Space Criminal and Chillboi


Nova woke up slowly from her nap, then took a few moments to absorb the surreality of the situation. Fleeing through space to start her life over was odd enough but she’d come to terms with that a long time ago, when she decided being a notorious criminal wasn’t as glamorous as it sounded. Being cuddled up next to Jay Whitley after jumping off a cliff and sporting a new tattoo were another story though. That was pretty weird even by Nova standards. He was still asleep next to her and Nova sat up carefully, stifling a yawn. She studied him for a minute, thinking about everything he’d told her about his parents and the poodle from hell they were trying to make him marry. She brightened as she had an idea.

Nova climbed quietly out of bed, leaving a note for Jay saying she’d be back soon in case he woke up while she was out. She smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress from the nap, yanked a brush through her hair, and ventured out into the ship. She had to hunt around for a while to find exactly what she wanted, but eventually she was satisfied with her find and almost pranced back to Jay’s room. She peered down the hallway to make sure the cousins weren’t lurking around before making her way to the door and knocking, since she’d forgotten to grab a key card on her way out. It took Jay a minute to answer and she figured he probably assumed she was Michael or Taylor. He looked relieved to see her instead.

“Sorry, I didn’t think to take a key with me,” she said. She noticed his still nap-rumpled appearance and smiled a little.


“You have bedhead,” she explained. “It’s cute.”

“So, where did you go, acting all mysterious?”

“I got you something.”

His eyebrows lifted. “What for?”

“Just felt like it.” She shrugged, handing him the box.

“Miss Wiley, I hope you’re not trying to bribe me because I will remind you that I’m broke.”

“Just shut up and open it,” she laughed, poking him. “Or I’ll take it back.”

He raised a questioning eyebrow at her when he opened the box. “A shirt and jacket?”

“Nuh uh, a blue shirt and jacket. Since James Whitley was banned from wearing blue I figured what better way to enter life as Jay Whatever-The-Hell than by wearing your forbidden color?” Nova smiled, pleased with herself. Jay laughed.

“We’ll workshop the name but I love the clothes. Thanks, Nova. Adelia would love to know her money was going toward dressing me in blue.” He set the box down on the coffee table.

“Oh, I…actually bought those myself,” Nova said, feeling uncharacteristically flustered. You had to learn to crush shyness pretty fast when you were a liar for a living. “Not that I’m opposed to spending your unwanted fiancée’s money, I just…I don’t know. I wanted to get it for you myself.”

“You didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate the gift,” Jay said quietly.

“I’m glad you like it.” She made her way over to sit on the couch but paused in front of Jay, thinking about what had prompted her to go searching for the gift in the first place.

“As dramatic as faking your own death is,” she said, “I’m also glad that you’re not just going through with this arranged marriage.”


“If this Adelia had any sense at all, she’d know that blue is a good color for you. Who cares if it clashes with her hair or whatever. And she’d try to change other things about you, but despite what she thinks or what your family thinks, you don’t need to change anything. So…if she can’t appreciate what makes you, you, then she doesn’t deserve your name and it’s good that you’re not just going to let them all bully you into actually going through with this. You deserve to live your life. You know, after you end it.”

Her hair was still messy from their impromptu swim that afternoon, and Jay reached over to gently brush some out of her face and tuck it behind her ear, chuckling slightly. Then he grew a little more serious.. “Thank you,” he said softly. Nova shifted, tilting her head back slightly to see him better.

“I may also have some slightly more selfish reasons to be glad you’re not doing it,” she admitted.

“Selfish reasons?”

Nova didn’t know what to expect when she lifted up on her toes and kissed him, but she was pleasantly surprised when he kissed her back. He picked her up and she let out a startled laugh before he kissed her again.

In the morning she woke up with her head on his shoulder again, but this time they weren’t on the couch and his arm was wrapped around her waist. Nova stretched and he stirred next to her, his eyes cracking open. She rolled onto her stomach to look at him.

“Good morning, sunshine,” she said, ruffling his hair and leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

“Good morning indeed.”

“What’s on your agenda for today?”

“Right now, my agenda is this.”

Nova smirked. “Okay, I think I can get on board with that.” She flopped back onto her side and tucked herself against his side again.

“I wasn’t sure exactly how this little adventure was going to go, but this definitely didn’t factor into my predictions,” she remarked. “People trying to kill me, sure. But not this.”

Jay laughed quietly, pulling her closer. “You’re not scared of much, are you, Nova?”

“There’s not a lot of patience for fear in my family,” Nova said dryly. “A flash of panic can give you away to your enemies and a slight hesitation can mean the difference between life and a laser beam between the eyes. You have to always maintain your poker face and never break under pressure. Fear is a luxury the Wiley family can’t afford and doesn’t tolerate.”

“That sounds kind of rough.”

“It’s not all bad,” she shrugged. “My deadened fear response means I can walk out on the invisible sky deck and jump off cliffs and boldly make a move on a guy miles above my station.”

Jay snorted. “I’m not above anyone’s station. I’m a broke droid mechanic.”

“Yeah,” Nova smiled. She sat up again and kissed him. “I like Jay the droid mechanic.”

She rolled out of bed and went to wash the tangled mess that was her hair. She found that she really meant what she’d said; she liked Jay a lot. She knew not to expect anything from it. This was probably all just part of the “live it up before I fake die” thing for him and they’d likely go their own ways when this was over and she’d never see him again. But she wasn’t going to bring that up; if she did only have a few days left with him then she wanted to enjoy them. At least she’d have some nice memories and a tattoo to take with her.

Once she’d washed her hair and brushed it back under control, she got dressed and padded out to the parlor, flopping on the couch next to Jay. He turned to her.

“You like doing scary things, right?” he asked. She raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. Why?”

“So, there’s an activity onboard this ship that’s a bit less advertised and technically you’re supposed to make arrangements for it in advance, but I made a call while you were taking an incredibly long shower-“

“The shower in your bathroom is incredible, I had to use it to its full potential.”

“-and managed to make it happen,” Jay finished, amused. “If you’re interested.”

“What is it?”

For a moment he just grinned at her like the cat that ate the canary and she swatted his arm.

“Jay! Tell me!”

He laughed and fended her off. “How would you like to do a space walk?”

Nova froze, her eyes going wide. “Are you serious?”

“Dead serious.”

“That doesn’t mean much coming from Mr. Death Faker.”

“I am real dead serious,” he promised.

“I can really go for a space walk?”

“Yes, I have arranged for you, Nova Wiley, to go for a space walk.”

Nova broke into a grin and hugged him so hard he had to pry her off. She immediately hopped up.

“Then what are we sitting around here for?” she asked, practically vibrating with excitement. “Let’s go!”