Nobody's Heart

Riku's Dream

Darkness...everywhere. Impenetrable, complete, engulfing darkness. Solid black, almost suffocating. Wrapped entirely with no way out.

A must be. Nothing was there except for the never ending sea of black. It wasn’t even worth to mention him. Here...he was nothing. All was darkness.

If this is the dark, then maybe it’s not so bad.

He looked around again. He was all too familiar with this place. But then someone stepped out of the darkness and his eyes widened.

It’s because of who’s lurking inside it.

“I thought you were gone,” he said to the figure.

“You’ll never be able to get rid of me,” was its answer. “Your heart will always have darkness in it; I’ll always be able to come back.”

“Not if I beat you again,” he retorted.

The figure did not seem disturbed by his confidence.

“I’ve grown stronger since the last time we met,” he continued. “Beating you will be easy.” He held his arm out, and with a flash of light, a weapon appeared in his hand.

“I see you still have a keyblade,” the figure said in a casual tone. “But you really attack someone who was defenseless, even me, Riku?”

Riku tensed up, saying, “We both know you’re not defenseless. And I know you’re not Ansem, Xehanort.”

Xehanort narrowed his eyes, and they seemed to glow a brighter yellow than they usually were. Then his expression changed entirely, becoming relaxed before the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin that Riku knew didn’t bode well for him. Or at least that’s what Xehanort thought.

Mimicking Riku, Xehanort held his arm out. A staff appeared in his hand, twin dragon wing-like blades were on either end of it. Simultaneously, a shadow appeared right behind him, hovering above his head. It was his Heartless bodyguard.

Riku charged forward, his similar-looking keyblade that looked like a dragon wing also with a small angel wing at the tip being held before him. He leapt into the air and brought Way to Dawn down. Of course the Heartless blocked the blow and Riku fell back, rolling back to his feet to regain his balance. When he did, he charged again getting several blows on Xehanort’s bodyguard.

Finally it disappeared and Riku charged Xehanort to get a hit on him, but when he jumped up, he found himself suspended in midair, being held up by the Heartless. Xehanort spun his staff and attacked Riku, landing many blows until his Heartless disappeared and Riku fell. He felt sore all over, but he got back up and charged towards Xehanort yet again. He jumped into the air, doing a flip over the Heartless and hitting
Xehanort in the back hard,
causing him to fall forwards
as Riku landed behind him.
Before Xehanort could react,
Riku had landed several more
blows. Xehanort’s bodyguard
had disappeared, and now he
was on his knees, one hand
on the ground to steady
himself. His staff disappeared.

“See...I told you I was stronger,”
Riku said.

“You will return to the darkness,”
Xehanort gasped. And then he
was gone.

Riku opened his eyes. It had
been a dream. But maybe it
was more.