Decoy Danger


It was both a relief and nerve wracking when the capital came into view. Mylo was eager for this little expedition to be over, but the capital made him uneasy. There was much more unrest here since it was a much larger city than Oakhurst, and there was the chance that other rebels they might cross paths with would recognize him. Like he had said, they weren’t all friendly.

“Remember, no one goes anywhere alone,” Mylo said as they made their way to the gates. “At least two of you together, at all times. Understand?”

“We’re partnering up with rebel buddies?” Bret asked.

“Yes. And you don’t let each other out of your sight.”

He noticed Trina move a little closer to Bret and supposed for them at least, keeping each other in sight at all times should be easy enough. Of course, they’d probably keep their sights only on each other.

“Lola, maybe you should stick with Bret and Trina,” he said, earning a slightly sour look from Bret that he ignored. Luis and Bran he trusted to blend in and avoid notice.

“We’re going to be staying at the White Swan,” Mylo went on. “It’s not as fancy as it sounds. But we’re going to split up and arrive there at different times, to avoid drawing too much attention when we arrive.”

He paused for a moment to be sure everyone was listening to taking this seriously. Satisfied that they were paying attention, he gave them directions to the inn and made them all repeat them back.

“All right, we’ll enter the city in our respective groups then. Larger groups of people traveling around together tends to make enforcers squirrelly, and we don’t need anyone suspecting we’re a pack of rebels. So we’ll go through the gates a little ways apart. And please, try to act normal when you go in there.”

Lola, Bret, and Trina went first; Mylo felt a knot of worry in his stomach as they disappeared into the capital. They waited a while before Luis and Bran stepped back onto the road and made their way down to the gate. Mylo was left with Shila, drumming his fingers restlessly against his thigh as they waited to go. Shila gently reached over and took his hand so he’d stop.

“They’ll be okay,” she said. “You always make sure they know what to do to stay safe.”

“It’s just a matter of them listening,” Mylo said, smiling dryly.

“They listen to you. They respect you. I told you, you’re a good leader.”

She was still holding his hand, and he pulled her a little closer.

This is a bad idea, the logical little voice in his head reminded him for the millionth time. Mylo paused for a moment, and then he told the little voice to shut up. Shila was looking up at him and he cupped her face gently in his hands and kissed her. He’d done so a few times since their conversation in the meadow, and he kept waiting for her to push him away or tell him to stop, but she seemed pretty content with it. Much to his surprise. He drew back, then kissed her nose, which made her smile.

“When we get to Goldshore, you should show off your freckles to Lady Emory,” he said. Shila blushed a little but she laughed, which made him smile. They drew apart and then set off for the gates, thankfully walking through without any trouble. The guards didn’t even throw him a second look. Mylo kept close to Shila’s side as they walked through the busy streets. Queenie barely peeked out of her bag, just her eyes peering out and her ears twitching. Even she seemed to know that this wasn’t a friendly place.

Mylo breathed a small sigh of relief as they reached the White Swan and he asked for a room. He didn’t think much about it as they went upstairs to drop off their bags and check on the others, but his face flushed when he realized the innkeeper had probably assumed they were a couple and thus gave them a room with one bed. He nearly dropped his travel pack on his foot.

“You don’t have to stay in here,” he said quickly. “You can stay with Lola and Trina. Or I can go stay with Luis and Bran.”

“Well, you said no one was supposed to be alone,” Shila said. “If I go with Trina, you’d be alone and if you go to the twins’ room then I’ll be alone. And you paid for this room so someone has to use it.”

“Yeah, but-“

“There’s room for both of us.”

“I’ll take the floor then.”

“You need your rest as much as the rest of us and sleeping on this hard floor isn’t going to be restful.”



She stared him down while he stood there in the doorway with flaming ears and a strained look on his face.

“This seems like a bad idea,” he said finally. “I’ll stay, but if you change your mind during the night, just push me off the bed. I don’t mind.”

She rolled her eyes, letting Queenie hop out of her bag. The cat nosed around the room before curling up on the bed and watching them.

