Pirates Again


Katerina almost thought her day off the ship had been another dream her brain conjured up, until she woke up slumped against Rhys’s side and wearing the pretty cloak he’d bought for her. Her cheeks warmed and she sat up. At some point Rhys had nodded off as well, though she doubted he was very comfortable propped up the way he was; his head leaned back since hers had been occupying his shoulder. He stirred when she scooted away ever so slightly. His eyes cracked open and he looked over at her.

“I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly, her face still pink. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. You could’ve just woken me up and asked me to move.”

“I wouldn’t do that,” Rhys said, his brows scrunched. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

Katerina cocked her head and studied him for a moment, which seemed to make him feel awkward. His ears turned a little red.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said. “You’re just…very sweet.”

His ears turned redder, but he was spared any further embarrassment when Lewis stalked across the deck and barked their list of chores at them. The ship required a few minor repairs from the severity of the storm; Katerina was able to stick close to Rhys to help with those although occasionally she was kicked back into the kitchen to help prepare the evening meals. Rhys would shoot her a sympathetic look any time she was dragged off. This was how it went for the next couple of days until the ship was properly patched up. With the repairs done and the supplies restocked, they finally sailed out of port and back into open waters.

Katerina still wasn’t happy with her current predicament, but she had fallen into a sort of routine and was able to sleep a little less fitfully at night. She tried not to fall asleep on Rhys again, in case she embarrassed him; but she didn’t keep a ten foot distance anymore either. She had scooted her things closer, keeping enough distance between them to avoid being inappropriate, but not much more. She had decided that she trusted Rhys, and she certainly didn’t trust anyone else onboard. Snuggling up with her own bag as a pillow and Rhys not too far away was the closest thing to at ease she had felt since she’d snuck aboard The Mystic.

On their second day back at sea, Katerina was stuck in the kitchen with the surly cook, though thankfully this time she was able to volunteer for scrubbing some dishes and mopping the floor, relieved to avoid peeling potatoes with the rusty knife again. She was lost in thought scrubbing a pot when a man came in to talk to the cook; she didn’t even pay any attention to their conversation until the man addressed her.

“Shame they keep the only pretty face on this barge hidden away in here so much,” he said, smirking. Katerina dried her pot and set it aside.

“Yes, well, captain’s orders and all that,” she said peevishly.

“Your chores look about done to me,” the man remarked, nodding to the pile of clean dishes. “Maybe you’d like to come help me with mine.”

“I think I’d rather kiss a warthog,” Katerina retorted.

“Well now, that’s just hurtful. If it’s a kiss you’re looking for I’d be happy to oblige though.”

Indignant, Katerina slapped down the towel she’d been using to dry dishes, marching past him to stride out of the galley. She let out a startled yelp when arms suddenly grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off of her feet.

“Put me down!” she demanded. People stopped what they were doing to look over and see what the commotion was. A few simply resumed their work but others continued to watch the spectacle.

“The lass here wants a kiss,” the man holding her said cheerfully. “Who wants to volunteer?”

“Let go of me, you big ugly baboon!” Katerina flailed wildly, trying to dislodge herself from his grip.

“Careful now lads, if you do kiss her you might cut yourself on that barbed tongue of hers.”

“I’ll do a lot worse than cut you if you don’t unhand me this instant!” Katerina snarled. That earned a few laughs. She was trying to pry the man’s arms off of her waist when she saw Rhys come up from below decks. He looked startled by the scene before him and then frowned slightly, starting to make his way over. But the captain beat him to it.

“What the hell is going on out here?” he asked, strolling through the throng who’d gathered around. The man finally released her, and Katerina rammed an elbow into his gut, making him grunt. He made a move as if to grab her again but Notley held up a hand to stop him.

“Katerina,” Notley said. “What is the meaning of all this?”

“Why are you asking me?” Katerina scowled. “You’re the captain, aren’t you? Even if you are a ship stealing pirate can’t you control this pack of slobbering hyenas you call a crew?”

Notley took a step forward and grabbed her chin; almost hard enough to hurt. “Yes, I am the captain. You’d do well to remember it. But on the subject of who people are, I have been rather curious about our little stowaway. You seem to want us to believe that you’re just some destitute little urchin, but I don’t think I buy it.”

Katerina said nothing, though she felt herself tense. Notley noticed it, and the smirk he gave her made her stomach knot nervously.

“Who are you, Katerina?” he asked slowly. She opened her mouth to insist that she was no one, but he tilted her face up slightly since he was still gripping her jaw. “I would strongly advise you not to lie,” he said. Katerina bit her lip. She had a feeling he already had suspicions about her; he probably had since Harry had first brought her to him. And she also had a feeling that his threat wasn’t just for her.

“Dashwood,” she said finally. “My name is Katerina Dashwood.”

Notley smiled, finally releasing her chin. “Good girl. You see, Mr. Taylor, this is why one shouldn’t be too hasty to throw people overboard. The precious princess of the Dashwood Shipping empire has far more potential to be valuable to us alive than at the bottom of the sea. Rhys, I assume I can trust you to continue keeping our Katerina in one piece. We wouldn’t want her to depreciate in value.” Notley abruptly shoved her none too gently and Katerina stumbled into Rhys, who had joined the crowd of spectators and was watching her exchange with Notley with a concerned frown. He caught her shoulders as she staggered, keeping her from losing her balance and she stayed next to him. Notley addressed the rest of the crew.

“Get back to work,” he snapped. “And no more distractions.”

He stalked back to his quarters and Katerina rubbed her face where he’d grabbed her. Harry gave her one of his signature glowers before walking away with the rest of the dispersing crew.

“Are you all right?” Rhys asked quietly.

“I’m fine,” Katerina sighed. “But I am really beginning to detest pirates.”