Family Secrets


Sitting on the front porch by herself, Emilia took and sighed a little sipping her tea. Pushing some of her hair out of her face, she looked at the horizon. She didn’t like the fact that her dad was hiding secrets from her. Biting the inside of her lip she kept her gaze forward when she heard people walking towards the porch.

"Hey princess. You okay?" Lee asked her in concern.

Emilia glanced up to her dad and gave him a little nod. “Yeah, just tired.” Emilia told him quietly.

"It seems like it is more." Lee said sitting down beside her. "What's on your mind?"

Glancing over at him she shook her head, “Just thinking about a few things going on at school and so forth.” She shrugged a little. “I mean I am graduating and all in a few weeks.” She looked down at her tea swaying the cup back and forth a little.

"I know and I'm not ready for that." Lee admitted. "Things are going to be different without you around. I know you are going to college and stuff."

“I really haven’t decided on a college, yet.” She admitted to him. “I just want to take time after graduating for myself, and figure out things.” She gave him a light smile.

"You do know that most of the time when people take time off they never go back. I want you to have a better life and make something of yourself. Why not take some classes at the community college until you figure things out?" Lee suggested.

“I thought about that, but eh.” Emilia shrugged a little taking a sip of her tea. “Maybe by the summer is over, I will have it figured out.” She looked at her dad.

"I guess but it would be better if you got your early classes out of the way." Lee shrugged.

Sighing she looked at him, “Dad, can we not do this?” She whispered looking at him hopeful. He’d been onto her case since the beginning of the school year to choose a college, to choose a degree. She just wanted a summer, filled with fun and family. Before going to college.

"Do what you want. I think college is a good idea and a couple classes this summer wouldn't hurt but what do I know." Lee sighed standing up. "I'm heading in I have to get up early tomorrow and go help with the branding."

Watching him disappear, she sighed leaning back into the swing. Seeing her uncle Kayce come up and sit beside of her. She stared at him a second. She was always closer to him and her aunt Beth than Jamie.

"You okay?" Kayce smiled at her. "I know your dad is pushing the college thing but he means well. I still think he should at least give you the summer. Besides things are going to change here in a few weeks."

“If he knew what I wanted to really do, he’d probably lock me up.” Emilia sighed. “What do you mean change?” She asked curiously.

"Beth and Rip have a daughter. She is sixteen and will be spending some time here during school breaks and things. They are spending the weekend with her there. That is why they left late last night." Kayce told her.

“Dad didn’t mention any of this to me.” Emilia sighed. “I guess grandpa is going to have a granddaughter here after all when I disappear to college.” She gave her uncle a weak smile.

"Maybe. It just depends on if she likes it here. They aren't pushing her and her adoptive parents are wanting to give her up completely. They live in California." Kayce told her. "It won't be the same without you here though."

Emilia gave him a light smile, “Thanks Uncle Kayce.” She told him softly. “I better head up. I have to meet with some college people in the morning at the school.” She sighed getting up and stretching. “Good night.” She told him softly leaning over and giving him a hug before waving at Tate and Monica as she headed in.

Placing her cup in the dishwasher, she headed up to her room. Walking in she pushed the door up removing her boots and setting them beside of it. Stripping out of her clothes, she slipped into her cami tank and shorts. Walking over to the bed she pulled her hair out of the braid and laid back on the bed. Laying there, she let her eyes close as she listened to the sounds around her before a knock came on her door causing her to jump. “Yes?” She asked seeing the door open and her dad walking in.

"I heard your comment about your new cousin being here this summer and we aren't replacing you. She just wants to get to know her family." Lee told her. "I won't push you about the college thing anymore."

Rolling her eyes, “I didn’t say anything about their daughter.” Emilia sighed. “And please just let the college stuff go. I have to get up early to meet with a couple of colleges in the morning before school.” Emilia told him sighing as she laid back. “Good night.” She told him rolling onto her side as she grabbed her blanket of her mom’s and curled up to it yawning. Soon the sleep was overtaking her mind and she was giving into it.