Status: Trigger warning | Not safe for arachnophobia | Needs a minor amount of editing

There and Back Again

House of the Long Shadows

At the end of the school day, Myrtle perched herself atop the hood of her car, her knees drawn to her chest. "I can't believe you hugged them," she thought to herself, "or that you balled all over him." myrtle hide her face in her arms, "or that you cried so hard your nose ran, god he must think you're gross," she murmured.

Myrtle lifted her head to look at the sky, "I wonder if Robin needs a ride home. I still never faced her today." she thought.

Then again maybe it was for the best, after all - she couldn't take Robin with her to check on Amy. That would also be a hard one to explain. "oh and how do you two know each other? oh well you know survived a horrible sex party together, rand back into each other and I hid her from the know as it goes." Myrtle thought to herself.

Eddie leaned on the hood of Myrtle's car, resting his head in his hands as he looked up at her, calmly waiting for her to notice him there. Sure he could call out to her, "but what's the fun in that?" He asked himself. eventually, she would see him, and she would get that look, it was a little like startling a puppy.

Eddie smiled to himself, "I wanna be right where you look when you least expect to find someone." He hummed in his head. "I want to be your surprise."

As if his mind had spoken to her, Myrtle finally looked down, slipping a little from the hood of the car. Eddie chuckled, "what was your horse racing against this time?" He asked her. Myrtle slipped off the hood altogether and twisted the ends of her hair between two fingers. "umm....nothing really just, friend problems I guess." she murmured.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" Eddie asked hooking his thumbs into his pants pockets. Myrtle peered down at the ground still fiddling with her hair, "Or you know....not, that's fine too." Eddie said, "sometimes it helps to see from an outside perspective. I mean, think of how much easier it would have been for Frodo Baggins if he could have asked the readers if they thought Smeagol was two-faced." He said.

Myrtle glanced up at him and couldn't help but smile.

The tiny smile on her face made Eddie's heartbeat quicken as he grinned down at her. "Or if someone could have warned Bilbo to carry some bug spray." He added. He wanted that smile to stay, he wanted to turn into a giggle, and "I'm going to drive myself, trying to keep that smile there." he thought.

Eddie had fully realized he was probably overshooting his shot, but he had grand designs on getting a date, summer was coming up fast and if he was going to have time to get closer, He needed her to want him around after the school hours ended. "I'll probably screw up one way or another, hit the BFF blanket, and fly right over the boyfriend material or some shit." Eddie thought to himself, "and then there's the shock and horror of god ol' dad trying to run me out of town with my reputation." He mentally sighed.

"and she probably wouldn't want the freak." He thought his head tilting as he watched her face, "Look at her, fantasy nerd or not she probably dreams of some...pretty stud who could lift her over his head on the field of the winning game." Eddie's thoughts started to create a nervous knot in his stomach and without realizing it he began to twirl his own hair.

Myrtle watched as Eddie's seemed to be staring right through her, she glanced behind her but saw nothing. "um" she hummed daring to take a step closer, peering up at him she waved her hand before his face, "Eddie?" she asked.

with a small twitch of his body, Eddie snapped free of his thoughts, "huh? sorry...I swear I meant to listen...." He said with a sheepish smile. Myrtle matched his smile, "It seems I'm not the only one who's got race horses up in there huh?" she asked.

"It would seem so," Eddie said, he gestured his hand out to her, "But...It lost its race. I'm serious if you need someone to talk to. I'm all ears." He said.

Myrle exhaled, "there's no way I can tell him all the details. I can be vague though. Maybe it'll be enough?" she thought. "Well....Robin kind of hurt my feelings...she didn't mean to, I just... overreacted, it hit some.....sensitivities? I guess. and I don't know how to go up and say I'm sorry. I can't build up the courage and I haven't seen her all day, which is odd so I think she's avoiding me." Myrtle confessed. Once the words got going they wouldn't stop.

"she's the only friend I have here. I can't afford to mess up," she murmured. "I'm told I'm hard to put up with."