“We should check on the others and then have something to eat before we go to bed,” Mylo said, trying not to grimace when he said those words. Given the situation, they seemed somehow unsavory. Shila just nodded and followed him. The others had all made it without incident. They trickled down one and two at a time to the little tavern attached to the inn, sitting around at different tables; though careful to all keep each other in sight. Mylo was proud of them; they were handling this well and seemed to take all his warnings seriously even though they always rolled their eyes when he reminded them to be careful.

He was sitting across from Shila and when he turned his gaze back to her she smiled reassuringly and told him yet again that everything would be fine. He still had a lot to worry about, but it was easier to believe that things would work out when she said so. He resisted the urge to reach across the table and hold her hand, since they were in plain view of everyone else. But he tried to keep the conversation light, not wanting to spoil the evening by seeming grumpy again. They both reached for the last bread roll and had a mock sword fight with their stew spoons. Shila laughed as he won but then split the roll in half.

“You have a pretty laugh,” he told her. Her cheeks turned pink but she seemed pleased.

“Lady Emory said I laughed too loud.”

“Lady Emory looks like a sausage stuffed into a silk dress and her opinion is the last one you should ever worry about,” Mylo said firmly. “Your laugh and your freckles are…perfect.”

She lowered her eyes but she didn’t seem upset. They were the last ones to head back up to bed and Mylo got nervous and shy again. He waited in the hall as Shila got ready for bed, then he stood next to the bed for a few moments.

“I can still take the floor,” he said.

“No, Mylo.”

He sighed, laying down gingerly and planting himself as far to the edge of the bed as he could without falling off. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.

“Remember what I said. If you change your mind-“

“Mylo,” she said sternly. He almost thought he’d never be able to fall asleep but he felt his eyelids get heavy pretty quickly. It had been a long trip and all the stress seemed to be catching up with him. He startled back to consciousness when he felt a bunch of shifting in the bed. He opened his eyes to find that Shila had moved closer, snuggling against his side. Queenie was on his chest again, her head tucked against Shila’s; and Mylo’s arm had snaked around Shila of its own accord. He felt a little panicked and wanted to move, but they were both asleep and if he scooted away he’d disturb them. And probably fall off the bed in the process. And even though he thought he should get up and take the floor after all, he didn’t really want to.

He made himself relax and eventually fell back to sleep, hoping Shila wouldn’t be mad at him when she woke up. They were both head butted awake by Queenie in the morning, and she meowed for her breakfast. Shila blinked herself awake and looked at Mylo for a moment with a sleepy expression. His arm was still around her and her head was resting on his shoulder. She finally seemed to realize all this but even though she blushed, she didn’t slap him or jerk away.

“Good morning,” she said shyly.

“Good morning.”

Queenie meowed again and Shila laughed, rolling her eyes and getting up to feed her. Mylo got up and tried to fix his hair and straighten his shirt.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Shila asked.

“I thought we’d just use today for everyone to get anything they need,” Mylo replied. “We can all go as a group to start with.” He had one order of business to take care of on his own, and he felt bad for keeping it a secret but he had to do it. So as they trooped into the bust market square, he pretended he’d damaged his sword sheath and said he needed to slip over to the leatherworker to get a repair or replacement.

“But you said we can’t go anywhere alone,” Bret accused.

“It’s just right over there,” Mylo said. “You’re all going to be here in the shops anyway, so just wait in this area for me to get back.”

He flashed them all a reassuring smile before slipping away. He wasn’t quite as good as going unnoticed as he’d been as a scrawny fourteen year old, but he managed to duck around the leatherworks shop and sneak around back. He would have to hurry.

Mylo strode through the streets until he found the seedy looking little pub he’d been looking for. He’d been here twice before, on rebel business. He went inside and walked to the bar without looking at anyone sitting inside.

“I need to see Karl,” he said in a low voice to the bartender. “Assuming he’s still alive.”

The bartender grunted. “Aye, he’s alive all right. Who should I tell him is asking?”

