Love and Misadventure


Naturally, Levi was running late. It was never because he was slacking or fussing over himself, but there was always something that had to go wrong. This time in particular, his journal had gone missing. He had practically torn the tiny apartment to shreds in trying to find it, knowing it was crucial to the work he and Henry Covington were doing. And that was a man Levi was desperate not to disappoint.

It had been a miraculous break in Levi's career when Henry reached out to him for help on his study of the ancient city of Leylan. Leylan's ruins showed evidence of a highly advanced society in terms of education and environment, and while the ancient civilization no longer existed, Levi had dedicated his life to studying it. He was now considered an expert in Leylan history and religion, which is why Henry Covington went straight to him when the archeologist found a supposed map to the "Temple of Arisha"

Arisha had been one of the greatest queens of Leylan, and her dying wish was laid to rest in a place she could never be bothered again. The stories were that she was buried with all of her possessions. And those possessions were worth more than any modern king could even dream of.

If it existed, Henry and Levi weren't so interested in taking any gold or jewels. They were more interested in Queen Arisha, and the evidence within her tomb that could teach them about her reign and why the people of Leylan worshipped her like a goddess.

This expedition was just what Levi needed to prove that he hadn't wasted his youth on an irrelevant career. He was haunted by the words of his ex-fiancee, Rebecca Folsom. He still remembered the way her ginger curls flicked him in the face when she turned to toss her modest engagement ring away, and the words she spat at him in frustration when he told her he couldn't afford a diamond.

"You're only worth the same as your achievements," she had told him. "And you're going to die poor, forgotten, and alone.

Levi being a part of an expedition with Henry Covington and finding the Temple of Arisha were just what he needed to prove that he wasn't a waste. And the notes Levi had on what they knew so far was in that damn journal.

He finally found it on top of a high shelf, forgetting he had put it up there when he was sweeping so it was off the floor. When he reached for it, however, the shelf came toppling down and knocked the one below it off the wall. When Levi tried to catch the things on the shelf, it hit him in the face instead.

He winced, but he was already running late. He just grabbed the notebook and fumbled into his coat as he ran out the door. He managed to make it to the Covington house just a few minutes late, though he looked a little ragged by the time he got there. His dark hair was disheveled and his clothes a little rumpled. He quickly straightened himself out and knocked on the door.

If things weren't frustrating enough, Henry's daughter opened the door. Levi and Juliette had never gotten along. From what he could tell, she was just like all the other snooty rich girls that lived in the city. When he first met her, she had just scoffed at him and flipped her hair as she walked away. They'd been a little bitter towards each other since.

When she looked at him, she didn't say anything. She just smirked. Levi wasn't sure what the issue was until she called her father over.

"Daddy, Levi is here," she called. "He finally broke his brain."

Henry came out with a bright smile, which fell off and was replaced with confusion when he saw Levi.

"Dear boy, why on earth are you bleeding?" he asked.

Levi frowned and reached up to where he had been hit by the shelf, seeing there was a cut on the side of his forehead that was bleeding down his face. He had been in such a rush that he didn't even realize it.

"Uh, had a little accident," Levi mumbled. "Sorry, didn't think it was visible. I'm fine."

"Juliette, why don't you lend him a hand with that," Henry said. "Then you can both meet me in my office."

"He said he was fine," Juliette said.

"Don't you want to display how well-versed you are in first aid?" Henry said, using a tone that made Juliette sigh and give in.

Levi wasn't sure what the little exchange was about, but he was following Juliette to the laundry room. Once they were out of sight of her father, she pushed Levi into a chair and took out a box with first aid supplies.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, did you?" Levi asked. "Did your curls not curl the way you liked? Maybe your tea got cold too fast? Oh no, did you find out your frills were too frilly for the season?"

"Don't you know?" she asked innocently. "I thought you knew everything."

He rolled his eyes, then hissed in pain when she pressed a cloth dampened with disinfectant against the cut a little harder than necessary. When she turned around to get a bandage, he reached out and yanked the ribbon out of her hair. She scowled and practically slapped the bandage on his forehead. They were about to start a scuffle like they were schoolchildren when they heard Henry call out to them.

"You two doing alright in there?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy."

"We'll be right out, Dr. Covington."

They both took a deep breath and bumped each other a couple times as they walked out to Henry's office. He smiled and they both smiled back, like they weren't just bickering in the other room. Levi was ready to sit, but Juliette hadn't left them yet.

"I know I told you that I wanted to discuss some last minute details before we take off for the expedition tomorrow," Henry said, "But I'm sure we can tie up those loose ends on our way. Really, I just wanted to check in with you. Make sure you're ready."

"Of course," Levi said. "It's been a dream of mine to visit Leylan, and I'm ready to finally explore it in person."

"Well, I think it will be a valuable trip for all of us," Henry said.

"All of us?" Levi asked. "You mean the rest of the team?"

"Yes, them," Henry agreed. "I don't know if they care quite as much about the educational significance. Actually, I was talking about Juliette. She'll be joining us tomorrow morning."

"To the train station."

"On the entire expedition."

Levi glanced over at Juliette, who had a smug grin on her face. He had no idea why she would want to come, but he knew there was no arguing against this. It wasn't his place. Besides, Henry was glowing at his daughter and her desire to follow along on the trip.

"Oh good," Levi said, trying not to let his concerns show. "I'm so happy to hear that."

"Wonderful," Henry grinned. "I'm glad you two get along so well. Working together, we can find this temple easily."
