Are You Just Bad News?

Chapter Four

The next day, I had no class, and my stupid assignment still sat lonely and abandoned in the study. Coincidentally, when I’d walked in to do it, there was a knock at the door and I raced to answer it. Turns out it was Mike, and he wanted to know if I wanted to go to coffee with him.

I said yes, and told him I’d go in a little bit, that I needed to get ready first.

Thirty minutes later, and we were well on our way to this little coffee shop down the street. Of course, Mike knew the owner, and we both got our coffees free.

We sat in a small booth in the corner, snug in the comfortable and cozy environment of the coffee shop.

I watched Mike sip on his coffee quietly, gazing out the as the people passed by.

I got a good look at his eyes, and noticed the gorgeous tint they were. Such a beautiful shade of hazel, an eye color I always wished I had. Today, they were looking a particular shade that was closest to brown, and I wondered if it had anything to do with his mood.

I knew my eyes were probably the most boring things in the world. They were just brown…I think. A weird color to go along with my boring, dirty blond hair. I didn’t find any characteristic I had extremely beautiful in any way shape or form.

Only Jeff did.

Ugh, there I go again.

“Why you frowning princess?” A voice spoke suddenly, and my eyes connected with Mike’s. He shot me a small smile, his boyish good looks coming out again.

“Random thought that led back to Jeff.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Mike muttered. “Forget that fruit cup, who cares!”

I just shrugged and continued on with my coffee. I looked over at Mike over my cup and recognized his shirt from yesterday, when Will was doing the wash.

“Hey,” I said suddenly. “Did you send Will down to do the wash yesterday?”

“Yeah,” Mike replied. “Why?”

“I don’t know - I recognized your shirt.”

“Recognized my shirt?” Mike asked, confused. And then somewhere, in that pretty little empty head of his, it clicked. “Oh! You were down there too, haha.”

“That would explain why he came back up all sour looking and stuff.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Why was he ‘sour-looking’?”

He shrugged, “’Cause you were down there? I don’t know. Maybe he wanted a private moment to himself.”

“In the basement, where the washers are?” I asked, but Mike just shrugged again. “God you’re stupid.”

“Am not,” Mike said, pouting. I almost ‘awed’ at the cute little face he was making.

“So what’s his problem anyway?” I then asked, drinking more of my coffee.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, does he just not take kindly to strangers or something?”

“Oh! No, he just has like…a secret vendetta against women.”

I began to giggle, “Excuse me? Shouldn’t this be the other way around?”

“Eh, yeah, I guess,” Mike said. “But Will’s had some…unfortunate experiences with women, so he’s not really…comfortable anymore.”

“Wow,” I said, another giggle starting up in the back of my throat. “He looks more like the heart breaker type, not the heartbreakee.”

“Yeah well…wait a minute, did you just say he looks more like a heart breaker type?”

I nodded.

“Oh god, tell me you think he’s hot.”

“No! Not at all!”

“Then why’d you say that?” Mike asked, his eyes sparkling, alight with mischief.

“I don’t know,” I muttered, drinking the coffee again. “I just thought it up. It seemed reasonable in my head.”

“Uh-huh,” Mike said, grinning at me over the table. “Whatever you say Leah.”

I picked up a napkin and chucked it at his head, hitting him in the middle of his face.

“Shut up, Carden.”