Status: Completed for now



I licked my lips and watched him. There was something about the energy in the room the moment he stepped in. I pretended to be busy with something on my phone, as I watched him make his way across the room. He was endearingly handsome, with long, dusty brown hair that fell just above his shoulders, the most incredible blue eyes that could be seen from several feet away (even with his glasses on), and a smile that immediately called your attention the moment he flashed it. He wore a hooded short-sleeve, and a pair of joggers that seemed to fit comfortably around his waist, and flattered his frame. He was very petite, even though his arms were well-defined, you could tell he worked out and could probably pin me to a wall if given the chance. I bit my lip thinking about it when I saw Alys make her way over to me.

I leaned back against the wall, and made myself as inconspicuous as I could, and maintained the best view throughout the night. He spent the remainder of the evening with his friends, talking about the latest conquests and was overcome with selfish pride as he recounted his adventures to them. My friends arrived somewhere around 7:30, and saw him almost immediately. I laughed, "that one's mine. You can have the pick from the rest of the litter." Onyx, Alys, and Rose rolled their eyes in unison.

"You know, I'm good to share, if you're up for it." Alys said without hesitation. She smirked at me, and I raised my eyebrows towards her.

"Oh honey, he just spent the last like, half hour talking about the fact that he finally got to fuck Gevi Fransisco in the pool in his school's gym."

"Wait. Gevi? Isn't she-" Onyx started.

"Isn't she dating Remy? Yeah, I know. Also, he doesn't even go to our school. He's a classic poacher, Lys. You want someone you can defile, not someone who is going to make you feel dirty after your first fuck."

"Oh, ew. Pass. All yours." Alys said, and the others wholly agreed. Not that there was anything wrong with wanting to fuck a boy with experience, but my girls typically enjoyed deflowering and cocky, arrogant boys weren't really their type.

For me however, I thoroughly enjoyed getting on my knees in the dirt. I reveled in the satisfaction of making fuck boys beg for me to make them cum. It was a huge turn-on for me, and my friends understood and respected that about me. I didn't find myself conventionally attractive, and that was fine with me because I didn't need to see myself as good looking, I just had to believe I thought I was. I devised a plan, but in order to see it through, I needed to study my prey for just a while longer, so I spent a good majority of my evening taking mental notes as we circled our way around the room.

The girls and I had a system: Whenever we found someone attractive in a place where we didn't know anyone, we'd fan out and ask anyone who might know them questions like "who's the hottie over there?" or "He kinda looks like a friend from elementary school, do you know what high school he goes to?" Basically, any question you can get away with asking a complete stranger about another complete stranger, we know them all. Tonight was no exception.

"His name is Jade. He goes to Artuza, he's bi, and he apparently thinks his dick has been dipped in gold." Onyx said, as she joined me back on the wall.

Rose, looking quite pleased with herself, glided happily back over to us. "So, Jade likes to play dirty. He apparently loves to fuck girls who are inexperienced and gets off on making them say 'I love you' during sex. Kinda sounds like a good mix of you and Lys. Girl, I think you're gonna have fun with this one."

"But how dirty does he play?" I asked, genuinely curious. "I want to know if I should humiliate him or just enjoy the ride."

Rose's smile got even bigger and motioned over to a pretty Brunette who was mid-laugh with a gaggle of her friends. She scooted closer and faced towards me so her lips were harder to read before continuing, "So, that girl over there, apparently, Jade decided to target her specifically. I don't know all the details, but he apparently they hooked up a lot, and once she said it, he stopped talking to her. Had another piece on his arm the next morning."

"Oh shit, really? Well, I'd say that deserves humiliation." I said nonchalantly. "What's his type?"

Rose motioned towards Alys, who was flirting with one of the guys Jade was standing with. "Alys's type, and Jade's type, are apparently very similar. Alys likes 'Pretty in Pink' Ducky boys, and Jade likes them very Pati Simcox from the graduating class of '54." She said with an eye-roll. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, just, not my type. "

"We'll vet all the Geralt of Rivia cosplayers at the convention next week." Onyx said only half-joking.

A beat later, Alys made her way back over to our wall set up, but this time, kept her eyes trained on the guy she had spent the last 45 minutes flirting with. She leaned up against the wall next to me, Onyx and Rose sandwiched us and faced towards each other so we could speak more openly. "So, you got over Jade pretty fast." I said smiling.

"Jade is whatever. Lancelot seems like way more fun." Alys said as she continued to show off for Lancelot from a distance.

"Hey Lys, we know you're having fun, but did you find out anything?" Onyx asked first.

Alys sighed, stopped focusing on Lancelot, and focused her attention on me. "Jade likes to study. Not like, textbooks or anything. He likes to take the time getting to know the girls he's interested in fucking so he knows how to best work his way into their heads. He's definitely a 'fuck you just the way you want so you won't be able to leave' kind of guy. Apparently, he's helped all of his friends with their confidence and he's genuinely supportive and nice. If he isn't trying to fuck you. He doesn't like to chase unless you've made it clear that he has a chance, and he is not interested in making the first move. He want to know that he has control, so he'll do whatever he can to make sure he gets it. Lancelot said Jade's a really shitty boyfriend. You gotta make sure that you're a total Betty or he won't even look at you."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear, thanks Lys." I said.

"So what's the plan here, Jaz?" Onyx asked.

On the one hand, I was already at this party, and I was wearing a mom approved* party dress. On the other hand, I knew I could take some time to prepare and I could guarantee success if I had even just one day to get into character.

"Well, what do you guys think I should do? Maybe if I wait and like... Make myself look more vulnerable?" I said honestly.

"Girl no. You don't need to do a whole ass wardrobe change just to make yourself more appealing to this asshole." Rose said. "Here, let's get you into makeup, and with a little blush on your face, you'll be perfectly fine."

We immediately set to work, and thankfully no one had noticed them sharking around the room earlier.
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Just toying with this. I haven’t done anything with this story in over 3 years and I wanted to post it to show it to someone. I’m not taking it seriously.