The Wicked End

The Wicked End

(Shelly's P.O.V)

I'll never forget that day,it's as if someone burned it into my memory,forcing me to never forget. I don't think I could forget though,not even if i tried.

The day it happened, it was like any other typical day. The sun was out shining,making the ocean we lived by sparkle, as if it were broken glass and i knew that when the sun would set, my brother and I would go sit on the edge of the cliff and watch the sunset. But little did i know,that would be Johnny's last sunset.

I was playing quietly with my toys,waiting to hear Johnny come through the gate that would lead him to me, I would always know when it was him,for the gate would squeak when he would open it. Right as I heard that squeak, I dropped what I was playing with and ran to him.
“Johnny your home”I said enthusiastically, he smiled down at me while picking me up.
“hey Shells”,Johnny was the only who called me Shells. As he walked us to the swing set in our back yard,he set me down on a swing and started to push me.
“Johnny where were you? Mommy and Daddy were mad at you for leaving” I asked,while holding on to the ropes that connected to the swing,so I wouldn't fall off.
“I just had to do something,don't worry Shells” he told me but before i could answer my mom yelled,
“JOHNNY,is that you”
“yeah”he replied
“get your ass in this house,right now”my mom yelled. I always hated when my mom would yell at Johnny,for his face would change to one of anger but scared at the same time.
“alright mom, I'm coming”Johnny yelled back. “Shells you stay out here and play okay, I'll be right back don't worry”Johnny whispered to me.
“But Johnny-”I was interrupted with Johnny saying,
“No,you have to stay here, okay”Johnny told me,more as a command rather then asked.
“alright Johnny, I promise”i said, and with that he walked inside the house, closing the door behind him.

I don't quite remember how long it was before Johnny came back out to me,maybe ten or twenty minutes,but when he did,his face seemed to hold a blank expression,as if he couldn't make up his mind and the right side of his face seemed to be a bright red. I walked towards him and said his name a bit cautiously,
“Johnny”,he quickly snapped out of whatever trance he was in and smiled at me.
“yeah Shells”he asked.
“Are you okay?” I asked him.
“Of course, now go play with your toys okay honey,I'll be back later”he said.
“Alright Johnny,come back soon”i said.
“I promise” Johnny said,then started to walk away,but not before he turned around and said,
“Shells, I love you” I looked up towards him and smiled.
“I love you to Johnny”I said, he then walked out of the gate. With me being only six,Of course I followed him. Not knowing if he would get mad, I kept out of his sight, waiting to see where he was leading me to.

When we arrived to his destination, I recognized the place we where at. It was at the cliff in which we would watch the sunset together. He walked closer to the edge,while i hid behind the bush so he wouldn't see me. At that moment i knew something didn't feel right, so i kept watching him, wondering why he would watch the sunset with out me. Within a blink of an eye, Johny had jumped. Shock over came me as I quickly ran to the edge with tears in my eyes, i looked over but all I saw were the ocean's waves crashing against the ridged rocks that showed me Johnny's fate. I called out his name hoping he would come back to me,but knowing he wouldn't.
“Johnny” I screamed, I was now crying.
“Johnny,come back,please” I said, as if with every word I spoke, I would just cry more.
“you promised” I quietly said, while dropping to my knees, not even caring if the scrapes were bleeding.

I now realize, I was to young to notice the fake smiles, and happiness he would lead me to believe. Or the bruises and empty expressions he would hide from me,once mother was done yelling at him. Now that I look back, I think to myself,that people don't always come across as who they portray themselves to be.

Even though I know Johnny will never walk through the gate that leads him to me again, I can still hear the squeak of the gate that only Johnny was able to make. I guess anyone can have their Wicked End.
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My first Johnny story, well one-shot.
sorry it's short.