Status: Slowly Active

You'll Be Forever Sacred

How Do My Leftovers Taste?

I walked back to my room not knowing how I felt. I was definitely mad. Furious even. But at who? A little at Avery, though I knew I shouldn’t be. I thought we were getting along great the last time we got together. I thought things between us were finally mending. But that man! I wanted to kill him. For talking to her, for touching her, for what I knew they were doing at this exact moment. Poor Avery looked plastered when I saw her in the hall. I really hoped he wasn’t going to hurt her. I felt horrible when she left. I knew I was the reason. I’d put so much strain on her. I didn’t really blame her for leaving. I was surprised when she decided to meet me at all during the week. We just clicked so much. Everyday at the pier, it was like we had never been apart.

I glanced around, me realising my little internal rant had led me to the door she was just behind. I could so easily just push the door open steal her away, tell her I loved her so much and that I wanted her all to myself. But I knew I couldn’t do that. I should be happy for her. Content that she was able to move on in her life. I was being selfish, but I didn’t want her to move on. I wanted her to myself forever and always. I wanted this guy to make her miserable. If only I had known what was happening behind the door in front of me.

I sighed and walked to the door across the hall to the room that was assigned to my band. Just as I turned the doorknob a high pitched scream was heard. I thought it was just a coincidence that it happened right as I turned the knob, so I figured it was my imagination that amplified the squeak of the doorknob. I shook of the eerie feeling and turned the knob all the way and pushed it open. I turned to stare at the hard wood door across the hall when I heard another one of those blood curdling screams.
My eyes darted around the hall hoping it was coming from anywhere other than the door directly in my line of vision. I ran towards the door and shook the doorknob a little. It wasn’t locked, but to my dismay I still couldn’t get it open.

“Shit, open! Open! Help!” I called out to anyone. I tired slamming myself into the door a few times only to regret doing so. I ran to the door at the end of the hall that led back to the party and looked for the guard that normally stood there. Naturally, he wasn’t there. I swore to myself and got out my phone. Dialling the one person I knew that would be able to break through the door.

“Georg! Please help me! It’s Avery . Please… She’s getting hurt. Oh my gosh I can’t believe I just wished this on her. Please Georg!” I hollered into the phone.

After hanging up the phone I started to bang on the door, hoping that that he would answer it, and as soon as he did I would hit him in the face so hard for taking advantage of her that it would probably brake my fist. But it wouldn’t matter, Avery was worth it.

“Avery!” I yelled pounding my fists on the door like a three year old child having a tantrum. Georg appeared at my side and pushed me out of the way. I couldn’t hear any sounds other than that of Georg’s body smashing into the doorframe and my own laboured breathing. I knew then that we must be too late. He had probably finished with whatever he had wanted to do to her. It was too late. I was too late.
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((This if you didn't already figure it out is in Bill's perspective...))
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