Snowed-In Movie Marathon


“Why does Rhea get to pick the movie every time?” Dom complained, looking over at Finn, who was sitting on Damian’s lap.

“Because last time we let you pick, you picked a movie that was so boring, everyone but you fell asleep.” Finn groaned. Laughing as Dom playfully grabbed his own chest.

“Excuse me? It wasn’t boring.” Dom said with faux hurt laced in his voice.

“Yes it was.” Finn, Rhea, and Damian all said at the same time. Causing Dom to roll her eyes.

“Can we at least all take turns picking movies? I promise I won’t pick anything dumb or boring.” Dom pleaded, earning a sigh from Finn.

“Okay. We will all pick one movie and take turns like that, but Dom I swear-“ Finn began, but Dom cut him off.

“Okay okay, I get it, nothing boring. But that means Rhea can’t pick any of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies.” he said, crossing his arms as Finn moved off Damian so he could get up to make popcorn. Finn decided to sit on his recliner, not wanting to get up again when he came back.

“What?! That’s not fair, those movies aren’t boring. Thank you.” Rhea said with faux offense.

“Okay Dom also has a point,” Finn said, rolling his eyes. “You pick those movies nine times out of ten and they’re getting kind of old.”

Rhea’s jaw dropped, causing Dom to obnoxiously laugh. “Ha! Finn’s on my side.” he smirked.

“Why do you guys keep bickering, do I need to be the one to pick all the movies tonight?” Damian asked as he handed out bowls of popcorn mixed with candy.

“No.” Rhea rolled her eyes as Dom agreed with her.

“Good. Dom can go first, and then Finn, then you, Rhea, and then I’ll go last. Does that sound fair?” Damian asked, looking at everyone. He wanted the bickering to end, wanting this snowed-in day to be full of relaxing, but great memories for the four of them. Instead, he had to deal with them bickering over such a little thing. He loved his partners though and wouldn’t change them for the world

After Dom put his choice of movie on - Avatar, he crawled onto Rhea’s lap, who was rubbing his thighs for him. They admired how well Dom could sit still through the longest movies, and it was as long as he was sitting in one of their laps. He chose Rhea’s for the night.

Finn fell asleep (not that the others were surprised), but when it came to his turn to pick a movie, Damian decided to let Dom go again for actually choosing a movie that was enjoyable.

Dom decided to make Rhea happy, putting on Nightmare on Elm Street as his second choice. He loved seeing Rhea smile, even if he’d seen this movie thirty times now. He was starting to get sleepy - finally falling asleep on Rhea’s lap.

Damian smiled, shaking his head, “God, I never realized how adorable he is when he’s asleep.”

“I agree, also Finn. He’s such a snorer.” Rhea laughed.

Damian nodded in agreement. “Oh he really is, but he doesn’t believe us when we try to tell him.”

“No he doesn’t,” Rhea smiled, looking at Finn. “You tired? I’m getting there but I think I’m gonna stay here, if I move, Dom will wake up.”

“A little, I’m going to sleep in the bed tonight, I’ll carry Finn upstairs.” Damian said, getting up from his seat. Walking up to Rhea, he gave her a kiss goodnight before Picking up Finn, who was sound asleep in his recliner.

“Goodnight, love you, Damian.”

“Love you too.”