Status: Completed

Forget and Not Slow Down


I gracelessly fumbled through the crowd of screaming fans.

I needed a glimpse, just one and I'd be happy for the rest of my life.

The envelope in my possession weighed heavily in my right palm.

Even if I'm only one person in a world of fans who find him inspiring, I need to reach out and let him know.

"Watch where you're going dumbass."

I mumbled an apology to the girl standing directly in front of me.

The crowd was becoming unruly and I was being shoved in random directions, it was impossible for me to have noticed her.

She scoffed and returned her attention to the stampede of people trying to climb over one another just to get to the lot.

The second the bus came into view, I swallowed and felt my heart race and my stomach lurch into my throat.

The envelope in my palm started to hurt as I gripped tighter and tighter with each forced step I took.

The crowd suddenly synchronized their movements and we moved hurriedly towards the tour bus.

I took a deep breath as the door opened, I couldn't feel my legs and I grabbed the tiny rope-boarder for support.

A man in a beanie stepped out and my heart sank with all too much pressure.

"Folks, I'm sorry to announce that the band will not be up for signing autographs tonight."

Negative jeers and shouts rose among the crowd and I had no energy to say a word in protest.

He raised his hands in an apologetic manner and shrugged.

The crowd of angry and disappointed fans disbanded and I was left there, just staring at the bus.

Some people took pictures in front of it and I couldn't bring myself to even smile at the fact that at least I was here.

At least I got to see him perform, even if he has no idea what he's done for me.

Then I remembered the note.

The man who had spoken earlier was standing a few feet away talking to some other disappointed fans, I walked up and waited patiently for them to leave as I clutched the paper tighter in my hand.

"Yes ma'am?"

I almost jumped at his acknowledgement of my trembling frame.

I averted his gaze and focused on my shoes.

I opened my mouth and quickly closed it when I realized that I may throw up from nervousness and anticipation.

I opened my hand and its sacred contents to the man.

"Is this for them?"

I nodded timidly.

"There's a bag of combos and skittles stapled together inside."

I focused on my converse even as I lifted my hand to give him the envelope.

I heard him laugh.

"What's your name young lady?"

I flared my nostrils and my eyes remained fixated on the ground in front of me.

"Jazmyne, Jazmyne Teshara."

"Well, Ms. Teshara, I will be sure to give them your gift."

I shot my head up to look at him.

Without even thinking, I threw my arms up and hugged the man.

I immediately jumped back and proceeded to extend my hand, "I'm sorry, that was rude."

He laughed again and shook my hand politely.

"It's alright, I'm Mark Townsend, I'm a friend of the band."

"Mr. Towsend--"

"Call me Mark."

"Mark, you have no idea what an honor it is to have met you, and thank you so much for doing me this favor."

He smiled placed the envelope in his jacket pocket.

"You're very welcome, and I'm sure Matt will appreciate the gift."

My heart pounded wildly at the mention of his name and I felt my cheeks burn in response.

"Thank you, I hope so."

The next day seemed normal.

I went to class, came home and prepared for the Harry Potter marathon my friend and I were about to indulge ourselves in.

'I made a habit- of never making promises-'

I didn't bother checking the caller ID, it was bound to be Linda.


"Is this Jazmyne Teshara?"

'Or not....'

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Matthew Thiessen from relient K."

"Can you hold on for just one moment?"

I put the phone down and ran to splash some water on my face.

'This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening...

Why would he be calling me? Even if he did read the letter...

No, it doesn't add up. He wouldn't call me, me.

No, it's not him, it must be Keith...

Ugh, I swear, he's such an asshole.'

I rolled my eyes and picked the phone back up.

"Hi 'Matt'. How can I help you?"

"How would you like to join us for dinner tonight?"

"I'd love to."

"Awesome, we're going to the Melting Pot on Coral Springs Drive. Drop my name and they'll direct you to our table."

I scoffed, "Right, because Matthew Thiessen from Relient K would call me and ask me to go out to dinner with him?
Uh huh, come on Keith, if you were going to trick me, you could've come up with something a little more original."

"Check your twitter."

I walked over to my computer and logged into my twitter account and looked through Keith's tweets.

"Okay, what am I looking for?"

"Check your tags."

I hadn't even noticed the notification.

'Matthew Thiessen- @Jtesh Hope to see you tonight!'

My mouth dropped and I stared wide-eyed at the screen.

"You- you're- This is actually.... I don't know what to say."

"Don't worry about it, we received your letters and the Combos and Skittles-- Thank you by the way, no one brings those to our shows anymore.

And I decided that it's high-time you met us."

I squealed and apologized immediately for being so loud.

"Is it okay if I bring a friend with me? In case I'm too lightheaded to drive."

"Just one?"


"Absolutely. Just make sure not too many people know about us being there, it's our last night."

"Oh no, I completely understand. But I have one question before we hang up."

"Go for it."

"Why the Melting Pot? Fancy isn't typically your style, I don't think."

"It's the only secluded place within a 15mile radius."

'This is very true. Okay, see you tonight-- What time?"


"Thank you so much Mr. Thiessen."

"Call me Matt."

"Matt. Thank you. You have no idea what an honor it is."

"Till tonight."


With that, we hung up and I shrieked so loud that Linda heard me on the other side of the front door and barged in.

Pepper spray at the ready.

"Jaz! Are you okay?"

I jumped up and threw my arms around her, not caring that she was completely mortified.

"You-......... We're going shopping."

"With what money?"

I grabbed my purse and yanked her arm out the door.

"What's going on? Why are you so happy?

"Honestly, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Try me."

"Matthew Thiessen called me and invited me out to dinner."

"Whose that?"

I scowled at her as we approached a stoplight.

"Lead singer for Relient K, I talk about him all the time."

"Are you sure it was him?"

"I thought it was Keith at first, but then he tagged me on Twitter."

"Who did? Keith or Matt?"

"I swear you have ADD."

"Don't they have a song about ADD?"

"Yes. But FOCUS.
We're going to dinner with them tonight, and I'm going to buy the greatest dress my money can afford us."

"You're really sure it was him?"

I sighed as I pulled in to the Macy's parking lot.

"We'll find out tonight."

"Well, I just don't want you to be disappointed if it turns out to be some elaborated joke or something.

"Elaborate, and, well, that's why you're coming, you're my moral support."

"Oh, gee, thanks, moral support."

6:30 rolled around and I was relishing in the anticipation as we made our way to the restaurant.

"Calm down, you're going to be okay."

I swear, I looked like I was about to have a baby or something by the way I was breathing.

"I think I'm gonna be sick."

"You better no get sick. I'll smack you if you get throw up on this dress."

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"You always know just what to say."

"Just calm down, you look amazing. Everything is going to be fine."

I took a deep breath and sighed.

'But what if she was right? What if this is all one huge prank?'

I felt tears brim my eyes, "Linda, what if it is all a joke?"

I heard her take a deep breath and she put her hand on my arm.

"Then I'll have to kick someone's ass won't I?"

I smiled and relaxed as I parked in front of the restaurant.

"I'm here for a Mr. Matthew Thiessen."

I stated politely as the young lady at the counter asked how many would be dining tonight.

"Ah, you're the ladies they're expecting tonight?"

I nodded and blushed at the thought.

"Chill. I can see your face. You look like a cherry tomato."

The hostess laughed at Linda's remark and I stayed quiet.

I fiddled with my hands as we neared their table.

I could see his blonde hair peaking out from the other side of the wall and I gasped quietly.

Linda took my hand and nodded reassuringly.

'This is it.'
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Posted publicly for Sadie Hawkins Pod! Enjoy!