"if you're hard to put up with, people are a lot more squishy than I thought they were," Eddie said.

Myrtle looked back down at her hands, "'re talking about Buckely...that, kind of spaztic girl in the marching band?" Eddie asked. Myrtle giggled, "that's Robin."

"People overreact from time to time, it happens. It's not a critical hit for a friendship. If anything," Eddie sighed offering Myrtle a reassuring smile, "she was giving you time to cool down. I'm sure she's probably just as freaked out. If you talk to her, it'll be fine again." He said.

"you think?" Myrtle asked timidly, Eddie winked, " I'm positive, you're a magnet McKinney, you pull people in." he said. Eddie's eyes spotted Chelsea sulking amongst her friends as they headed to a pink convertible. "even if it's the wrong kinds of people for wrong kinds of reasons." he murmured.

Myrtle glanced over her shoulder to see Chelsea and her crew drive off, spotting Myrtle one of the girls kindly gave her the finger. In an instant, both of Eddie's hands flew up in response. "Back at you!" He shouted out a long disapproving scowl on his face. "Eddie!" Myrtle gasped.

"You weren't gonna do it, and someone had to." He reasoned, "It's not nice to flip off a girl." Myrtle said. Eddie squinted his eyes, "Oh right, because that's a girl?" He asked, "I'll have you know what you just faced today was a whole...well" Eddie leaned forward and whispered, "have you ever seen The Deadly Spawn?" He asked.

Myrtle burst into laughter, covering her mouth with both hands. "that's mean!" she shouted between giggles. "yeah well she's mean. so it's perfectly fair isn't it?" He hummed.

Myrtle shook her head, "I've got to go...I'll see you on Monday." She said walking passed him to the driver's side of her car. " Summer vacation starts next Tuesday you know, you think about coming to Our show?" Eddie asked holding her Car door open for her.

Myrtle bit her lip, "I'd like to go" she thought to herself, "but....Dad's probably got a schedule already planned out for me" she sighed mentally, already feeling drained from the thought of it. As she looked up at him in silence Eddie tilted his head back.

"riiight, just tell me this," he said glancing about before lowering his voice, "it's because of your old man right? and not because I sounded like a dying animal on stage today right?" he asked voice fading from serious to playful as his eyes crinkled into a smile.

"huh, no, no of course not you and the guys were great up there...." Myrtle said quickly from the seat of her car. Eddie beamed, But it faltered as a worry glimmer filled Myrtle's eyes and she looked away. "But yes Dads...a little....wait -" Myrtle sent a concerned glance towards Eddie? "how do you?" she asked.

"My Uncle works under your Dad, says most people aren't fond of him because he's a bit of a tight ass." Eddie said with a shrug. "and between that and him not answering his own daughter's phone call in the middle of the night - past the middle of the night. It's not hard to piece up that the guy is a bit of an offense." Eddie confessed.

"n-none taken." Myrtle stammered, sighing heavily as she started the car.

"It's not because of you or the band," she said quietly, turning to look at him she gave an apologetic smile, "all I can say is I'll try and I want to go. But I can't promise anything, unfortunately." Myrtle said.

"I'll take it," Eddie offered a smile and started backing away from her car, turning he could see his friends waiting for him near his Van across the parking lot.

Myrtle sat in her seat watching him go, her heart pounding in her chest. "You should thank him again....he saved you from at least total humiliation." Myrtle thought. she shut her eyes tight, gripping the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles hurt. "just so it and regret it later," she told herself.

"Eddie?" Myrtle called out.

Eddie stopped, turning back around he looked at her with a question on his face, a giant smile quickly forming as she waved him over.

"you change your mind?" He asked leaning down to the level of the window.

Myrtle looked at him baffled, she had planned on it being a quick thank you but he'd just ruined it. "um...n-no, I just...." Myrtle's face slowly turned red as she leaned around to the side of his face.

