Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Monday At School

Megan and Jake were stretching on the lawn when Rachel got to gym class. Her normal smile was plastered on her face as she jogged over to her two friends. Jake gave Megan a nudge to warn her that Rachel was headed their way.

“Play nice,” Jake said quietly to Megan.

Megan just grunted and continued to stretch.

“Hey guys,” Rachel greeted as she sat beside them and started to stretch her legs.

“Are you ok?” Megan asked as she moved to sit Indian style. Jake smacked his head with his palm.

“Megan…” he groaned.

“No, Jake. I want to hear what she has to say,” Megan said with a concerned look on her face.

Rachel raised her eyebrows at Megan, “I’m fine. Thanks for asking? How are you?”

Megan crossed her arms, “We saw you with Cadence Winter on Friday. I saw him drag you out of school and pull you into the forest. But Jake here held me back from trying to save.”

Rachel laughed, “What? You followed me on Friday?”

“Megan’s under this Lifetime movie craze. She wanted to follow you Friday to make sure you were ok,” Jake explained.

“No, this is serious Jake. Stop playing it off like some joke. Rachel, are. you. ok?” Megan asked ok.

“I’m fine, Meg.”

The three stood up and started to walk around the track. Rachel couldn’t believe how Megan was acting towards her and the whole situation.

“Really? Cause I called you the whole weekend and you didn’t call me back,” Megan stated.

Rachel was staring to see the crazy in Megan’s eyes. She looked to Jake for help but all he did was shrug and continue to walk the track with his two friends. Rachel gave a small amused laugh which seemed to irritate Megan a little bit.

“I spent the weekend at the Winters’ house. There’s no service out there,” Rachel explained. “I was fine. My parents knew where I was and Caden wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

“We’re just concerned about you,” Megan said.

“By ‘we’ Megan mean means she,” Jake interrupted. Megan hit his arm.

The trio came up to the end of the track and class. “Don’t worry about it,” Rachel said.

As they reached the end of the track, Rachel noticed Cadence standing at the finish line waiting for her. She smiled at him then waved her friends goodbye to join him. Together, they walked to her locker.

“Uh,” Megan said in shock. “Did you just see that?”

Jake rolled his eyes.


At lunch, Megan still had not let Rachel’s abandonment go.

“I can’t believe she just left us there,” Megan said in between forkfuls of salad.

Jake and Megan sat at the table waiting for Rachel to join them. Megan had not talked to Rachel since gym but she was set on getting to the bottom of things. A few minutes later Rachel walked into the cafeteria.

And headed straight for the Winter table. Megan was not the only one to notice. The whole cafeteria was overcome with whispers. Megan narrowed her eyes at Caden and Aiden Winter.

“What the hell is going on?!” Megan whispered loudly to Jake.

“Oh, real cute Megan. Way to jump on the bandwagon,” Jake said.


Megan was at Rachel’s locker before Caden or Rachel had gotten there. When Rachel finally arrived a look of puzzlement overcame her. She opened her locker and began to rummage about, waiting for Megan to attack her.

“Can I help you, Meg?” Rachel asked.

“Why are you hanging out with them?” Megan asked angrily.

“They’re my friends,” Rachel replied closing her locker and turning to face Megan.

“What?” Megan asked in disbelief.

“You don’t know them like I do,” Rachel said walking around Megan and out of the building.

“They’re bad news,” Megan warned. She paused then continued, “It’s them or us.”

Rachel stopped walking away and turned to face Megan, “Are you serious?”

“Yes I am,” Megan said crossing her arms.

Rachel opened her mouth to reply but stopped herself when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned her head to see Cadence behind her, looking at Megan with an expressionless face. Rachel looked back at Megan. Her friend gave her a desperate look and raised her eyebrows.

“I’m sorry, Megan,” Rachel said.

And she walked away hand in hand with Cadence Winter.
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Sorry this chapter and a few of them before were short. They're fillers that are gonna lead to chapters that will be significantly longer. Bear with me! :]