Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Are We Just Going To Be Enemies?

Her Thursday had already started badly. It definitely did not help that her bad mood from yesterday had been carried over to today. Rachel jogged slowly around the track immersed in her thoughts. She wasn't even listening to Megan and Jake converse about a test they had next period.

How can he just expect everything to be so... normal? After saying those things, Rachel asked herself angrily. Subconsciously she began to jog faster. Megan and Jake looked at her curiously but didn't say anything.

Caden and Aiden were leaning against the bleachers, silently watching their classmates do their last laps around the track. Caden was watching Rachel jog around the track while Aiden smirked quietly to himself. Caden bit his lip.

This isn't fair, Caden thought.

It never is, Aiden replied. Why do you care so much about her? Do you have feelings for her, brother?

Caden's silence answered Aiden's question.

That's dangerous, Aiden stated.

"Hale. Winter, Cadence. I want to speak to you two," called the female PE coach.

Rachel snapped her head in the direction of her coach then turned to glare at Caden who was already walking towards the coach. Rachel cursed Caden for being so calm and collected.

Curse him and his shades, She thought as she reached the coach.

"I just wanted to know how your hours are going. I know we have one more day left but I just want to see where you two are at."

Rachel opened her mouth to make a catty remark that would make a stab at Caden but he beat her to the punch.

"My partner and I are finished," Caden stated coolly.

Rachel turned to Caden with an expression that read 'What-the-hell-are-you-talking-about?', But he didn't look at her. He didn't even acknowledge her. Caden kept his gaze on the coach, unmoving and silent.

"Wow, I'm impressed," the female coach said, not noticing Rachel's aghast face. "Very well. You're dismissed."

Rachel had half the nerve to pull Caden aside and give him a piece of her mind. But as she turned to walk away her eyes locked with Caden's, hidden behind his glasses. He gazed at her impassively then continued to walk away.

Rachel let her mouth drop in disgust. The bell rang and the angry girl stormed towards the locker room. Her thoughts muddled with different ways to murder Cadence Winter.

"I can't believe him. It's no wonder no one likes him," Rachel ranted at the lunch table.

Jake looked at Megan with his eyebrows raised. He poked his cafeteria lunch, feeling awkward listening to a girl vent out her feelings. Megan looked at Rachel with an unamused expression. Rachel took no notice.

"I mean, both of them! They're both assholes and they take pride in it! Just look at them. Look at them sitting at their table. They're not talking. They're never talking!" Rachel breathed out loudly. "If I wasn't so worked up, I'd walk over right now and give them both a piece of my mind. Both of them. At the same time."

"Then why don't you?" Jake said flatly, playing with his food.

"You know what? I think I will," Rachel said standing up and walking away.

"Wait, what?" Jake asked, suddenly realizing what he had just said.

"Jake! You idiot!" Megan scolded, whacking Jake in the head. "Look at what you did."

"I wasn't- I didn't mean... I wasn't paying attention! How could I know she would have done that? She said she wouldn't cause she was worked up! I was getting tired of hearing her complain about them!" Jake countered, trying to support his thoughtless words.

Megan sighed, "This is not going to end up well."

"Just who do you think you two are? Do you two think you two own this school because people are scared of you? Well I'm not scared of you. In fact, I'm repulsed by you. I hate you two. You have no idea. You don't treat people ri-"

Caden looked at his brother who turned to look at him at the same time. Aiden raised his eyebrows at Cadence who just shrugged his shoulders.

The girl can rant, Aiden thought.

You have no idea, Caden replied.

She's still going too. It's amazing she can go so long. She doesn't even take breaks to breathe, Aide stated.

Caden shrugged.

"-tter change because this is unacceptable. I don't like how you two treat me. I won't stand for it. It's stupid. You two are stupid. People shouldn't be afraid of you two because you're both just cold emotionless sacs of flesh."

Caden flinched at her last comment. Aiden noticed and sighed. He shook his head, "Are you done?"

Rachel narrowed her eyes at Aiden and let her mouth drop.

"No, as a matter of fact, I'm just getting started. I-"

You're an idiot, Caden said rolling his eyes and giving his brother an unamused face.

Couldn't help it. Aiden grinned.

