You Belong to Me


You looked over at Yelena, who was too busy focused on Natasha who was talking to her. You hated that you were in love with her, but the thought left your mind as Kate squeezed your thigh.

“You’re here with me, (Your Name). Do we need to leave now?” she snapped, and you shook your head.

“N-No, Kate. I’m sorry, I was looking at the food table.” A part of you was thankful that that’s where Yelena and Natasha were standing at. It was the perfect excuse – one you really hoped Kate believed.

She seemed to let it go as she moved her hand away from your thigh. At one point, you loved Kate and Kate treated you good. But the moment she knew you were in love with her, was the moment she changed completely. Cutting you off from your friends and making you completely financially dependent on her, Kate had you right where she wanted you. You were her pretty, little doll. One to dress up and one to use. You had nowhere to go at the end of the day, except for Kate. No matter what she did to you, she was the only person you had. Except for Yelena now – who became close friends with you while she tried to kill Clint. Now that she was an Avenger, Kate had no way of getting you away from her. She hated it so much, but she knew she had to keep her cool.

Unbeknownst to you, Yelena looked over at you as Natasha continued to talk. A part of her knew what you were going, even if she found out by spying on you. She wanted to do something to help but knew that that wouldn’t go over well for you. Trying to keep distance between the two of you didn’t work either and to her surprise, she found herself falling in love with you too.

“This outfit I picked out for you looks so cute on you, didn’t realize the color grey would fit you so well.“ Kate commented, pulling you out of your thoughts. You were wondering why she was saying it now with people all around, but you noticed that lately she was becoming bolder and bolder with the things and stuff she did to you. She was an Avenger, who could stop her?

“Th-Thank you… it’s really comfortable,” you told her, trying your best to sound natural. You didn’t want anyone to overhear and think something was wrong.

Kate trained you well.
Yelena decided to bite the bullet and walk up to the two of you – excusing herself from Natasha, she took her time getting to the two of you.

“Hey (Your Name), Kate Bishop.” Yelena smiled as Kate rolled her eyes.

“Why do you keep saying my full name? It’s been a year.” Kate asked, but Yelena decided to ignore her, turning her full attention to you. As much as you loved that, you really wish Yelena wouldn’t do it. Not here, not now.

As Yelena kept talking to you, you felt Kate’s eyes burn into you. She was pissed, even if it was just an innocent conversation. After ten minutes of talking, Kate had but into the conversation. “We’ve got to head out, babe. I’ve got training in the morning, and you have your morning class.” It was Friday and even though you didn’t have any classes until Monday, you went along with it. The last thing you wanted was for Kate to get even angrier than she already was.

“So, what the fuck was that (Your Name)? Why were you allowing Yelena to flirt with you?” she snapped, causing you to shake your head.

“She wasn’t flirting with me, Kate. All she was doing was talking to me!” you shouted as Kate pushed you into the snow. You wanted her to stop before anyone saw, especially since you were such a bad liar. You wouldn’t be able to come up with an excuse as to why you were in the snow while Kate had her fists balled up.

All you wanted to do was go home and go to bed, but a part of you knew Kate wasn’t going to allow you to sleep. Kate opened her mouth to say something, but soon closed it as she saw Yelena and Natasha come out. She stuck her hand out for you to grab, giving you a glare to warn you. You took her hand, giving her a small smile as she helped you to your feet.

“You okay, baby?” she asked as the two approached both of you.

“Y-Yeah, I just slipped because of the ice. But I’ll be okay.” You reassured Kate, trying your best not to look at Yelena. You knew she could read you like a book and the last thing you needed was for Yelena to question Kate.

“Everything okay?” Natasha asked.

Kate let out a soft chuckle, “Yeah, she just slipped. She’s okay, aren’t you?”

She squeezed your hand roughly and you were quick to speak up. “Yeah! I’m okay. The snow caught my fall.”

Kate and you said your goodbyes before she dragged you away. Her jaw clenched – you knew that Kate still was still angry with you. A part of you wanted to know why she thought Yelena was flirting with you – she clearly wasn’t.

Once the two of you were in her car, she turned to you and asked, “Are you fucking Yelena? Is that why you keep denying that she’s flirting with you?”

You gave her a confused look, instantly shaking your head in disbelief. “What the actual fuck, Kate? I would you think that?” you asked, still in shock that your own girlfriend would think that.

“You are, aren’t? What? Does she fuck you better than me? Does buy you everything you want like I do? Tell, (Your Name), how long has this been going on for?” she snapped, turning to face you.

Kate raised her hand, causing you to flinch before bringing her palm down across your cheek. You cried out, stunned by how hard she hit you. When you felt a throbbing pain on your lip, you brought your hand up to it. She had made you bleed. When Kate would do this, she’d often apologize right away – tell you that she was sorry and that she didn’t mean it, but not this time. This time, Kate turned the car on and began to driveaway.

You stayed quiet, trying to calm yourself down as the two of you made it to Kate’s apartment. Turning off the car, Kate sat for a few minutes before turning her attention to you.

Grabbing you by the throat, Kate snapped, “You’re mine, do you understand?” as she squeezed your throat hard enough that you knew was going to leave marks. ”You belong to me."

Kate let go of you, shaking her head before opening her car door. “Come on. We’ve got a long night ahead of us… I’m going to remind you who you belong to.”