High School Confusion.

Chapter 5

Upon entering the school we were all given our assigned class rooms for our subjects and with dismay i found out of my group only me and Sam were in the same English lesson.
Together we made our way to the tower block dreading who our English teacher would be.
Of course if i had known who was in my English lesson, i wouldn't have worried about the teacher.
You got it, Luke fucking Tyler. As soon as i entered immediately our eyes met, the old rivalry instantly stirred and awoken. Allowing him only a haughty glance before being dragged of by Sam, I took my place at a random empty desk.
To just make my day even more better, Mrs Cliff walked in. Now Mrs Cliff isn't the most attractive of women, in fact one may compare her to a toad, with a grumpy attitude to match. Obviously me being the lucky child i am, I had her as a form tutor all last year.
As expected her eyes landed on me first, narrowing as she assessed the situation. "oh no, oh hell no" she muttered and then cleared her throat, "right class I'm making some seating arrangements, this is a classroom NOT a playground."
Sam murmured sarcastically in my ear, "any chance she's trying to split us up?" "No shit Sherlock" i replied trying to listen out for my name.
And then it came. The big blow.
"Ashwood, Tyler".
You know when you hear a shocking piece of information and your mind just doesn't want to accept it, and you stare at the person who told with a shocked open mouthed expression, akin to that of a fish, as if willing them to burst out with ONLY JOKING? That's pretty much how i felt. "But miss.." I began haltingly. "No buts Laura, now come on hop to it".
Closing my eyes in a grimace i dragged myself to sit next to IT, and collapsed on my desk un able to believe my bad luck. I heard snickering next to me and without raising my head i muttered darkly, "i don't know what your laughing about Tyler, we're stuck with each other for the next year if you haven't noticed". Instantly the snickering ceased and i allowed myself a smirk. Maybe just maybe i could use this to my advantage...
The lesson dragged on, even worse then i expected, it felt like old toady had made time stand still. At last the bell rang and in our hast we scrambled out of our chairs, some almost leaping over desks in effort to escape.
I couldn't help but laugh at some kid fall over his desk, it was too comical. Next to me i heard a laugh that i recognized yet it was different. It was Luke, but it sounded like honest mirth. "Oh god, poor kid, I've done the same in the past" He said out load, to whom i wasn't sure. Now laughing uneasily, suddenly confused for no apparent reason i tried to make my getaway...
and a great one it would have been if i hadn't decided to trip over my feet and land in Luke's arms. Now awkward as that would have been, it was intensified by the fact that he didn't let me go nor did i make an effort to get up. If I thought Toady's lesson made time stand still, it was nothing compared to this. Old memories flooded back of our days of friendship, the days i used to love him secretly, and the warm feeling that used to go through me every time he hugged me or held me. Our eyes met briefly, and then normality kicked in. Instantly we both glared at each other, distangling ourselves at once and brushing off our clothes as if infected by the other.
"Dumb ass" he mumbled.
"Twat" I retorted walking out of the door.


ok guys sorry its been months since i updated, but now my parents having taken away my privilege of going out on school nights for the next few weeks, I guess I shall return to mibba in the late hours of the night to do some writing/reading :]
so please comment yeah?
much love xoxoxox