Family Secrets

I Want To Stay

Stephanie walked out of the barn and frowned seeing the look that her Uncle Jamie was giving her and wondered what that was about. It was almost like he hated her but she had never done anything with him. The idea that she should go ask him was completely wiped out of her mind by the car pulling up. She laughed and ran towards the guys and straight into Matt’s arms. “I can’t believe you are finally here. I missed you so much.”

Matt smiled hugging her tightly, "So am I." Matt told her keeping her close.

“How long are you guys staying?” She asked staying cuddled up in Matt’s arms.

"Couple weeks. Your grandpa's idea." Matt smiled. "I would stay all summer, but you might get tired of me." Matt teased a little.

“I would never get tired of you being here. I can’t wait to show you around the ranch. It’s starting to feel like home.” She smiled at Matt. “I really could get used to this here but only if you were to come stay with me after you graduate.” She admitted.

Matt looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Really?" Matt asked smiling. "This place has breathtaking views, that is for sure." Matt looked out at the mountain scenery before them.

“Yes it does. Wait until you see it in the morning.” She told them all watching her dad and the men ride in. “They are back for lunch. We can get you guys all settled in if you want.”

Matt watched the guys nod his head as he shrugged, "I really want to see more of the ranch." Matt admitted to her.

“We can do that. I can get them to saddle some horses for us.” She smiled showing them to the rooms they would be using before walking out and stopping when her Uncle Jamie stood in her way. “Is something wrong?” She asked him.

"I don't think your little friends need to be here." Jamie snarled.

“Grandpa told them to come stay here for a couple weeks. What is your problem?” She asked him a little scared of the look on his face.

"I don't care what he says. They don't need to be here." Jamie snapped before walking off.

Matt looked at her, "What the hell is his problem?" Matt started to go after Jamie.

“It’s okay Matt. He has been like that since I got here.” She sighed. “I will talk to dad and grandpa about it.”

"I'll be right there with you. I don't like his attitude, or the way he was treating you." Matt sighed putting his arm around her.

Once they were out at the barn she saw her dad and grandpa and ran over hugging them. “I’m sorry that Uncle Jamie is mad about my friends being here. I wasn’t trying to cause any problems.”

"It isn't any problem honey." Rip looked at her. "What did Jamie say?" Rip questioned.

"He was pretty much an ass to her. Saying that we needed to leave and shouldn't be here." Matt told him.

John shook his head, "I am going to have a word with him. Your friends are welcome here as long as they want." John told her walking off.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Rip questioned concerned about his daughter.

"No, if he'd tried. I would've killed him, sir." Matt admitted seeing Rip nod his head as he kept his arm protectively around Stephanie.

“He scared me though.” She admitted. “Can we borrow some horses to go riding?”

"Sure honey. You can ride yours, and Matt can use mine. Come on I’ll help you two saddle them up." Rip smiled.

“Thanks daddy. Would you want to join us?” She asked him hopefully.

Rip smiled, "I would love that." Rip told her. "Well Matt can use Kayce's horse instead of mine." Rip chuckled.

“That sounds good.” She told him before deciding to just blurt out to him what she wanted. “I want to stay here with you Daddy. I don’t want to go back to California. Matt can come back and stay close to me after graduation. We talked about it, but I don’t want to leave you daddy.”

Rip looked at her in shock, "Really?" Rip smiled. "You want to stay here, and all?" He smiled brightly. "Oh honey." He hugged her tightly.

“I love you daddy and don’t want to leave. I love the Haner family but I don’t like to think about leaving you.” She admitted hugging him. “I don’t want to leave after just finding you.”

Rip held onto her and smiled brightly. "I am so happy to hear this." Rip told her.

“Will there be a place for Matt here once he graduates?” She asked him hopefully.

"Of course honey. He can stay in the main house, or at our cabin. We have a spare room. Just no, hanky panky crap. I don't want to be a grandpa anytime soon." He warned.

“Daddy!” She squealed blushing. “Did you seriously go there? Oh my God.” She shook her head.

"I think I need to do that birds and bees talk with you. I need Lee's help with that since he already done that talk with your cousin." Rip grinned.

“Can you please stop?” She begged just as her Uncle Lee walked in. “I don’t need that talk. I know about being safe and all that.” She giggled hiding her face in Matt’s chest hearing him laughing at her.

"Lee, I need your help." Rip smiled.

"What's going on?" Lee questioned.

"Birds and bees. Since you already done it with Emilia. Can you help me? Just want to make sure my daughter is safe and I am not a grandpa." Rip smirked seeing Matt blush a little.

“Daddy!” She gasped shaking head. “I’m a virgin okay. You aren’t going to be a grandpa anytime soon.”

"Oh god!" Rip shouted covering his ears. "I didn't need to know that, but it makes me feel better." He chuckled.

Stephanie giggled and shook her head as they saddle the horses and rode out. She heard her dad and Matt talking and smiled at Matt asking about a job once he graduated. It seemed like everything was working out with the exception of her Uncle Jamie being an ass.