The Silver Scream

Throats get slit in this neck of the woods

I’m sitting at home dancing around to E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE! by CORPSE, when I hear my laptop going off. Walking over, I see Spencer calling on FaceTime. I turn down the music slight before answering the call. “Hello, love of my life.” I greet him with a smile. “How’s the tour?”

“Finally over with after tonight!” He laughs. “As much as I love our fans and performing, I can’t wait to finally get home and relax.”

“I can’t wait for you to get home too.” I tell him. “You look like you need a solid 24 hours of continuous sleep. You look exhausted.”

“I’m counting down the moment until I can be in your arms, nuzzling up against my two favorite things.” He smirks. I just roll my eyes at him. “So the guys and I were talking about all of us wanting to rent a cabin and have a mini vacation before we have to go back out on tour.”

“And you want to do this together?” I question him.

“You and Cara would be there too.” He states.

“I figured.” I laugh. “You have spent how many weeks on a bus with these guys? And you want to spend what little time you have between tours to spend even more time with them in a cabin? You guys are gonna end up killing each other, I swear.”

“Joe would be the first to go.” Spencer smirks at his joke. “Ricky would be last. I like him more.”

“You’d kill me before Ricky?” I gasp. “Charnas, that's not cool.”

“You knew what I meant.” He chuckles. “I’d never kill you. I’d need you to help me hide the bodies.”

“Shit like this is the reason why my parents think you’re secretly a serial killer.” I laugh. “But I’m down to get out of L.A for a bit. Especially if this means I get to spend time with you before you leave me again to go on tour.”

Spencer sighs before a frown starts forming on his lips. “I know Cat, this hasn’t been the most amazing start to a marriage. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

“Spencer, we got married on a whim.” I smile, assuring him. “Besides I knew what I was getting myself into. I mean I met you while you were on tour.”

“I know but it’s not exactly how I thought the first couple months of our marriage would be like.” He states. “But I’ll make it up to you on this vacation, I promise.”

“You better.” I smirk. “We didn’t get a proper honeymoon.” He just smirks at the comment. “Let me know when and where and I’ll be there.” I tell him. “Hell or highwater even if I will regret being trapped in a cabin with you and the boys.”

“Please don’t kill anyone.” He begs. “I’m getting sick of finding new bandmates.”

“Can’t make promises.” I laugh. Behind them the boys are calling for him. “Showtime?”

“Sadly.” He frowns. “I miss you Catalina.”

“I miss you too Spencer but we’re gonna have fun at the cabin, I promise.” I assure him. “Maybe even start practicing our baby making skills.” He smirks and is about to say something when I hear Ricky scream his name. “Go!” I urge him. “Go play psycho for your adorning fans. I’ll be here when you get back.”

“Promise?” He pouts.

“Cross my heart and hope to die…”
♠ ♠ ♠

Also looking for girls for the boys. let me know if you are interested.