Let Me In


“Natty, please,” you whined, banging on the door as hard as you could. It had only been twenty minutes since the fight that caused Natasha to throw you out of your shared house. You didn’t have any warm clothes on, so you knew if you were going to be outside longer, you could get sick. “Please, I-I’m sorry. I need you more than anything, I promise I won’t be ungrateful anymore.”

You knew she could hear you – considering that she was sitting in the living room. You began to cry, unsure of why she was doing this. All you had told her was that you could order your own food at the restaurant, and with Natasha being Natasha, she took offence to it.

You watched as people walked down the street, unaware of what was going on between your girlfriend and you. You wondered if they did know though, and that they just chose to stand by and say nothing. Including your neighbors. Had Natasha threatened them? Or did they just not care about you enough to help. Especially on nights like this one, where you can be heard crying out for Natasha to let you in. You had always wondered that.

“Please, you can order my food, I promise. Please just… just let me in.” you cried out as you continued to bang on the door. You didn’t want to give in to what she wanted for you, but you knew that was the only way you were going to be let in. Hopefully. “Please, I’m going to die out here if you don’t let me-“

Natasha cut you off by opening the door, rolling her eyes as she let you inside.

“Will you ever be ungrateful again? Will you let Daddy order your food?” she asked, wrapping a blanket around you.

“Y-Yes, Daddy.” You whimpered.

You knew that Natasha was going to always win, no matter how hard you tried.