Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Keep It Simple Now

The next day Rachel woke in the same fury she had been the day before. Her parents did not even attempt to figure out why their daughter was in such a chaotic mood. They simply carried on drinking their coffee and eating their breakfast. 'This day will never end,' Rachel thought to herself as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door. Ten minutes later she was accompanied by a familiar figure.

"I got to your house but your parents said you had gone to school already. how come you didn't wait for me?" Cadence asked as he stuffed his hands into his jeans' pockets.

"Boy, aren't you chatty today," Rachel replied sarcastically as she upped the speed she was walking at. Maybe today she'd actually get a workout from the stupid project they were doing. She heard Cadence click his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"I see..." Cadence said knowingly, "You're still upset from what I said. Well, if it helps, I'm sorry."

Rachel glared at Cadence from the sides of her eyes, "Apology NOT accepted."

Cadence huffed a little and retreated into his normal state of silence. Rachel rolled her eyes and started to walk faster. Cadence kept up with her nonetheless. This continued until they were almost sprinting.

"What is your problem?" Cadence asked before they got to school, "I said I was sorry."

Rachel stared at Cadence dumbfounded, "Cadence, you've been dangling me on a thing string for the past few days and I'm sick of it. So I'm not going to fall for this charade that you're putting up because I know in a few days time, you're going to go back on your word."

Before Cadence could speak Rachel was already running towards school. He sighed and began to walk casually in the same direction.

"She hates you," said a new voice from Cadence's side.

"Yeah, and it's all your fault. I hope your happy Aiden."

Aiden chuckled, "It's for the best."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its short. I dont remember where I was going with this story, but it deserved an update.