Eddie's eyes grew wide and his heart skipped a beat, It hardly felt as if her lips had touched him at all, but they left a lingering warmth on his right cheek. "you're grinning like a fucking idiot Munson." He told himself, but try as he might he couldn't stop.

"thank you again for the save today," Myrtle said, her words nearly rushing together as her eyes tried to look everywhere but at him. Backing away from the window Eddie gave a playful bow, "milady TinĂºviel," He said only causing Myrtle's cheeks to redden further. "whenever you need me." Eddie added dramatically placing his right fist to his left shoulder, "If I can I will." He said.

Myrtle cleared her throat and gave a nervous giggle, "you're a lot, Eddie." she said shaking her head. "I get that," he said waving, "have a good weekend, McKinney." He called finally heading back to his friends.

Myrtle rolled up her window and briefly covered her face, mentally screaming. "you just did that." She thought to herself leaning back on the headrest. myrtle tried to catch her breath before backing out of the parking lot.

Eddie had tried to walk calmly back to his van, but once he'd seen Myrtle leave up the street he nearly pranced over to his friends on the balls of his feet. "did you see that!" he cheered nearly dancing in place, his hand held to his cheek.

Gareth shook his head, "I can't believe your luck sometimes." He said to which Eddie smirked.


Before heading home, Myrtle stopped at the old Creel Mansion. going around back and slipping into the hidden entrance. Her eyes were wide as she looked around, while the place was no less dusty, it was certainly made more of a resting place.

A tent made of blankets and pillows had been stacked into a fort of sorts in one corner, a small fold-out table held a battery-powered radio, and the floor was littered with snack bags and pried open cans of food.

Amy sat in her fort munching on Sardines. She watched Myrtle look around amazed, grey eyes stuck on the flashlight hanging from the ceiling. "Pretty neat huh?" Amy said with pride. "you're certainly...and old hat at this." Myrtle said quietly.

"and here I was worried." she exhaled looking down at Amy.

Amy grinned and held out a bag of cheese puffs, "want some?" she asked. Myrtle shook her head and knelt down on the ground. "I can't" she muttered. Amy made a face, "what? don't tell me you're allergic to cheese...that would be a sad affair." she said tossing a puff into the air and catching it in her mouth.

Myrtle smiled faintly, "No, um..." she paused, She could tell Amy right? after all who would she tell? "I pissed my mom off last night, wasn't listening to one of her near-constant rants on how much of a disappointment I am and how amazing she used to be...." Myrtle sighed, "So I'm not allowed to eat today until She deems I have learned my lesson." She said.

Amy leaned her head back and scowled, "bullshit!" she called shoving the bag towards myrtle "go one scarf it!" she said, "that bitch can't tell if you've eaten shit!" she raged.

Myrtle carefully handed her back the snack bag. "'d be surprised..." Myrtle sighed. Amy snorted and laughed, "what? does she smell your breath? check your teeth for residue?" she joked.

Myrtle wanted to crawl into a hole at how ridiculous it all did sound, "and my toothbrush bristles, backpack, and car for crumbs, wrappers, or condiment spills..." she explained. Amy's mouth tumbled open as she leaned forward. "shit," she whispered. "shit! you're not kidding!" she gasped.

Myrtle shook her head and her stomach growled loudly, "no trust me, I'd kill that whole bag if I could." she sighed getting to her feet. "I came to check in on you, I should head back home, I'll try to come back tomorrow." Myrtle said heading back to the window. "try not to get into too much trouble in your searching." she warned, before climbing out.

Myrtle trudged into her house, into the kitchen where she found her mother waiting, clad in one of her beautifully made dress suits. Myrtle could remember the days when she wanted to be just like her. Eleven years old and trying to fit into her high hills and jewelry. Often getting playfully chased around the house so that she might get her earrings back before it was time to leave for work.

The memory of that smile back then made the sneer on her mother's face now soul-crushing. "I'm home," Myrtle spoke quietly, setting her backpack on the counter she slid it over to her Mother. With a skeptical glanced she started to rummage through the bag, Myrtle bit her lip and watched. There shouldn't be anything in there, but the 'What if' was always nauseating. A crumb, a candy paper, a whiff of anything edible would mean another day to learn.

