Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Do You Know That Your Love Is The Sweetest Sin?

As Rachel made her way home, her thoughts were on the conversations and events of that night. Aiden had kissed her and then again warned her against him and Caden.Emphasize on the Caden part she thought to herself. She rounded a bank and saw a figure walking towards her. Walking very fast toward her. Rachel started to walk backwards when she realized that the figure had started sprinting towards her.

She blinked once and before she knew it she was pinned against a tree, face to face with Caden Winter. His face was a mess, as if he had been crying. His eyes were wild, searching hers for some sort of explanation that Rachel could not give him.

“What did he tell you?” Caden barked, gripping Rachel’s shoulders tightly.

Rachel grimaced from the pain, “What? Who?”

Tears streamed down Caden’s face, “Aiden!”

Rachel didn’t understand the pain Caden was in but she could see it. His hands were shaky as he held her. She shook her head ‘no’ , unable to find words to say to him. Caden let go of Rachel abruptly and stuck his hands in his pocket. His head hung as he paced to and from Rachel.

“I never thought you, of all people, could break me apart. I thought if I just wore a smile every day and kept my guard up that I’d be safe. But you kept wanting in. You kept fighting. And I kept thinking, no, not this time. I’ve done this many times before. It should have been so easy. But you didn’t make it easy,” Caden said walking towards her again, more tears rolling down his face.

If someone could cry beautifully, Caden Winter could do it, Rachel thought to herself.
Caden smirked at her through his tears, as if he had heard her thoughts. He took a deep breath and stared into Rachel’s eyes with his unreal green eyes. They were calmer now but still searching. Rachel opened her mouth to speak but was caught off guard when Caden placed his lips softly against her.

Caden separated their lips and placed his forehead against her, “This is how I feel about you, Rachel. And it’s real.”

Rachel smiled at Caden, her heart fluttering a bit not like when Aiden kissed her.

“You are my heroine, Rachel Hale,” Caden said pulling her hands into his. “And I want to be with you. Despite my brother.”

Aiden. His words resurfaced into Rachel’s mind. She frowned, “Why does Aiden want me to stay away from you?”

Caden dropped her hands slowly and turned away from her.

Dramatic much… Rachel thought to herself.

Caden turned to face her again with an annoyed look on his face. I swear this kid is reading my mind, Rachel thought. Caden gave her a small smile.

“We,” Caden started. “I,” he corrected. “Have a closet filled with ghosts and skeletons of my past. A past Aiden and I both don’t want you to know about.”


“Because it might hurt you,” Caden said truthfully.

Rachel blinked, “Why would your past hurt me?”

“My past is what’s made me the person I am today,” he admitted.

“What annoying?” Rachel joked but Caden was not laughing.

“Rachel,” Caden said with a small look of fear on his face. “I’m a vampire.”

Rachel burst out laughing as if Caden’s statement was the most ridiculous thing she had ever heard. She clutched her stomach as bent over laughing, tears rolling down the side of her face. When she finally composed herself, stood up straight and wiped her eyes.

“Alright, Caden. You’re a vampire,” Rachel said waving her fingers in the air. “Next thing you’re going to tell me is that you can read my mind and that you’re over a hundred years old. OH, if you’re a vampire that must mean the Aiden is too. Can he read my mind too?”

Caden looked slightly hurt, “You’ve known all along?”

Rachel frowned at Caden, “You serious Caden? You actually think I’m going to believe you’re a vampire.”

“Well ye-“

“If you’re a vampire, then I’m a witch,” Rachel joked.

“Are you?” Caden asked.

Rachel looked at Caden disbelievingly, “No. And you’re not a vampire. So cut the crap, Caden. It’s not cute anymore.”

Caden crossed his arms, upset that Rachel did not believe him, “I can read your mind. Which is why I know that you think I cry beautifully and that Aiden kissed you tonight.”

Rachel blinked, “Ok, Caden… have you been spying on me?”

Caden rolled his eyes, “Rachel, I’m a vampire. Look at me.”

Rachel lifted her gaze from the ground and watched as Caden smiled at her, baring his fangs. She started to back away from him. Then she started to run. Caden shook his head and ran after her. He griped her wrist and pulled her into to him.

“I would never hurt you,” he whispered, running his fingers through her hair. He kissed her forehead gently. “I would never.”