Jealous Orchard


"Does my driving scare you?" Morgan asked cutting across three of the lanes. Even though we haven't seen a car on our side for the past thirty minutes, it was still a little nerve wrecking when she drove like a hit man in a car chase.

"Just a little bit, but I'm getting used to it."

"Don't worry in about ten minutes we'll be getting on a two lane highway, and no one is ever on it."

"So if we crash?"

"Cellphones. Durr. Don't be thinking about that."

"I'm going to call Adam and see if they already got there."

For some reason we stopped at Taco Bell on the way there, and we sat for almost forty five minutes just talking. We were looking to get there at around one now.

"Hey man, you excited for tomorrow?"


"Yeah, we're leaving tomorrow, or did you forget?"

"Morgan and I are more than halfway there," I said looking at Morgan who was completely oblivious to my conversation.

She was steering with her knees as he tried to tie her hair in a ponytail.

"Keep your hands on the wheel," I said when I felt us swerving.

"Relax my man. Be chill," she said running her fingers through my hair.

"Wait, Taylor said she was leaving tomorrow. She's not with you right? Because I need to know how to get there."

"No, she's not with us," I turned toward Morgan who had her hands back on the wheel.

"Um, they're not leaving until tomorrow," I said as I watched her try and dance like some ghetto kid.

"Alright. I have the keys so it's fine."

Well I guess we'll see you tomorrow," I said into the phone.

"Man, be safe. I know you didn't bring any pro-[b/]

I hung up before he could finish his sentence.

"Car!" Morgan shouted as a slow moving pick up truck drove past us.

Maybe it was just because she was going fast that it looked slow.

"We need to stop at the store and get food, because there's none at the house."

"Morgan, it's almost twelve thirty. I don't think they'll be open tonight."

"I know what time it is, Bren. This one is open twenty four seven. Taylor and I used to raise hell in there during the middle of the night," she said as her speed started to slow down.

I realized that Morgan was a completely different person than she seems to be in school. I figured I would have to do some force talking the whole way.

"Why am I not surprised?" I asked stretching out my legs and kicking off my sandals.

"I don't know, Bren. Maybe you're just incredibly smart."

"Are you tired yet?" I asked as she leaned forward and rested her chin on the wheel.

"No, but if that's your way of saying you want me to stop driving, then I won't be offended."

"No, I just feel like the bitch in this relationship."

"It's alright, I like to be the one in control."

I don't know if she was trying to make me uncomfortable, or what but I definitely had to switch my sitting position, so nothing could be seen.

We remained silent which I didn't mind because I kept repeating the pledge of allegiance to stop thinking about Morgan in that way.

The CD stopped and Morgan took down her CD holder and handed it to me.

"So I don't scare you with my multi-tasking skills," she said turning off of the the highway and onto what I assumed to be the two lane highway she was talking about.

I shuffled through her CDs and laughed at the wide range of genres.

"What's so funny?" she asked looking at me.

"You have a Meatloaf CD, and then right behind it, you have Tupac."

"Both talented artist," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"I think I'm learning more about you than I ever thought I would," I said as I saw some buildings go buy.

All had their lights off, except the fire station, and Von's.

"Woot!" Morgan pumped one arm in the air as she quickly turned into the parking lot.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret." I looked at her with a worried look at she put the car in park.

"What is it?"

"My favorite part about the lake house is shopping for food."

"Shopping for food?"

"Shopping for food."

I looked at her face and she looked completely serious.

"Then I guess I have to witness this amazing feeling."

We both got out of her Jeep, and started walking toward the door. She wrapped her arms around one of mine as she leaned against me.

"You eat meat right?"

"Yes," I said nodding my head.

She let go of my arm and went toward the carts. She took it a cart and pushed it through the doors.

This place was a ghost town. Probably two people were working and that was it.

"Hey Johnny, Brett." She waved to the two kids sitting on top of the conveyor belt playing cards.

"Hey Morgan." They both waved to her as I walked quietly next to her.

"How long are you staying?" I asked as Morgan went toward the frozen foods section.

"Hmm, I don't really know."

I watched her bend down to grab a box of Hot Pockets, and I couldn't help but notice how her the back of her pink boyshorts were showing.

"What kind of foods do you like?" she stood up and turned to look at me.

"Umm, I eat pretty much everything." She smiled at my and then put the boxes in the cart.


"What did you think?" she asked as I pushed the cart down the parking lot.

We were the only car in the lot.

"It was amazing."

"Don't mock me, Bren."

"I'm not. I like shopping for food with you," I said while thinking of all the times she bent over.

"You can be my food shopping buddy."

"I think I can handle that."

"This is it," she said putting the car in park.

"This is it?" I looked up at the cabin in the middle of the woods.

You'd think that we were in the middle of Wisconsin with this huge log cabin, sitting on the lake.

"Yeah, now let's bring in the food first, so it doesn't good bad, and then we can sleep."

"You guys have a pool?"

"Yeah, sometimes the lake gets crowded. Like during spring break. God, that's the worst."

"Oh, how horrible it must be to share this lake," I joked grabbing as many bags as I could while we walked to the cabin.

"Oh, gosh. Do I sound like a snob?" she asked while opening up the fridge to put away the food.

"God, I don't mean to. I did, didn't I? I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I know you're not a snob. You might have the money of a snob, but you're too nice to be one," I said handing her the package of water bottles.


"What time is it?" Morgan walked into the room she said I could stay in for the weekend. It was more like a connecting with the basement. It had two queen beds in it, both made out of logs. I threw my bag onto the floor next to my bed and flopped down on top of the covers.

"It's around two."

Morgan fell back onto my bed and her body arched over my legs.

"I'm not tired at all," she said staring at the ceiling.

"You're not?"

"Are you?"

"Well, now I feel like the pussy if I say yes."

"Good, then say no, and come upstairs with me."

She sat up and grabbed my hands and tried to pull me off the bed.

"What are we going to do?"

"We could go swimming."

"No," I said laughing and shaking my head.

"We could go watch a movie and make a pizza, because I'm starving."

"Honestly I've never seen a girl each so much in my life, but I think that would be a really good idea."

"Coo," she said dropping the l off of cool, and sprinting upstairs.

"You know you never should me the rest of the house," I yelled while walking up the stairs.

"Later," she said while waiting for me at the top of the stairs smiling down at me.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because," she said turning around and walking into the Kitchen area. "You make me smile."
♠ ♠ ♠
Gahh, I wish I had pictures of the cabin that I'm thinking of. My family used to go there all the time, and it was just so pretty. But it was in Wisconsin, not Nevada, but that's okay, because this is fiction.

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