"It's clear, come here." Her mother demanded, before myrtle could move forward, her mother's long fingers reached out and snatched her wrist drawing a yelp from Myrtle who lunged forward. "I w-was coming!" Myrtle shrieked, "don't talk back to me!" her mother growled giving Myrtle a shake.

Falling silent myrtle shut her eyes tightly, she didn't mean to speak out, it just flew from her. the back of her mother's hand swatted her jaw, "open up." Her mother demanded. Myrtle opened her mouth wide, and her chin became pinched in her mother's grasp. Myrtle let her mother tilt her head around, looking at the back of her teeth.

Pushed away roughly by her face, Myrtle took frantic steps away from her mother. "I didn't touch anything all day," she said quickly. "It seems that way, I will be checking your car, later. For now, no dinner." Her mother said. Myrtle deflated but gave a nod, "yes Ma'am." she murmured, collecting her backpack and heading for the stairs.

On her way up she spotted Patrick coming down the stairs, He gave her a hard glare, "w-what's wrong?" Myrtle asked. "You are, why'd you embarrass me like that today?" He asked. "I-" the air left Myrtle's lungs, "I didn't...that wasn't me, Chelsea made me - she's evil, Pat." she reasoned. "right, because you couldn't just not show up to the stupid thing? or at least reject the dumb costume?" Patrick raged.

Myrtle blinked a few times, "he thinks it was a school event...." she thought, "Pat it wasn't a real event! nobody volunteered," she said shaking her head. "Chelsea was getting revenge for-"

Myrtle watched as Patrick shoved by her, "I don't even care, I tried to tell dad, but big surprise! he didn't care. The McKinney princess just got praise for being so active in school...could hear him gushing about his 'sweet little girl' to his co-workers in the background." Patrick grumbled continuing down the stairs.

With a huff of air Myrtle looked about the stairwell baffled, frustrated tears started to well up. taking a deep breath she continued to her room. She wanted to slam the door, to shout, but that would end badly. So closing it as softly as she could, Myrtle dropped her bag and collapsed onto her bed. Face down into the pillow she hugged it, and let her mind scream for her. The lights of her room flickered softly.

She could feel the spider's legs as they crawled onto her arms, and up her shaking shoulders. a startling amount that would prompt anyone to call and report an infestation. But you don't fear the things that are gentle with you. Myrtle shut her eyes, "So water?" she could hear Eddie's voice in her memmory.

Myrtle opened her eyes, "coming right up." she heard. Rolling carefully onto her back she held her pillow to her chest, feeling the spiders crawl to safer places, "Here you go." his voice echoed.

She didn't know why that part of the memory was stuck in her head. But closing her eyes again she felt her rushing thoughts and heart rate slow. A calm slowly seeped over her and before she knew it, sleep had taken its hold.


"Myrtle!" Mr.McKinney's voice boomed from downstairs. Myrtle jolted awake and hopped out of bed, quickly running down the hall and stairs, into the living room. She stood straight with her eyes fixed on her father, compared to her rigid posture he was completely relaxed, looking through a daily planner in his hands.

Myrtle clasped her hands behind her back. "yes Sir?" she asked.

"Patrick told me about your show of school spirit today well done," He said, voice pleased while Myrtle inwardly cringed, "school spirit? try a personal hell." she thought. "It went over well with the CEO, He's impressed that I could raise such a selfless young lady who would go as far as wearing a humiliating costume to show respect to those who've taken time out of their lives to help further her in life." He said with a smirk.

"even if both you and I know, that's not entirely what happened is it?" He snickered.

Myrtle remained silent.

"Anyway, I have your schedule planned for the weekend." He started clearing his throat. "Mr.Ford would like to see you again, and to...apologize for the behavior of his other dinner guest." He said. Myrtle could feel the blood rush away from her limbs and face, "dinner quest?" She thought bitterly. "yes Sir...what time?" She asked.

