Status: Currently Ongoing



I've always known that Hogwarts existed. That the unimaginable, the impossible, was far from a dream. My father Edgar Cross and Mother Margaret Sweeney, her maiden name before marrying, attended Hogwarts. My father was a very well-known Seeker for the house Slytherin. In his adolescence, he took a great interest in Defense Against The Dark Arts. He was very skilled which eventually helped him later in life as an Auror. However, he also didn't hesitate to tell his mischievous stories.

My mother, on the opposite spectrum, was a more quiet student in her earlier years. Very immersed in reading everything there is about plants and how to use them. She's an amazing healer getting most of her skill in Herbology. She was sorted into the house of Hufflepuff. She always told me how she and my father seemed to bring the best out of each other. My father being very much an extrovert brought the chatty Cathy out of her and my mother taming the beast.

Growing up, I hoped that one day I too would be able to attend Hogwarts like my parents and begin my own story. However, when I turned 11, four years ago, my letter never came. My parents that year had to tell me that it was likely because I haven't shown any signs of magical ability. That devastated me. How was this possible? I should have been a pure-blood. No. I was a rarity. A Squib they called it. How unflattering.

Since then, I was able to cope with not being able to attend the place I longed to be. Although it was difficult, I still managed to pick up the broken pieces I had left to piece them back together. My father knew how hard it was for me. So he made sure to take my mind off of things by spending more family time. This was a good thing. Because he worked for the ministry, he was hardly home.

Now that I'm 15, things have been oddly amazing. It's almost like a frenzy of liquid luck. Anytime I wish for something, whether it be small, from wanting a biscuit to wanting a high item in a nearby shop, it always seems to happen. Things at home have also been weird. To feathers, strangely floating to my mum's candle engulfing in enormous flames. I catch my parents whispering to each other once in a while and anytime I'm in sight it's like I have caught the plague and they scurry like rats.

I woke up this morning in a haste. I know something is happening today. How could they not think I would suspect anything? In the last week, my parents have been hush-hush about something. It has to be about my birthday. After all, I never did receive my usual gift this year. I quickly scrambled to get on my petticoat along with my corset and gown. It was of my favorite color emerald green which complimented my green eyes.

I headed downstairs and into our dining area where I found my parents both sitting waiting for my arrival. I sat down at the table that could sit 12. The kitchen staff had already set the table with our finest breakfast ware. It only took just a few minutes after I sat that our cook brought out what was on the menu. My papa thanked the staff before he looked at my mother with a smirk.

"So do we tell her?" My father alluded. My mum looked up at my father. She gave him a slight nod as she grabbed a piece of what looked like cardboard next to her on a silver plate.

"Your father and I know you have been catching on the last week." She said with a little laugh peeking through. "This came in today for you. We knew this was going to arrive for a whole month and your father and I bought everything you are going to need."

She handed my father the cardboard. His big hand swung to show a letter. I grabbed the letter in my hands. It was addressed to Ms. Alice Cross. My heart dropped. In disbelief, I looked up at them both as they were in the biggest of smiles. I turned the letter over revealing the Hogwarts crest stamped into a wax sealing holding the envelope closed.

I opened the envelope with so much excitement. My hands shaking as I opened the folded parchment I felt a stinging sensation in my pointer finger. Bright red appeared. I brought my finger to my lips.

"So, what does it say?" My mum eagerly waited nearly jumping out of her seat.

"I'm accepted to Hogwarts as a 5th-year student?" I asked in disbelief. My finger now throbbing from the recent trauma. This isn't heard of. No one ever gets to attend Hogwarts this late.

"Exciting isn't it? Finally, you can walk in your family's footsteps and become the best Slytherin within your year!" My papa praised munching on fresh fruit.

"Is that why weird things have been happening lately? I'm showing magical ability?"

"Yes. It is believed you are very gifted and have a rare magic that the ministry insisted you attend Hogwarts effective immediately." Papa stated very seriously.

For what seemed like an eternity, I couldn't help myself but stare at the letter in awe. I felt my papa's large abrasive hand cress my shoulder nudging me ever so slightly to say my name to snap me out of the daze I was enticed in.

"Alice dear, you alright?" Mum's voice echoed with concern. I nodded.

"Pardon me. It says I'll be studying with Professor Fig to catch me up on some spell-casting I missed?" I asked.

"This letter has been delivered fairly early in order for you to prepare for the studying. Professor will actually be showing up this evening." Mum very proudly stated placing her utensils on her plate to signify she was done with her engorgement.

"I expect very astounding reports from Fig about your progress. We have high expectations from you." Papa glared at me with his emerald eyes. His stern voice rang through my body sending me chills.

Papa growing up always seemed to possess this dark essence about him. Anytime he disciplined me or anyone for that matter, you could almost feel a cold embrace take over you. It was when this chilled hug took over you that you knew being on his bad side wasn't going to end well.

Being his daughter has come with its challenges. He always held me to a higher status. Not just because of our social status in both the Muggle and wizarding world, but with any of his colleagues' children. He made it clear to Mum when I was born that I was to get the best out of everything. My education was to be that of the elite. Clothing was to be of the highest quality. This sigma followed me everywhere I went. It was suffocating. Which made disappointing him very unsettling.

"Understood Papa." I managed to squeak out. My throat is in my stomach. Papa and Mum both stood up from the table grabbing whatever it was they had on their agendas today leaving me to my own devices.

I grabbed my acceptance letter from off the table and made my way through my home's corridors. I needed to prepare for what is ahead of me. I know my father has a secret library filled with knowledge of the wizarding world. I needed to study up on some spells I remember my father preemptively teaching me before the age of 11. I just need to make sure I'm washed up by evening to meet Professor Fig.