High School Confusion.

Chapter Four

The bus pulled up in front of a stately building, its towers arching high, its windows dark and mysterious. From the pulpit flew the flag, causing ripples of refelctions in the pond nearby.
Welcome to Norfolk High, a public school like any other but with a twist. It dug deep into ancient arts and history, the headmaster, being a retired historian, had kept his profound love of the medevil ages and his monotone voice from his younger days.

I grinned to myself, you'd expect a school like this to be dull and boring and for kids to hate it, but I adored it, the atmosphere, the building, the history. Yes I was fed up with the mudane routine of going to school everyday, but truth be told, most of my inspiration for my songs and infact my life morals came from this place. Hell I got into trouble everyday, and yes there were a fair few people who knew how to rile your nerves, but thats what its all about. Learning to deal with conflict, keeping the old with the new, leaving your makr. Noticing a small burned out square on the front lawn that had been there for the past three years I smirked, that was my first "experiment" in this school, went down like a house on fire, literally. That was an example of why i loved this place, during a science detention, I picked up an old book and learnt how to cause a mini explosion which isnt toxic or flamable.
This place taught you stuff you could use, not just store in the back of your head, everything here was of some use to someone, apart from maths, in my personal opinion.

I was pulled back to reailty by a sharp shove in my back as I was pushed forwards. Turning angerily round I saw Luke sneering at me, "Get out the way Ashwood, and watch where you walk next time" he said and then turning to walk of to join his friends. Furious, i snarled at him and went to move towards him when an arm blocked me, it was Matt, "dont", he said in his calm voice, "its not worth it". Gazing furiously into his calm eyes, I relented and sighed and turned back round to walk away. He was right, Luke was always doing this, getting on my nerves, so when i retailatied, a teacher would catch me and give me a detention.

Sensing the cold air, Helen linked arms with me and Matt and together we went to join the rest of our friends. Greeting the crazed mob of hyper teenagers, I couldn't help but crack a smile, yup, these idiots where my friends, the best friends any one could have in the world, they cheered me up without doubt, even though not many of them actually understood the problem sometimes, you had to give them credit for trying.

Out of the middle of the mob two figures hurtled themselves at me and Matt, two very hyper, tall, lean figures one with spiked up hair and the other with the world's craziest bedhair., other wise known as our other two band mates, Sam and Tom. I shrieked with laughter as I was tackled to the ground and tickled mercislessly until I agreed to had over my spare change to Sam so he could buy a coffe, I swear that kid lives on Moca Fraps.

By now my earlier disgruntlement with life in general and Luke was gone, and i was filled with happiness as I was surrounded by these people who actually cared, my friends who were more of a family to me then my own family ever was, people who could cheer me up even if I had broken my leg, people who brought together the wonderful combination of love music and friends. It doesn't get better.

Returning my attention to the conversation, I overheard Matt retelling the incident of BOTB to Fish and Liam and the other guys. Glaring profusly at him, I denied all accusation of any crush, but was baggered until finally admitting a weak mumbled "he's good looking I guess", where upon Matt wiggled his eyebrows at me. Confused as to what on earth he was doing with his eyebrows I turned to folllow his eyeline and saw,..you guessed it, BOTB.
Uttering a "merf" of embarresment I slowly turned back round on the spot and willed the ground to eat me up, that was three times now, great.

Thankfully the giggles that erupted at my expense where cut short by the bell ringing, signalling the start of the school day.