"Sunday, night around ten pm." He answered, "Your dress is in the cleaners, you'll need to pick that up tomorrow as early as you can."

Myrtle gave a nod, "yes sir." she droned. "Tomorrow you will also be meeting with Pastor Alvin to discuss, helping with VBS this summer," said Mr.McKinney. Myrtle's teeth sunk into her bottom lip. " said last year was my last year." She stammered, voice breaking. Mr.McKinney glanced up at her with eyes void of emotion as he slowly set down his planner. "Now, now you owe Pastor Avlin a great deal. If not for him we'd never have been pushed through your adoption process as fast as we had been." He said.

"And He helped us prepare a space for you in our home, he baptized you remember?" Her father asked. Bitter tears welled into Myrtle's eyes. "how could I forget." she whispered, her insides hurt just at the memory. Swallowing hard, Myrtle tried to hold back her tears.

"we have a lot to be grateful for, one more year won't kill you." He chuckled. Myrtle looked down at her feet. "Won't it?" she thought. "anyway, the meeting won't be long, from there I need you to go out to and inspect Lovers lake for me for the next couple of days." He said.

"Lovers lake?" Myrtle questioned. "why yes, I was tasked to look over the area and find where would be a good place for a new project the plant wants to have built, a cooling system. However, I've not the time to handle it personally." He said.

"I don't know what makes a good place for-"

"I have a list prepared that will tell you what you are looking for." Mr.McKinney stated.

Myrtle gave a feeble nod, "right...yes Sir." she sighed.

Her father reached for a plain gift bag sitting beside him. "For handling the situation at the Dinner as well as you did, Ford suggested I go out and get you a gift." Her father sang. Myrtle's eyes fell on the bag being held out before her with hollow eyes. Her fingers reluctantly reached out and took the handles from his hands.

"well open it." He said offering a conceited smile.

With soft rustling, Myrtle drew out a long silk and lace dress, held up my dainty straps, and floated on white soft tulle below. What hurt more than anything was that it was the very same dress she had been looking at longingly earlier that year when Prom had come around. She could remember standing before the dress store daydreaming. She could see herself in that dress as some faceless prince took to the dance floor with her.

And now the dream was horribly tainted.

Myrtle tried to control her breathing as she clutched the dress. It was hard to fight the tears this time. "Don't worry your arms and legs should be healed by the time you find a use for it." Her father said causing Myrtle's head to snap up in surprise. "I've gotten you longer dresses for your meetings." He said.

Before Myrtle could react the front door slammed, the furious footsteps of her mother rushing in. "You honestly thought I wouldn't find this?" She shrieked.

Startled Myrtle turned around, wide eyes stuck on the empty bag of cookies in her mother's hands in confusion. "what?" Myrtle asked, "Don't act stupid, this came from your car!" she shouted. Myrtle shook her head, "no, it didn't - I don't even eat those things." Myrtle said, her voice coming out in a whine as she backed away.

Her father watched the two with disinterest on his face.

"Yeah, well you just bought yourself another four days." Her mother mused with a snarling smile tossing the wrapper onto the floor. "I...I have dinner with Mr.Ford." Myrtle said glancing back at her father for help. "Oh...well you'll have to kindly explain you've got a terrible stomach bug." Her mother sang. "Until you learn how to respect your mother you will learn how to live like a child without one. Starved." She hissed.

Myrtle slipped her dress back into the bag. "yes Ma'am" she said retreating into herself. "good, pick up the wrapper and to bed with you." her mother said. Myrtle did as she was told quickly. Watching her daughter head up the stairs Ms.McKinney turned a sharp eye to her husband. "you see the things you push me to do?" she barked.

"Dear, it's not my fault your a jealous old shrew, if you wanted a dress of your own you simply could ask." He muttered collecting his things. "It's not about the dress Gregory!" She snapped watching him walk off into the kitchen.