‹ Prequel: Peaky Wolfers

Gatsby Wolves, Vol. 4


Never in a million years did Kade expect to work alongside Wes MacIntosh, but here they were. The rest of Kade's pack was just as uncomfortable as he was when Wes walked into the Rose and the Raven, making himself comfortable on one of the velvet couches. Bobby sat next to Kade and was practically radiating nerves, which didn't help calm everyone else down. Wes, on the other hand, looked so relaxed he could take a nap right there.

Delia had been helping Tillie for a little extra cash after school, but even she seemed reluctant to bring the tray of drinks over to their table. Tillie had to nudge her forward and she hesitantly came forward to set down an extra large shot of whiskey for Wes. Wes looked over at her, surprised at seeing her.

"Well, you don't see a female mutt every day," he remarked. "You must have some pretty decent child-bearing hips if you survived the change."

Delia turned completely white, but Wes wasn't done. Nor was he reading the discomfort in the room.

"I take it this is the one you're taking as a mistress?" he asked Kade.

"God, Wes," Kade said, absolutely shocked. "She's sixteen. You can't be serious."

"Kade is like forty!" Delia exclaimed.

"Forty?!" Kade repeated in exasperation.

"Uh, thank you, Delia," Bobby said quickly. "I think that's all we need from you for now."

She was glad to get out of there as fast as she possibly good. Kade's face was in his hands and Bobby looked incredibly uncomfortable, while the twins sat off to the side and looked unsure of what they were supposed to do. Wes looked to them next, wrinkling his nose.

"These two look the same," he remarked.

"They're twins, Wes," Kade said. "Twins look the same."

"I don't like it."

"Wes, let's focus," Kade insisted. "Is there anyone you've offended recently that might be seeking revenge?"

"Hmm, no," Wes shrugged. "I don't normally offend anyone."

"Really?" Kade questioned. "Because in less than a minute you managed to objectify Delia and insult the twins."

"Ah, don't be so sensitive," he scoffed. "Honestly, I've been keeping to myself. Ever since my brother in law's death, the entire clan has been quiet."

"Your brother?"

"Elliot," Wes said. "He was Euna's brother. Never really liked me marrying his sister and has been challenging me for the last twenty years or so. Never won, of course."

"Did you kill him?" Kade asked.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "Surprisingly, his death was unrelated. Brutal, really. He jumped in front of a train. I suppose he was tired of being a beta."

Kade couldn't help but grimace and cringe at the idea of a train running this poor fool over.

"What about the rest of Euna's family?" Bobby asked. "Did any of them reach out?"

"Nah, they don't want to be involved," Wes shrugged. "She has a sister somewhere out west, but she's independent. No pack. I've never met them and Euna says it's unlikely they care."

"Maybe it was a friend," Bobby suggested, leaning back.

"George, Joseph," Kade said, looking at the twins. "If you see any feral wolves, try to calm them down and see if you can get them to shift back. Maybe we can get them to tell us who created them. If you hear a whistle... just get out of there."

Wes didn't stay too much longer, but it was a relief for everyone when he did. Kade had never spent this much time around him, but he was definitely the sort of man who was unfiltered and didn't care what others thought of it. Regardless, it didn't feel like they had gotten anywhere. Their best bet was to find another feral wolf.

When he got home, he noticed Celine rummaging through her closet. Emelie was jumping up and down on their bed, while Illaria jumped around with her.

"You're home early," Celine remarked. "I thought you'd meet with Wes a little longer."

"It was long enough," he grumbled. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking at what dresses I have," she said. "We have our anniversary coming up, you know? And then Joseph's wedding next month."

"Wedding?" Kade frowned. "Didn't he get married like a year ago?"

"George got married a year ago," Celine corrected. "Now it's Joseph. His fiance is human, and she's very sweet. She's a stage actress at the local theater."

"How do you know all this?"

"He told me," Celine shrugged.

"They don't tell me," Kade frowned. "Am I unapproachable or something?"

"Of course not," Celine told him. "Sometimes it's just nice to talk about women with another woman."

"Am I a woman?" Emelie asked, jumping on the bed.

"You will be someday," Kade told her. "I dread that day."

"I want to wear blue," Emelie announced. "And I want butterflies on my dress. And butterflies in my hair."

"Well, that sounds like something you need to custom order," Kade said. "Why don't you go do a little shopping tomorrow?"

"Something new?" Celine asked.

"Sure," Kade said. "It's our anniversary. You deserve it. And it sounds like Emelie has some pretty high expectations for this wedding. I don't think that dress in her head is anywhere in her closet."

"You spoil us."

"Good, it's my job."