in this city."

"Could've been out of city," Celine suggested.

"But why? Out of city wolves have their own territory. Why would they care about his?"

"I don't know," Celine shrugged. "It'll be fine, Kade. You know Wes likes to think with his fists instead of his head."

"I don't care so much about getting hit than the fact that Emelie had to see it," Kade said. "Wes must not have seen her walking next to me. You should have seen the look on her face, Celine. It hurt more than the broken nose did. I just can't imagine her having to see some of the things we've seen."

"She won't have to," Celine said softly. "You're a good father, Kade. You protected her. And I'm protecting her, too. Not to mention the rest of the pack. She's in good hands. Just relax, you're tired and you're starting to spiral."

Kade sighed and sunk down in bed, opening the book up again. He had always been a slow reader with his limited education, but Celine was right. He needed glasses. Not that he would ever admit or agree to it out loud.

They were starting to wind down after an hour or so, when Emelie's small figure appeared in their doorway. Illaria was stayed close at her feet, nipping at the ribbons on her pink nightgown. Emelie's amber eyes were damp and she seemed upset.

"I had a nightmare," she whimpered. "About the bad man."

"About Wes?" Kade frowned. "Emelie, we talked about this. You don't have to be afraid of him."

"He's scary and big."

Celine and Kade exchanged a concerned look before she offered a hand out to Emelie and lifted her into bed with them.

"You can sleep with us tonight," Celine said, "But tomorrow you have to be a big brave girl. Alright?"

She nodded and settled between them. Illaria curled up at the foot of the bed as well and Kade had the urge to shoo her away, but Emelie seemed comforted by the odd creature there so he let it slide for now. It didn't take long for Emelie to drift into sleep with Celine right behind her, but Kade ended up awake all night and gently stroking his daughter's hair. Maybe Kade had been caught up in some shady things and dragged Celine into them, but he couldn't put his daughter through that too.