Status: Slowly Active

You'll Be Forever Sacred

Life without Bill.

It had now been exactly three years since I had seen any members of Tokio Hotel. After Bill's and my break up, I ran straight to my secret place. This secret place was nothing special, just something I had had for a few years. Anytime something happened either between me and Bill or my family, it was the place I went. My getaway. My secret place. I kept it stocked pretty well too. With extra clothes, some dry foods, bedding, and other items I needed.

Just like any other day at lunch break I went to my favourite coffee shop down the street from my job. After getting my regular I decided to take the short walk to the pier at the end of the street. Ever since I had run away from Bill and the guys, I had gone there to collect myself and feel better. It was always calming, right by the water. No on really went there anymore so it was a nice spot to be alone. My arms were filled with my notebooks and photography profiles. I was supposed to, on my break, go through the job applications for the photography company I worked for.

After the night of our break up I couldn’t get my self to move back home and to leave Germany. I couldn’t just leave and not know what was going on in their lives. So I bought a cheap apartment, got a job, and hid from the public eye. I didn't want anyone to know I was still here in Germany. I just wanted to fade away, for everyone to just forget I every existed. Just to be forgettable again. I had had such a fast rise to stardom that it had begun to be too much. I just need a break, a break from life. I couldn’t get that with the guys. There was always some camera lurking around the corner, or some interviewer with a microphone shoved in our faces. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had had enough. That's why I hid. So far everything was working out well. I had changed my style, dyed my brown hair a bright red colour, and worked my life around working in the shadows.

The news articles had all different stories about my absence. Some said I stole money from the band and ran away with it. Other said I was pregnant with a one night stand that supposedly happened when Bill's and my relationship was a little rocky. Other magazines took the whole pregnancy story and played it up, saying Bill had told me to leave and not come back.

I wondered if they guys had read these stories headlines. I wondered what they thought of me. They probably hated me for just leaving with no note or goodbye. They probably never wanted to see me again.

"Hello! Hello! Miss!" I was snapped back into reality by the coffee shops owner waving my drink in my face.

"Thanks." I smiled politely, adjusted the books in my arms and reached for the drink.

I opened the door to the shop and was immediately greeted by the warm sunshine. I took one step into the blinding light, my eyes still adjusting to the light difference. Just as I took a second step onto the sidewalk I felt and intense pain in my one side and I was literally thrown to the side.
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So this is a continuation fo the one shot "you're promises never meant anything"
Sorry if it was a little dry. It is just the begining.