"-ou wipe that smirk off your face Aiden Winter. I swear, it'll be the last one you ever have the pleasure of wearing. You two jerks better ha-"


The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch hour. Both Cadence and Aiden stood up with their trays, ignoring the ranting girl. Rachel stared as their backs disappeared out of the cafeteria. Though having released her anger onto the brothers, Rachel didn't feel any better. In fact, she felt worse. She felt hollow, empty... she felt... sad. She didn't understand it at all.

She left out a sign and started towards her next class.

It had been a grueling day. Luckily sixth period was Rachel's last class. Unluckily, she shared sixth period with Aiden Winter. One of the boys she had spent almost all of lunch hour telling off.

Rachel sat at her easel, starting on her latest piece of work. It was a picture of the forest at night. Behind the mountains a large moon shone brightly, illuminating the forest that swayed by the invisible wind. Rachel's mouth twitched as the person next to her sat down.

"Nice painting," Aiden commented.

Rachel ignored him and continued her work.

"Oh. I get it. Cadence and I get told off during lunch. But it's you who gives the cold shoulder. Sounds reasonable," Aiden said starting his painting.

Rachel sighed but didn't respond.

"It was pretty amusing though, watching you rant there. It was cute," Aiden said.

Rachel blushed at his comment. Did Aiden Winter just call her cute? She coughed involuntarily and felt him look at her from the corners of his eyes.

"What? I call them as I see them," Aiden continued. "And I'm sorry about the falling out you and my brother had. It happens to the best of us."

Was this actually happening? Was Aiden Winter actually having a conversation, or at least attempting to have a conversation, with her. Hadn't it been Aiden who warned her about being friends with him and his brother? Rachel shook her head and continued to paint.

"Excuse me, class," the teacher called from the front of the room. "The bell is about to ring and I just wanted to tell you about your assignment. It'll take you tomorrow and the weekend to complete."

Rachel looked at the clock in disbelief. Time had really flown this period. The teacher continued talking about the assignment while Rachel stared profoundly at the clock. It was only when Rachel heard the word 'partners' she tuned back into reality.

"What?" Rachel asked in a shocked whisper a little too loudly.

Her teacher frowned at Rachel having heard her question, "You and your partner have to paint a portrait of you two doing an activity together. It should be three feet by five. Due at the end of Monday's class. Do you need me to repeat that again Ms. Hale?"

Rachel shook her head no.

"Good. Partners have been selected and posted on the door outside."

The bell rang and Rachel collected her things then headed outside. A feeling of dread settled in her stomach. She already had a feeling she knew who her partner was. Finally making her way to the front of the crowd Rachel stared at the paper in defeat.

"Well, would you look at that," Aiden said from behind her. "Looks like we'll be getting to know each other well over this weekend. Aren't we?"

Rachel turned around and came face to face with Aiden's chest. She put her palm on his chest and used him as a shield as she pushed him through the crowd. Rachel turned down the hallway and began to walk away.

"Well, three by five. Sounds pretty big," Aiden said catching up to Rachel. "Why don't you come over today so we can get started?"

"Why don't you just jump from a third story building?" Rachel retorted.

They were on the long winding road towards Rachel's home. The wind was blowing harder than usual, making Rachel's hair slap her face, making her even more irritated.

"Why are you so ticked?" Aiden asked.

"Why are you being so friendly?" Rachel asked as she stopped and turned to Aiden.

Aiden stopped and shut his mouth. He studied her and shrugged. Rachel blinked once then looked him once over and started to walk again.

"I don't know. I think Cadence dislikes me. But then again, I don't think he's ever liked me," Rachel stated.

"It's ok. He won't be home," Aiden assured.

Rachel looked at Aiden from the corners of her eyes, "Why?"

"He's going out of town with our parents for awhile. Probably won't be home until Wednesday next week."

"How convenient. What's the occasion? Why aren't you with them?" Rachel asked.

"Cadence got sick and has to see a specialist in New York," Aiden replied. "It happens a lot so I just stay here."

"He looked fine at lunch."

"You mean when you told him off?"

Rachel glared at Aiden, "Just take us to your house so we can start this stupid project."
♠ ♠ ♠
Originally this was going to be one long chapter. Instead I separated it into two. Twelve and Thirteen.