Are You Just Bad News?

Chapter Six

I’m not sure what it was about Mike’s roommate Will, but he got on my last freakin’ nerve.

Just that glare, that underlying look he gave me.

Like he was above me in so many different ways, that I could never amount to anything he was.

I mean really, what made him so great?

I came from a great family, full of successful people who went to college and started up families. They were all happy; none of them divorced or ever had problems with each other. Everyone picked a nice town to live in, back in Michigan, so none of the kids would grow up in a rough neighborhood.

I was going to college; I dressed normally and was pretty nice to him – when I wasn’t accidentally bumping into him.

Okay, so I hung out with Mike a lot. And, the point being made is… See, there is no point to be made.

Maybe he’s jealous?

“I think he’s jealous, huh Dandy?” I asked the cat, rubbing his head as some stupid sitcom ran on the TV in front of me.

I wasn’t really watching it, and yeah, my cat obviously wasn’t going to answer me back. But he was all I had to talk to. I wasn’t sure where Mike was, and I wasn’t about to go looking for him or anything, in fear of bumping into Will.

But why was I afraid of Will anyway? I should just get up and walk over there, knock on that door and ask for Mike.

And if he’s not there, say ‘thanks’ and walk away.

Maybe Adam or Andy would answer, they seemed like nice guys.

Doing my project (which was due in a day or so) was out of the question to distract myself from any thoughts, just because I didn’t want to draw any fruits.

Will’s had some unfortunate experiences with women, so he’s not really comfortable anymore.

I randomly remembered what Mike had said to me in the coffee shop the other day, but still: how did that apply to me? He barely knows me, but yet he acts like he’s been around me my entire life.

Like he’s watched me grow, knows all of the mistakes I’ve made.

Maybe he knows why I’m here. Maybe he thinks that me running from Chamberlains was a baby-ish thing to do, and I should’ve just stayed and toughed up.

I wanted a fresh start here though, a fresh start many wish they could make or would’ve made instead. I had a lot of time to think about my decision, just to make sure I wasn’t making the wrong one. So leaving seemed reasonable enough to me.

Either way, I doubted Mike would tell Will all that info about me anyway. Will doesn’t seem very interested in me at all, or towards my reasons for moving here. He barely wanted to make conversation down in the laundry room, and he’s always giving me that ‘look’, the type of look that makes me want to dive in a hole.

Why does his stupid stare have this affect on me?

“Forget it,” I mumbled, picking up my notepad once again and began shading in the grapes.

I wasn’t going to let this bother me.
I wasn’t going to let my friend’s roommate affect me.

Who cares, right? Who did he even think he was?