Family Secrets

I Wanna Live

Hearing a loud boom at her bedroom door, Emilia jumped up in the bed as she took and looked at Danny. Seeing him jumping up as well, she stared at him, “What was that?” She whispered looking at him.

Hearing the booming noise again, she took and bit her lip. “Dad’s gone.” She whispered hoping she was right.

"I think it might be something outside." Danny told her. "Just stay here and keep down. I will go check it out."

Emilia looked at him as she heard it again. Seeing him dressing, she slowly went to her window glancing out. Getting back in her bed, she covered up a little. Biting her lip she hoped it was something outside. Danny walked back into her room and sat down beside her. "It was your Uncle Rip. He was outside shooting at some targets."

“He must be mad.” Emilia got up tying her hair into a messy bun.

Slipping some jeans on and her boots. She slipped out of Danny’s tee and tossed it. She slipped into a tank top as she walked out of her room. Heading downstairs knowing and hoping her grandpa was gone with her dad. She walked into the kitchen and got her some juice, and toast that was left over. Sitting at the table with Danny she saw him dive into his food and smiled as she sipped the juice and ate her toast.

"He was saying something about not wanting to share his daughter with someone else. He should have been her only dad instead of some man from California." Danny shrugged. "I told him to hang in there and things would get better."

“Oh.” Emilia looked at him frowning. “It’s Mr. Haner.” Emilia told him sighing. “Stephanie is still attached to her adopted dad, and he’s in town. Papaw is getting her to where he is so she can spend time with him. Which is sweet, because I know Rip is her dad. But Mr. Haner is all she knew. So I get it.” Emilia shrugged a little as she stared at her boyfriend.

"I get it too but maybe he should back off and let Rip have his time. She won't be able to bond with Rip with her adoptive dad being around." Danny sighed. "I see both sides though."

“Yeah.” Emilia frowned finishing her toast off.

Looking at her phone, she saw a message come through. Reading it over, she took and squealed a little under her breath. “Oh my gosh.” She whispered staring Danny. “The criminal classes I took in high school. Counted for my criminal justice courses.” She smiled widely. “I don’t have to do them. They said I start next week for six weeks for the academy.” She smiled.

"I'm so proud of you and happy but I'm not ready for you to be gone for six weeks." Danny admitted with a frown.

Emilia smiled as she cupped his cheek, “It’ll go by fast.” She told him as she lent over kissing his lips. Pulling back she gave him a light smile. “I better go help Carter out with the chores, and you best get into town and show up for work.” She smiled.

"I doubt it but I guess you are right." Danny sighed standing up. "I love you. I will see you soon."

“Love you too.” Emilia told him seeing him leaving.

Frowning she could tell he was upset, and bit her lip. Walking out onto the porch, she headed out to the stables. Getting to work helping Carter out she noticed him quieter than normal. “Car, what’s wrong?” Emilia asked him in concern.

"It seems like Rip and Beth have completely forgotten me now that she is here." Carter shrugged. "She seems nice but I can't make myself be friend. I was finally getting a family and now that is gone again."

“Hey.” Emilia finished up and looked at him. “Don’t think like that. Beth and Rip love you.” Emilia told him. “We all love you. You’re not going any where’s, your family.” She told him.

Hearing her phone beep, she took and saw a message from Jamie. Looking at Carter, she looked at her phone. “Jamie texted me.” She frowned. “Said to warn papaw and daddy about a threat coming.” She looked at Carter. “I am sure if there was a threat, daddy wouldn’t had taken off nor Papaw.” She bit her lip. “Probably him trying to start a racket with Aunt Beth.” She shrugged pocketing her phone talking with Carter while they finished up.

Once she’d finished up. She took and fed the horses that were left. Smiling as she watched them, she lent into the fence admiring them. Sighing heavily, she took and stared at them. She had so many worries and thoughts going through her mind. She had no idea what to do, or who to talk too. Staring at them she kept quiet listing to her surroundings, and watching the horses. "You okay?" Beth asked walking up beside her.

Emilia looked over at her aunt and nodded her head, “Yeah Aunt Beth.” Emilia smiled lightly. “Aren’t you hanging out with Stephanie?” Emilia asked.

"She is closer to Rip than me. I wish she was closer to me but I don't see that happening." Beth shrugged. "I'm happy she is back in Rip's life. Tell me what's wrong with you."

“I am happy she is here.” Emilia smiled at her aunt frowning. “Maybe in time you two will be close.” She smiled hopeful shrugging. “Just some things. It’s not big deal.” She told her with a light smile. “I better go finish up the rest of my stuff.” Emilia pushed herself off the fence.

"Not so fast Em. I know you and something is wrong. Please talk to me." Beth told her quietly.

Emilia looked at her and sighed, “I got accepted into the police academy. I leave next week. I know daddy isn’t going to approve it.” Emilia sighed. “I have a boyfriend, he won’t approve of him either. I’m a screw up.” Emilia sighed.

"You are not a screw up. I will be with you when you talk to your dad and help him adjust to all of it. I'm proud of you." Beth smiled.

Emilia smiled at her aunt, “Thanks Aunt Beth.” Emilia told her. “Well, Danny isn’t too happy with me leaving next week.” She frowned. “I just hope he’ll be ok, soon.” She told her walking with her sighing.

"Your boyfriend is just going to miss you. It will go by fast because Kayce has some work for him." Beth laughed.

“Good.” Emilia smiled as she talked to her walking. She was hoping everything went smoothly, and her dad would accept everything. But deep down, she knew he wouldn’t.
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Emilia's outfit