“Tell him-“

“Well, well. If it isn’t Mylo Holbrook,” said a voice from the corner. Karl Gorban emerged from the trap door hidden there, raising an eyebrow.

“Karl,” Mylo said warily.

“It’s been a while, kid. I was starting to think you’d bought yourself a nice rope necklace.”

“No, not yet. I wanted to know if you had any information on William. I know he was taken to Hellsgate but I haven’t heard-“

“He’s alive,” Karl said and Mylo felt a jolt of surprise followed by relief.

“You’re positive?” Mylo asked.

“Had confirmation just two weeks ago that the old bastard is still alive and kicking. One of the rebels who was executed that day managed to slip someone else a list of names of known rebels still alive inside. Hyde’s name was on it.”

“He’s really alive,” Mylo said quietly, growing thoughtful.

“I don’t know if I like that look on your face, boy,” Karl warned. “Breaking into Hellsgate is a suicide mission.”

“I’m not asking for you to get involved,” Mylo said. “This is my mission to handle.”

Karl shook his head. “It’s crazy,” he insisted. “You’ll never get William out of that place. It’s a maze inside.”

“Again, I’m not asking for your help. And I’m not asking permission either.”

Karl looked at him for a moment before chuckling slightly. “Still as bullheaded as always aren’t you, Mylo?”

“I owe him, and my suicide missions are mine to choose.”

Karl finally shrugged. “I want to talk you out of it, but I know it’ll be wasted breath. But try not to get yourself killed, Holbrook. You actually got brains and guts in equal portions and that’s a rare thing.”

Mylo gave him a nod of thanks and headed out. He needed to get back to the market square before the others realized he’d gone missing. His mind was going a mile a minute. William was alive. That meant he could be rescued, and then Shila would have her father back. Mylo’s steps faltered a little. This also meant he’d have to tell her the truth; that he did in fact know William and that he hadn’t been at the rally where he was arrested. He had been sent to deliver a message, and he hadn’t been back in time to help when the city guard arrived. William probably had nothing but disdain for him; he definitely would after finding out Mylo had dragged Shila into the rebellion after all. Shila would probably hate him too, when she learned the truth. Mylo felt nauseous as his heart sank into his stomach, but it didn’t matter. Freeing William was what mattered. He didn’t want to add to Shila’s fear or nerves about facing the Emory’s, but once they’d been dealt with, he’d tell her everything. Then he’d fix it, and then…he didn’t really know. He’d find some other place to try and make himself useful, he supposed, and stop causing the Hydes so much grief.

Mylo slipped back into the market square, ducking past the leatherworker again and going to look for the others. They found him not even five minutes later.

“There you are!” Lola exclaimed. “That took a while. Did you get it fixed?”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I did. Everything is fine.”

He was even quieter than usual for the rest of the day, that knot of pain in his neck returning. He forced himself to smile when Shila asked him what was wrong.

“Just a lot on my mind,” he said. “We’re so close to Goldshore now. Are you feeling nervous?”

“A little,” Shila admitted reluctantly. “But I feel better knowing you’ll be there too.”

Mylo felt like dirt as he pulled her into a hug. “We should get some rest,” he said quietly. This time she scooted over and laid her head on his shoulder before she fell asleep.

“You don’t mind, do you?” she asked softly. Mylo shook his head, managing a small smile and kissing her forehead.

“No,” he said. “Especially if it makes you feel better.” He let out a quiet oof as Queenie leaped onto his chest and Shila laughed. Mylo gently stroked her hair until she fell asleep, but he stayed awake, agonizing for most of the night. He managed to get maybe three hours of sleep. A few hours trek the next day, and then they came around a bend in the road and got their first glimpse of the sea and white sand beach.

“Well, here we are,” Mylo muttered. “We’re about to walk into Goldshore.”

Shila looked apprehensive but she squared her shoulders and Mylo smiled. They trailed a bit behind the others as they walked into town, and she reached out to brush her fingers against his. He gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze. He was probably the last person she should trust, but he would keep her safe if it killed him.