Decoy Danger


Mylo felt bad just leaving everyone else without an explanation, but even if they had proven themselves with the Emory’s, he was not about to let them get involved in his suicide mission, as Karl had called it. But he hadn’t gone very far when he realized someone was following him, trying to hide in the bushes but they were doing a very bad job of being stealthy. Which meant it was most likely one of his team. Mylo sighed.

“You can just come out,” he called. “I know you’re there.”

He’d been hoping maybe it was Bret who’d come sneaking after him, but of course it was Shila who slunk sheepishly out of the bushes. There were leaves in her hair and some scratches on her face and arms.

“Shila, what are you doing? I told everyone to go back to Oakhurst.”

“Well, I decided to follow you instead,” she said, brushing leaves away. She pursed her lips slightly. “You can’t just be all cryptic and mysterious and then head off all alone, I’m assuming into danger.”

“Yes,” Mylo admitted. “It is dangerous. Which is why you shouldn’t be here.”

“The carriage is gone, so I either come with you or I walk back to Oakhurst all by myself.”

Mylo grimaced, then ran a hand over his face. “Okay,” he said, resigned. “You can come with me. Until we get where we’re going and then I need you to hide and stay out of sight.”

“We’ll see.”


“You don’t want any of us to get hurt, well we don’t want you to get hurt either,” Shila said, getting a stubborn look on her face. “So whatever you’re doing, I’m not letting you do it alone if I think it might get you killed.”

“Well, I’m not letting you put yourself in danger for something that’s my responsibility.”

“Well it’s not your choice to make.”

They stood there staring at each other in frustration for a moment, then Mylo sighed.

“Let’s just go,” he said. Hellsgate wasn’t far from the capital; it was built on a stretch of barren land with jagged mountain peaks in the distance. Mylo knew there was a sort of barracks where guards had to sleep during the week that they were on duty. If he could break in there, he could pilfer a uniform. That would make it much easier to get inside the prison itself.

“You’re going to break into Hellsgate?” Shila whispered, staring at the building with wide eyes. “Mylo…that’s insane. You can’t go in there.”

“I have to,” Mylo said. He turned to her, reaching out to gently brush some hair behind her ear before dropping his hand and looking at the ground. He had to tell her the truth, no matter how sick it made him feel.

“Shila…I lied to you before. I do know your father.” He saw her stiffen.

“You…what?” she squeaked.

“I joined the rebellion not long after it started. I was sixteen, and I went to William and some of the other leaders directly. I said I wanted to join and at first they told me to get lost but I insisted. When they found out I was good with a sword they agreed to give me a chance. I was at most of those meetings that you tried to spy on, you know. William talked about you a lot. He loves you, and keeping you safe was his top priority. I was supposed to be at the rally where he was arrested. He sent me on an errand first, and I took too long so I wasn’t there to help when the guards came. I…I let him down. And I got word that he’s in Hellsgate, and when we were in the capital I found out that he’s alive.”

Shila gasped. “He’s alive? And you…you’re trying to find him.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he said quietly. “When you first told me who you were, I didn’t say anything because I knew you’d want to join us and William never wanted you to get mixed up with rebels. I didn’t want to fail him again by involving you. And then I didn’t want to have to tell you that he was in Hellsgate and I didn’t know if he was alive or not. I thought the uncertainty would just torture you. I was going to send you all home and then get him back. And I am going to get him back,” he added forcefully. “I messed up three years ago, and it was probably wrong of me not to tell you all this sooner. I can’t tell you how sorry I am for everything. But I’m going to get him out of there, Shila, I promise.”


“Listen, I have to go down to the barracks to steal a uniform. If I’m posing as a guard it’ll be easier to get in and find out where they’re keeping him. You should really stay here-“


“Then at least wait here until I get a uniform,” he pleaded. “I’ll…I’ll find clothes for you too. And I’ll come back. We can pretend you’re a new prisoner. Please, Shila, you don’t owe me anything but I can’t let anything happen to you. Promise me you’ll stay here until I get back.”

“But you will come back for me?”

“If I don’t, you’ll just come after me alone and then I won’t be there if you get into trouble. I can’t make that mistake again.”

“Mylo, you-“

“I’ll be back,” he promised. He didn’t know what expression she wore because he was too ashamed to look at her. “Please stay here for now, stay out of sight. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Be careful,” she said softly. Mylo almost reached out to give her hand a reassuring squeeze but stopped himself. She probably didn’t want him to touch her.

“We’ll get him out,” he said instead. He hurried away down the short road to the barracks. There seemed to be a shift change in progress so he stayed hidden during the bustle, observing. A few of the barracks emptied out as men went to take their night shift. Mylo crept out of the shadows and moved to the barracks quietly. He slipped through the door and went in search of disguises. He found a uniform he thought would fit him well enough, and found a shirt and pair of trousers in another trunk that would probably pass for Shila’s. They’d be a bit big on her but he’d prefer to hide that she was a girl so that wasn’t an issue. He was digging out a cap to cover her hair when the door opened and a guard stepped inside.

They both froze for a moment. Then the guard prepared to shout for reinforcements. Mylo bounded across the room, sword already drawn. The startled guard clumsily drew a sword of his own, barely blocking Mylo’s attack. Mylo yanked him into the barracks and shut the door so no one would notice them. Unfortunately that brief moment of distraction earned him a blade to the ribs. He managed to twist away before the blade could sink too deep, but the wound was still more than enough to draw a lot of blood and make pain flare through his side. The guard made another attempt to stab him but Mylo beat him to it this time, giving him a vicious stab to the chest. The guard fell to the floor and Mylo took a few moments to breathe through the pain. Then he grit his teeth and stuffed the guard under one of the beds in case anyone came back before the next shift change. He kept a hand pressed against his side, taking ragged breaths. He took his shirt and fashioned it into a makeshift bandage, wincing as he yanked it tight across the wound to stem the blood.

