Pirates Again


"And don't even consider pocketing any of the change. We'll know."

Rhys did his best not to roll his eyes as Harry handed him the supply list and instructed him to find and buy everything. Katerina was hovering behind him like she was trying to hide behind Rhys, though he could feel her glaring daggers at Harry. The first mate couldn't have cared less, just looking at her like she was a bug.

"You're needed in the kitchen again," he said.

"No," she said with a grumble.

"Excuse me?"

"What she means," Rhys said quickly, "Is that it would be better if she came with me. For negotiating reasons. Having a sweet face can fetch a lower price if you can catch the seller in a soft mood."

"Hm, fine," Harry shrugged. "Just don't veer off the list. We set sail again tomorrow afternoon. If you're not on board, Captain Notley will make you-"

"Sorry," Katerina finished. "We know. You don't need to remind us every minute of every day."

For a moment, it looked like Harry wanted to strike her. She ducked behind Rhys again as he raised his hand, but when he went to hit her Rhys caught his hand and gave it a firm handshake with a pleasant smile.

"Thank you for this great opportunity, Mr. Taylor," he said. "We won't let you down."

Rhys and his deflection of the aggression caught Harry so off guard that the two of them could get off the ship without another problem. Almost as soon as their feet hit dry land, they both let out a deep breath. They weren't off the hook forever, but it was nice to get away from the crew for a little bit.

"Thanks for blocking Harry," Katerina told him. "Sorry. I guess my big mouth can get you in trouble."

"Nah, it's alright," he said, looking at the list. "Funny enough, he's the one I fear the least. I'm just glad I could get you out of that kitchen."

The memory of the kitchen made her grimace, and he laughed. Rhys never thought he'd be happy to run errands, but it was actually a nice change of pace. The people he spoke to were actually nice to him for a change, and he was actually able to negotiate some good deals for everything. By the end of the trip, they not only had half a day to themselves but quite a bit of money.

He looked over at Katerina who was looking at some feathered hats. She had been dressed like a sailor since he met her, but he supposed she wasn't always like that. She probably liked to wear frills and bows as much as the next girl, and Rhys' massive wool jacket didn't exactly do much in terms of flattery.

He looked back at the shopkeep again, then at a rack of women's clothing behind him. He then pointed to a short, light brown overcloak with a rose-shaped clasp. It was nothing too fancy, but it would fit her and was simple enough that it wouldn't attract attention from Harry or Notley. He paid for the goods, then met Katerina outside the shop. She seemed stunned when he handed her the packed bundle.

"It's not going to get much warmer at sea," he told her. "I thought you'd like to have something that actually fits you. Don't worry about Harry or Notley. As far as they need to know, you had it with you the whole time."

"You bought this for me?" she asked.

"Technically, Notley did," he chuckled. "To be fair, he expected the pricing to be much higher on what he put on his list. He won't notice the money is missing. Does it fit?"

She put it over her shoulders, beaming when it fit perfectly. The length hit her right at the waist and wool was warm enough for the cold evenings without being too bulky on her. She styled it further by tying her belt underneath the sleeve openings, cinching it at the waist so it fluffed out in a little peplum. She then used the pink ribbon the shopkeep had used to package the cloak to tie her curls back in a bow.

"How do I look?" she asked with a bright grin.

Rhys suddenly felt himself turn red and looked down at his feet.

"You look nice," he said quickly. "It fits. Come on, let's go get something to eat."

She had a bit of a bounce in her step now as she followed him to a pub, just in time for supper. Katerina stayed close to Rhys, but looked around with wide and curious eyes. It was lively and packed shoulder to shoulder with people, with a band playing in the corner. Katerina seemed fascinated by it all.

"Haven't you been to a pub before?" he asked as they slid into a seat.

"No," she admitted sheepishly. "Usually stay with the cafes and bistros."

"I suppose those are nicer," he said. "This place is a little dusty and crowded. We can go somewhere else, but I don't know if we're dressed for it."

"No, this is very nice," she said.

They had some bowls of hearty stew and bread, which was a welcome change from the slop they were fed on the ship. Katerina complimented the food so much that the cook gave her some extra bread and savory pastries for the road, which she was grateful to have for the times the food was truly inedible.

The band was starting to pick up, and her eyes glittered as she clapped along to the music. Someone stopped by their table and asked for her hand, but she politely declined.

"Don't you want to dance?" he asked. "You seem so excited."

"Oh," she said, blushing. "I don't know. They're all strangers, I don't want to intrude."

"You're not intruding," he reassured her, standing up and holding his hand out to her.

She was hesitant, but took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor. Rhys didn't have a chance to dance often, but he was no stranger to it. He had taken Eloise to pubs like this plenty of times and led her in a dance when she was feeling too shy or when no one else was asking her. It was fast-paced and exciting as they spun circles around the floor, swapped partners with other couples, and stepping in rhythm with everyone else.

When it started to get late, Rhys practically had to drag Katerina away from all of the new friends she had made. Eventually she decided he was right, especially since they had to be back on the ship before anyone noticed they were gone and gave them trouble. Thankfully, everyone was already asleep or found a bed in town to spend the night in. No one was around to bother them.

Rhys settled on the ground in their usual spot, but Katerina was still feeling amped up. She leaned on the ship railing and looked out at sea.

"I wish we didn't have to leave so soon," she sighed.

"It's not really up to us this time," he shrugged. "But when it's all over, you can plan your own little sea trip. One with a more reliable crew. Do all of it again."

"Yeah," she agreed. "We can do it again someday."


"Oh," she said, looking away to hide her blush. "I don't know. I guess we've been doing everything together these days, I forgot it was- Never mind, I'm just tired."

"Get some sleep, it's been a long day."

She sat down next to him, but she was still a little too hyper to sleep. Rhys quietly listened as she recounted the events of the night and told him about she compliments she received on her cloak. Eventually her words slowed and she fell asleep, with her head resting on Rhys' shoulder. He wasn't sure what to do and didn't want to wake her when he tried to move her, so he just let her stay there for now.