Family Secrets

Lee's Warning

That evening Emilia sat outside on the swing on the front porch. Twisting the promise ring around her finger, she stared a head frowning. Maybe she shouldn’t take and go to the academy. Maybe she just give it up? Seeing her dad and uncle returning, she stared at them shocked they were back so soon.

"Hey Em. You look shocked to see us. We finished up earlier than expected." Lee smiled hugging her.

Sitting in shock she didn’t respond as she saw him stare at her. Seeing the look she took and cleared her throat, “Um, I need to go help Aunt Beth.” Emilia got up to leave hoping her Aunt was near.

"Em, are you going to help me with going through my clothes?" Beth asked smiling at her.

“Yes.” Emilia smiled looking at her aunt then to her dad.

Rushing off with her aunt she sighed in relief, “Thank you.” Emilia looked at her. “How do I go about telling him? I need to.” She frowned a little.

"We will tell him at dinner." Beth smirked.

“Ok.” Emilia smiled hugging her aunt. “Thank you. You’ve always been like a mom to me, Aunt Beth.” She pulled back smiling at her before walking off to go set the table like she always did before dinner.

"Everything okay?" John asked her.

Jumping, Emilia turned around and looked at her grandpa. “Oh, um. Yeah, grandpa.” Emilia gave him a light smile. “Just setting the table.” She told him.

"Are you sure? Should I prepare for something at dinner?" He teased her. "I saw you talking to your Aunt Beth."

“Oh—” Emilia smiled a little. “I don’t think so.” She bit her lip nervously.

"I was only teasing you sweetie." John laughed hugging her. "I won't let him blow up at you when you tell him the news and about Danny."

“Wait, what? How did you know?” Emilia questioned her grandpa. “It just isn’t that papaw.” She stared at him shifting.

"What else is going on?" John asked her. "I know you are going to the SWAT training and you are leaving earlier than planned. I also know that Danny snuck out of here early this morning because I was drinking my morning coffee on the porch."

“That’s it.” Emilia looked at him. “How do you know so much? Is that why everyone gets caught?” She questioned her grandpa.

"I know everything, and things would be so much easier if you all would remember that." John laughed. "I promise your dad will be shocked but not mad. Danny might get a good talking to but nothing too bad."

“I hope so.” Emilia looked at him with a smile. “I am worried about him reacting to the SWAT training.” She admitted. “He didn’t want me to go into that line of work.” She admitted.

"I know but he also said he couldn't stop you and he wouldn't fight you if it was your dream. We've talked about you a lot." John admitted.

“Well that is comforting.” She looked at her grandpa. “Talk about me? Badly or good?” She looked at him hearing people clearing their throats.

"Are you trying to find out if we complain about you?" Kayce laughed teasing her.

“Maybe…” She pushed her uncle a little and smiled.

Seeing everyone coming into the dinning room, she smiled at her family. Walking over to her spot she sat down. Later into the dinner, she saw desert being brought out. She took and bit on her lip a little seeing her dad staring from across the table, and her grandpa staring between them. “What?” Emilia looked at her dad.

"Want to talk to me about you leaving sooner than planned or the boyfriend?" Lee asked her.

“How does everyone know everything around here?” Emilia questioned staring at her dad.

"Your grandpa filled me in." Lee told her. "I'm worried about you but I'm proud of you too."

“Papaw, our code.” She looked at him, then to her dad. “Thank you.” She smiled at his words. “I will be ok. I promise, I am a Dutton.” She told him proudly. “Plus, I am pretty sure I can out beat all them boys in my class.” She grinned.

"Don't get too cocky. You know it will be tough. and I don't want you hurt." Lee sighed. "Now about Danny."

“I promise, I will be ok daddy.” She told him softly looking at him mentioning Danny. “About that.” Emilia sheepishly smiled.

"Yeah about that." Lee gave her the look. "I want him here before you leave so I can talk to him."

“Daddy.” She looked at him not realizing that everyone had gotten up and left to give them time. “Why the look?” She questioned acting all innocent.

"You know how I am about you dating. I want to talk to Danny and set the ground rules." Lee told her. "I refuse to let anyone hurt you."

Emilia sighed looking at her dad, “I know.” She told him. “Trust me, I don’t think he’ll ever hurt me.” Emilia smiled getting up and walking over sitting beside of her dad. “But no matter who I am with.” She paused. “I am always going to be your princess.” She kissed his cheek hugging to him.

"I know you are but I want to talk to Danny." Lee told her firmly.

“I know.” Emilia smiled at him.

She took and looked at the doorway seeing Danny standing there. Giving her boyfriend a light smile. She took and rose to her feet with her dad. “He knows. And, he wants to talk to you.” Emilia told Danny.

"Em, I didn't come prepared to be killed by your dad and uncles." Danny teased her. "Is he okay with us?"

"I won't fight you on dating my daughter but if you make her cry or hurt her in any way I will bury you out in the woods around this ranch where no one will find you." Lee warned him. "We should all have dinner together one night before she leaves."

Emilia giggled walking over to Danny and slipping her arms around him. “He’s ok with us.” She saw Danny’s eyes wide at her dad’s threat. “Oh he means it too.” She teased him smiling up at Danny as he lent down kissing her lips softly as she smiled. “I agree.” Emilia looked over at her dad. “We should have dinner before I leave.” She told the two enjoying being with them.