Mylo changed into the guard uniform as quickly as he could and gathered the clothes he’d found for Shila, making his way back as quickly as he could. His body wanted to limp from the pain in his right side but as he approached where she was hiding, he forced himself to stand up straight. He called her name quietly and she crept out of the bushes where she’d been hiding, seeming relieved.

“Here,” he said. “Put these clothes on. Let’s go get your dad back.”


Getting into the prison turned out to be relatively easy with the uniform; navigating once they got inside was another matter. Mylo needed a way to figure out where William was and if he wandered around with a “new prisoner” for too long he was bound to start attracting suspicion from someone. Not to mention his side was throbbing with pain.

“Why doesn’t her prisoner have a proper cuff?” someone barked at him. The guard stalked over and gave Mylo an annoyed look.

“They’re new,” Mylo said. “I was taking them to get one before I locked him up.”

“Well then what the hell are you doing here?” the guard growled. “Go down to the first level, go to administration and get him a cuff. Now.”

“Of course.” Mylo tugged Shila away, and she kept her head down. She’d stuffed her hair up under the cap and the clothes were indeed a bit too baggy for her, but she passed fine as a skinny teenage rebel. And the guard had told them exactly where they needed to go to find out where William was. They marched down a flight of stairs and went down a hallway, finding a large office. Mylo shut the door behind him, casually locking it as he did so. The guard behind the desk stood up.

“New prisoner?” he asked, sounding bored.

“I was told to put him on the same cell block as William Hyde,” Mylo said. The guard scrunched his eyebrows.

“That’s oddly specific,” he said slowly. “And that cell block is for the most wanted criminals.”

Mylo released Shila, pushing her behind him and throwing a knife toward the guard, trying not to flinch when his side protested. The knife grazed the guard’s cheek and he stumbled back in shock, falling over his chair. Mylo grit his teeth and launched himself at the guard, pinning him to the ground with his knee and grabbing the knife again. He held it to the guard’s throat.

“Where do they keep William?” he asked calmly.

“Western wing, near the mine. T-top floor I think.”

“There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Mylo brought the hilt down on the guard's head, knocking him out. He rummaged around for handcuffs and chained the guard to the desk. He swayed a little when he stood, catching the desk to stay upright.

“Are you okay?” Shila looked alarmed. “You seem pale.”

“I’m fine.” Mylo tried to give her a reassuring smile, hoping it didn’t look like a wince. “Come on, we have to move fast.”

“What are we going to do about the guards here?” Shila whispered as they reached the building.

“I can probably take them,” Mylo said. She threw him an exasperated look over her shoulder.

“You can’t expect to take on that many,” she hissed. “I’m pretty sure you’re already hurt.”

“I told you, I’m fine.”

“What we need is a distraction,” Shila said. “I have an idea. I saw a supply closet back there.”

“Are we going to give them mops and tell them to clean up their act?” Mylo quipped and Shila rolled her eyes.

“Just trust me,” she said. She had him keep a lookout while she ducked into the closet and did who knew what. She emerged a few minutes later, grabbing his hand.

“We should run,” she said. Running was painful but he followed her anyway, nearly having a heart attack when a loud explosion sounded behind them. The blast knocked them forward, and Mylo caught her before she could fall. They staggered into the wall, and he pulled her into a small alcove as everyone ran around in a panic from the explosion.

“Did you seriously just blow up a hallway?” Mylo asked in amazement.

“Hey, I can’t fight but I know some things too,” Shila said, a triumphant grin on her face. Mylo let out a surprised bark of laughter.

“You’re incredible,” he said. Then his heart squeezed painfully in his chest and reminded him that his time with her was limited.

“We need to take advantage of the distraction,” he said. They eased into the chaos and made their way to the top floor. Shila ran ahead, peering anxiously into the cells. She stopped short in front of one and Mylo hurried over to her. He was relieved to actually see William alive with his own eyes, even if the feeling was immediately followed by crushing guilt. William was still a large and imposing man but life in this place clearly hadn’t been kind to him. He was chained up against the far wall and was gawking at them.

“Shila?” he said slowly. “Mylo? What the hell are you two doing here?”

“Rescuing you, obviously,” Shila said. Mylo picked the cell lock and Shila ran inside to hug William, tears streaming down her face.

“I was so worried I’d never see you again,” she sniffed and Mylo couldn’t help but flinch. He didn’t look at either of them as he worked on picking the locks on William’s shackles while he assured Shila that he was fine.

“Look at you,” William said. “So beautiful and grown up. And Mylo, it’s good to see you alive.”

“You too, sir,” Mylo said quietly. He finally undid the shackles and William was able to properly hug Shila. Mylo moved away, checking the hallway.

“We’d best run while they’re still distracted,” Mylo said. He could feel his stab wound bleeding again through his poorly made bandage; at least the uniform was black so it wouldn’t be too obvious. He was getting lightheaded though so hopefully they could get out of here fast.

“I promise I’ll cook for you as soon as we get home,” Shila was saying to William. Mylo moved slightly ahead of them, sword in hand. But no one paid them much attention with the destruction Shila had caused in the hallway. They made it away from the prison and back toward the ridge where Mylo and Shila had hidden their packs. Shila immediately dug around in hers for some food to give William. Mylo moved a ways away from them, wanting to give them space. He sank hard onto the ground, his head spinning. The hike up here had sapped the last of his strength for the moment. His shirt was sticky with blood and the pain was by now making it a little hard to breathe.

But he didn’t care much about any of that as he watched Shila and William together. He was just happy they were both alive.