Space Criminal and Chillboi


Jay would have been content just hiding out in his room with Nova until they were ready to make their escape from the world, but she was right. He needed to show a little more face, especially if he wanted to keep everyone convinced that he was just a good boy headed to his wedding when he met an untimely death. He couldn't be acting suspicious.

He was sitting at the desk and going over the itinerary again, nibbling on some salted crackers. Nova came out of the shower with her hair wrapped up in a towel and walked over to him, then took her hair out of the tower and flipped it back. Jay flinched when he was hit with water droplets.

"Oh come on, real mature," he said, brushing water off his shirt.

"Why are you eating crackers?" she asked.

"I still kind of have an uneasy stomach from that space walk," he admitted. "If we're going to be going to that party, then we're going to be having a pretty rich dinner. I mean that both in the food quality and the cost it took to make it. I just want to make sure I don't turn green again in front of everyone."

"Maybe thats how you die," she said. "Food poisoning."

"I considered it," he said. "There's too many doctors on board."

She sat on the arm of his chair and pulled a brush through her hair.

"Did you say 'we'?" she asked. "I didn't know I was going, too."

"You don't want to?" he said. "I'd like you there, obviously. Everyone is going to think you're my mentee, so we'd have to be lying. I understand if you don't want to do that. But... it could also be fun."

"It could be," she said thoughtfully. "I can make up a crazy story about who I am and where I came from. No one will have a chance to fact check it before we die."

"Crazier than the true story of who you are?" he chuckled.

"I have a pretty great imagination," she grinned, kissing the side of his head. "Fine. I accept your invitation to be your secret date and have a big, fancy dinner."

They stayed out of sight for the next day, until they landed on Soria 4. It was their last stop before Sion, which was going to really be their last stop. Nova had gotten dressed to go exploring, but seemed surprised when Jay handed her a universal currency card. She looked at it, then looked back at him.

"Is this a diamond card?" she asked. "These have no limits. I've never actually seen one."

"Courtesy of the Harrods," he said. "This dinner party is going to be a pretty fancy event. I thought you'd like to go find yourself a nice outfit, and Soria 4 is known for their fashion district."

"Really?" she said, eyes lighting up. "I can get whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want," he assured her. "Play the pretty heiress for a day. Though you don't have to do much pretending for the 'pretty' part."

She blushed with a grin and stood on her toes to kiss him.

"Aren't you coming with me?" she asked.

"Not today," he told her. "To be honest, I think I have to mingle with the upper crust a little if we don't want Taylor or Michael causing a fuss. Then I can also plant the seed that you came here with me, so no one questions it."

"I'll miss you," she sighed.

"I'll miss you too," he said, kissing her forehead. "Have fun. I'll see you tonight."

She put the card in her purse and scurried off, and Jay waited until she was gone to sigh and lean against the wall. The closer they got to the end of the trip, the more anxious he was getting. When it was only his livelihood on the line, it was easier. Whether he succeeded or failed, he would face the consequences. Now he had Nova to think about, too. If he failed her, he had no idea where she would end up.

Eventually he got ready met met Michael at one of the ship's bars. Michael seemed surprised to see him, but Jay felt like he was probably easier to talk to than his brother. Taylor was a little tightly wound. Michael snapped his fingers to get the bartender's attention, and Jay gave him an annoyed look.

"You know, you could use your words," Jay told him. "You don't have to snap at them like they're droids. They're people, like you."

"No, they're people like you," Michael said.

Jay didn't say anything. He wasn't going to give Michael the satisfaction of jabbing at Jay's financial situation like that.

"I heard you got yourself a little sidepiece," Michael said, swirling the drink in his glass.

"Side piece?"

"I don't judge," he shrugged. "I mean, I would find one too if I were the one getting married. Hell, I'd find one even after I was married."

"I guess that's why you're not married," Jay said.

Michael raised his hands in surrender and downed the rest of his drink. Taylor joined them shortly after, glaring at Jay.

"Where the hell have you been?" he demanded. "Apparently you've been around the ship and chatting people up, but you don't bother to tell me?"

"I'm a grown man," Jay said. "I don't need to tell you what I'm up to. And if you talk to those people, you'll know that I've been a good little boy. Like you want."

"He's got the side piece to keep him calm," Michael snorted.

"She's not a sidepiece," Jay snapped, startling him. "Like I told Taylor, she's a mentee under the Whitley Corporation. Taylor acts like he's surprised, but if either of you gave a shit you would have known she was coming."

Michael didn't care, but Taylor's lips were pursed into a tight line of frustration.

"Don't mess this up for me," he warned. "Whatever you do, just don't mess it up."

Jay rolled his eyes, but it seemed Taylor was eased on the subject for now. As promised, Jay mingled and chatted with what felt like a hundred different people, all of which were impressed by him and his dedication to his apprentice. He made mental notes of what he had told them, so Nova would be ready with a similar story later. He was sure they'd have just as many questions for her as they did for him.

When he finally got away, he decided to get off the ship and get some air on Soria 4. The planet was entirely a city with colorful neon lights, but it was still refreshing. Jay noticed some people pointing and whispering as he walked down the street. In a place like this with so many high-end shoppers, it was no surprise he'd be recognized.

It was when someone started walking beside him that he was a little bothered. He looked over and saw it was a stranger, but Jay's gut told him it was another bounty hunter.

"Are you going to make a scene?" Jay asked him casually, like they were just two people walking and chatting.

"Not if you don't," the hunter said. "You know who I'm looking for."

"Well, she's not here," Jay said. "Maybe the bright lights make it hard for you to see."

"She's not here," the hunter told him. "We know where she is. Don't worry, we stayed hidden. She doesn't know."

"So if you know where she is, then why are you spying on her instead of attacking?" Jay asked.

"It's too crowded here," he said. "It's too easy for her to escape."

"So what are you coming to me for?"

"A business proposition," he said simply. "She trusts you. When you land on Sion, bring her to us. We'll give you a portion of the money."

"And what makes you think I won't just tell her when she gets back on the ship?" Jay asked.

"You won't get paid."

"I don't need to get paid. I'm the one who writes the paychecks."

"Maybe so," the hunter shrugged. "I just expect that you don't want a little street mouse like her sullying your reputation. Give her to us, and we'll get her out of your life without making much of a scene."

Jay stopped walking, turning to face the man. Every cell in his body wanted to tell the guy to fuck off and make him swallow his teeth, but instead Jay put on his best business smile.

"Sion, huh?" he asked.

"There's a warehouse there," the hunter said. "I slipped the address into your pocket. Bring her to us, and it will be worth your while."

Jay gave the man a nod, then turned and headed on his way. Like hell he was going to keep anything a secret from Nova or sell her out to hunters for a couple dollars. He was relieved to see that when he returned to his room, Nova was there. Her excited expression suggested that like the hunter said, she didn't realize she had been spied on. She was surrounded by a number of shopping bags.

"I went a little overboard," she said. "There were just so many cool things. How was your day?"

"Strange," he said. "I'll tell you about it, but I think I figured out how we're going to die."


He took the slip of paper with the warehouse address out of his pocket with a sly grin.

"We're going to be kidnapped by some street thugs, only for the building to tragically explode."