Snakes Alive.

Chapter One:

Sleep over camp. The three most hated words in my vocabulary.

I couldn't believe my parents were going to send me to Camp Yucka Caca again!
No matter how much I told them about the moldy cabin beds, and the slimy lake, or how the food tasted like damp carpet, they still insisted that the camp experience was good for me.

"You need the fresh air!”, mom would say.

“I went there for 6 consecutive years as a boy!” ,my father would say - although each time he’d add another year to the count.

" I bet they did not have as many bugs, rodents, and snakes around when you went there". I’d reply.Even though I’d never really seen any snakes, I thought that it might freak my mother out enough to make her change her mind.

She was almost as afraid of snakes as I was.

“If there were snakes, they wouldn’t let kids into the camp, I’m sure of it,” she said. But boy, was she wrong this year...

All my attempts in convincing mum failed ,so I had no choice but to go.
I was ordered to go to bed early this afternoon. So , without even saying a word I headed to my room and crawled into my bed .
I lied there staring at the ceiling in silence, thinking about tomorrow. I had to wake up early, at six a.m.
My mum and dad were going to drive me to the bus stop and those stupid kids were going to sing those stupid usual songs on the way.

I rolled on my side to see the digits, 7:30 on my digital clock .
Who in the right mind would sleep at seven thirty, I thought.

I closed my eyes ,hoping to sleep at this hour.I tried to clear my head from any thoughts ,
but I couldn't help thinking that this is the last time I will be sleeping on a comfortable bed in a month.

I was watching the snake, frozen from horror as it began sliding toward me ,hissing and ready to strike.
I tried to take a step back ,but it was as if my foot was qlued to the ground.
I opened my mouth to yell ,but it came out as whisper.Then I felt it's fangs digging in my arm .
I struggled and waved my arm to throw it away.It didn't leave my hand . Then ,I felt a hot thick liquid running down my arm.
Blood , I thought.
The view of the woods blurred, then turned black . I heard running footsteps going away, then after a few seconds, the footsteps returned again.But it was getting closer this time. And then ,I felt a smooth soft surface rubbing my wet arm.