Nobody's Heart

A Decision

Riku stared blankly at the cave’s walls. He had come here in order to get some privacy, hoping Sora and Kairi wouldn’t come looking after him. Sora had probably gotten the message, though, when he had walked away. Or at least Riku hoped he had understood, and not thought he was mad or something. He needed time alone to think. Something was wrong, that was for sure, but what should he do?

His eyes wandered over the drawings without him really taking anything in. But then they rested on the door. He remembered when he had wondered what was behind it, imagining a variety of scenarios and coming up with adventures. Of course, that hadn’t been quite enough for him. He had wanted the real thing.

He needed to leave.

The sudden thought surprised him, although he knew all along that it was what he had intended to do. It sounded so simple, but he knew that wasn’t the case. There was no way to get to Mickey’s castle without the gummi ship. Or at least there was no way he would take to get there if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. And he felt that it was.

You will return to the darkness.

He shook his head. ‘He was just saying that,’ he tried to reassure himself. But he knew that it wasn’t just a hollow threat.

For a moment he bowed his head, closing his eyes. He felt the feeling of unease well up inside of him, pressing against the barrier of his skin. There was no ignoring it. Slowly he raised his head, opening his eyes again.

There was no way Sora would let Riku do what he intended. Kairi of course had already expressed her opinion. He let out a sigh. There would be no goodbyes, but hopefully it wouldn’t be too long before he saw them again.

Tonight he would leave.

He would go to the castle and see if Donald and Goofy were there. If they were, he would only have to ask them if they had heard anything. If they weren’t…then he knew where these bad feelings were coming from.

He got up, feeling as though his fate were sealed. ‘No turning back now.’


That night Riku knew what
he was committing himself
to when he fell asleep. He was
surrounded by the impenetrable
darkness again. For a moment
it was just him. Before he
could reconsider what he was
about to do, though, he saw
the person he was waiting for.

Xehanort smirked. “Old habits
die hard,” he commented.

Riku ignored the comment. He
closed his eyes, opening his
heart to the darkness.