Characters book

Katherine Demarco

Katherine Mary (Wolf)
General Profile:
Full Name: Katherine Marie Demarco ( nee Batereskos )
Name Meaning:
♦Katherine: Originating from Greek, Katherine is a girl’s name that means “pure.” This name draws its power from a saint martyred in Alexandria known in Greek as Aikaterine. It receives its meaning from the Greek word "katharos," meaning “pure."
♦Mary: Is the name of Christianity's Holy Mother, Mary The Virgin
Nicknames: Katie, Kitten,
Date Of Birth: December The 20th, 1996
Birthplace: Athens, Greece
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Greek/American

II. Appearance
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 62 kg
Hair Color: Black and occasionally dyed red or blue
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Make-Up Usage: Mostly Basic
Body Type: Mix of hourglass and pear
Overall Appearance:
Face Claim: K S E N I A SOLO
Scars/Markings: A rope burns on the inside of her right wrist, something her ex did while trying to pleasure her in bondage.
Physical Insecurities: The worst part of her body that she feels insecure about when it is shown is her back. She hates to be hugged from behind unless it is someone she trusts, and when her lover kisses her from behind, even if it is a peck or a sweet long tease, she adores it. It is the only way she will accept being touched.
Clothing Style: Mostly Gothic, includes some leather pants but can wear nude and pastel colors. And some neon ones.

III. Medical Information:
Physical: She does suffer from arrhythmia
Mental: She has claustrophobia
History of Hospitalization: She has been hospitalized three months before the day we start the RP, due to a minor artial fibrillation episode.
Blood Type: O positive
Dominant Hand: Right Hand
Physical Activity: Kick Boxing

IV. Personal Information
Current Place of Residence: Scranton, PA
Priorities: Family, Lover, Health
Sexual Experience: She is somewhat experienced, she is into bondage and submission
Personality Type: Can be bubbly, soft, and kind, but can be quite aggressive when she or anyone she likes is offended. She will kill people with her sharp mouth but is known as the smiley girl at work, the laughing goth because despite her dark appearance she is very happy and kind towards others.
Personality Description:
Positive Traits:
♦ Honesty and taking responsibility
♦Adaptability and Compatibility
♦Compassion and Loyalty
♦ Sometimes Thoughtless
♦ Capricious
♦ Superficial
♦ Curt without being offensive

Insecurities: Self-conscious when being around people she doesn't know.
Fears: Being sexually harassed at work.
Talents: She is an amateur drawer

V. Likes and Dislikes
Hobbies: She loves to cook, draw, read books, and exercise, but also loves walks and excursions
Dislikes/ Pet Peeves: Hates to be told how to do her job intensively, hates snakes and spiders, she doesn't like to shop a lot.

VI. Relationships
Romantic History: She had two previous relationships before meeting the band, but was eventually separated due to him being mostly an asshole to her and her friends.
Marital Status: Single
Immediate Family: she was disowned by her parents for her views on life and sexual orientation.
Love Interest:
Love Interest's Appearance: R I C K Y O L S O N / C H R I S. C E R U L L I
Love Interest's Group: Scranton Coven aka band called Motionless in White

VIII. Finishing Touches
Quotes: " You hurt them, You sign your death contract "