Family Secrets

Don't Belong

Stephanie finished getting ready and heard her brother yelling threatening to leave her like normal and rolled her eyes. She grabbed her bag and ran downstairs shoving by him and rushing out the door and getting into the backseat of the car so Matt could have the front. Once both guys were in the car and they had left she sighed. “What is your problem, Brian? We had plenty of time for me to get something to eat or drink. I thought it was later than this.”

"I wanted you to fucking hurry, so we could leave earlier than normal. I got things to do." Brian told her with a huff gripping the steering wheel.

"Dude, chill the hell out. We're not late. She should've been able to grabbed her something to eat and drink." Matt defended his best friend, narrowing his eyes at Brian.

“It’s fine Matt. Brian doesn’t care if I’m hungry and thirsty as long as he can do what he wants. I can’t wait until mom and dad buy me my own car and I can drive myself.” Stephanie shrugged.

"Don't count on them buying you a fucking car." Brian snorted.

“Dad is taking me after school asshole. He told me I could pick any car I wanted.” Stephanie shot back at him. “Why wouldn’t they buy me a car anyway?”

"Because you don't fucking need one." Brian smarted off.

“Yes I do so I can get away from your ass.” She yelled at him. “I wish you weren’t my brother.”

"I'm not your fucking brother!" Brian yelled stopping the car and turning to look at her. "Mom and dad fucking adopted you." Brian yelled out.

Stephanie looked at him in shock before getting out of the car. “I guess I know why you hate me then.” She told him before running off and leaving her things in his car.

Matt looked at Brian, "Good going you ass." Matt snapped grabbing her things and getting out. Running after her, he managed to catch up and grabbed her in his arms holding her close. "It's ok Steph." Matt whispered.

“No it’s not. I just want to go home. I can’t be at school today. I need to confront Brian’s parents.” She told him. “They’ve lied to me my entire life.”

Matt frowned, "Come on. I'll call my mom to come get us, and I’ll go with you." Matt told her.

“Think she will let us go to your house until I’m ready to talk to them or even have them come there?” She asked quietly.

"You know she will." Matt smiled calling his mom to take and come get them.

Once she was at Matt’s house and talked to his parents and then sat with him while they called the Haners to come over. She was glad that Kim had called them both into school and knew that Brian had probably gone home too so he would be with them. She saw all three of them walk in and tried to control her temper but wasn’t able to. “Is it true? Did you adopt me?”

"Wait, what?" Papa asked stopping as he looked at his son.

"Brian." Suzy narrowed her eyes at him.

"What, it slipped out? We were fighting, real heavy." Brian sighed.

“I’m going to assume that it is true. Why did you keep it from me? Brian has pretty much hated me my entire life. I had a right to know when I became a teenager. I see the difference in how I was treated now. You two never made a difference but other family members did. I should have known.” She whispered wrapping her arms around herself.

"There wasn't a need to make a difference. We might have adopted you. But the moment we did. You were ours." Suzy told her.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. I want to find my biological family. I have that right.” She whispered. “I need to know where I belong and I know it isn’t here. Your son has never once acted like a big brother. He makes sure I know not to ask you all for too much.”

Suzy frowned, "If that's what you want." Suzy whispered.

“It will be best for everyone. I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong but now I know why.” She admitted feeling Matt hug her. “I don’t want to hurt you but it will be better for your biological son if I find my family. Brian will be happier without me around.”

"Not for everyone." Matt frowned. "I won't have my best friend anymore." Matt held to her frowning as he kept her close.

Papa sighed sitting down, "Your parents were young when they had you. Your mother never told your father. From what she told us. She left a note for you." Papa pulled it out of his wallet handing it to her.

Stephanie took the note and read it. She looked at them and sighed. “My family comes from Montana. She is a rancher’s daughter, and my dad is one of his hands. My grandpa owns a huge ranch called the Yellowstone. She hopes I will want to meet her one day.” She told them. “Matt we can stay in touch by calling and texting. You can visit and I’m sure they will let me come visit you. It’s not like I will be moving right away. Give me time to see if they have a place for me Brian and you will get your wish back to be an only child.”

Matt watched Brian roll his eyes and walk away. Narrowing his eyes, he took and looked at Stephanie and nodded. "I am holding you to all of this." Matt laughed lightly.

“Dad, can you make the call and arrange a meeting with her? Her name is Beth Dutton. My dad’s name is Rip Wheeler. I know you will have to locate their number but I want to meet them.” She told them quietly wishing Brian had shown he cared a little instead of just walking away.

Papa looked at her nodding, "I already have the number to the Ranch. I knew this day would eventually come, but was hoping it'd never come." Papa admitted to her as he got up and walked out of the room making the call. It didn't take long, as he walked back in. "She is coming here. Said she'd be here tomorrow." Papa told her.

“I’m doing what is best. I never wanted to hurt you.” She whispered hugging him. “I’m a little scared to meet her. I want Matt there with me. He is more like a big brother to me.”

She saw Matt nod and got permission to spend the day with her best friend before having to go home. She could hear Suzy lecturing Brian and felt bad that once again she had gotten him in trouble but this time he had done it to himself.