Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Can't Justify The Way Everyone Is Looking At Me

Cadence sat on the roof the house that he and Aiden were currently residing in. The forest surrounded its grounds and the only way to get there was if you knew where the beaten down track was that turned off of the highway. Cadence took off his sunglasses and let it hang from his T-shirt. The cool air played with the edge of his gray shirt.

"Caden, you can't keep putting us in danger like that," Aiden said condescendingly.

Cadence turned his head to his brother standing behind him on the very tip of the roof. Cadence did not say anything. He could not say anything because he knew that Aiden was right. But he knew Aiden wanted explanations. Cadence had none.

"Caden, talk to me. You have been acting strange since the arrival of the girl."

Cadence recalled the incident that had occurred that morning. The scent of her blood cause Cadence to go over board. It didn't help that she had lost a plentiful amount. Cadence cursed at himself for being so weak. He hated who he was. An empty shell, so hollow that he had to feed off of other living creatures just to live.

"The scent of that girl," Cadence said weakly, "It was so... mind consuming. I couldn't handle myself properly."

Aiden moved to sit next to his brother. He sighed and looked at Cadence with pained eyes. It was hard for both of them. It took all the strength in Aiden to pull Cadence away from the bleeding girl in the morning. He could see the hunger in Cadence's eyes... it was the same one that Aiden had in his own eyes.

"I know," Aiden replied quietly, "I came as close as you did pouncing on her when she hurt herself."

Cadence looked at Aiden in surprise. Aiden was always the responsible one of the two. Even though as hard as Cadence tried, Cadence always found away of starting trouble and forcing them to move somewhere new. He gave a small apologetic smile to his brother.

"That's what we get when we try to test how long we can hold out our hunger, eh?" Cadence commented.

Aiden nodded, "Yeah. Never again."

Cadence looked out at the now darkened forest. He wished that he was normal again. He wanted to feel like he belonged. Cadence felt so much like an out cast, not being able to have friends or have fun in general. He wanted to remember what it was to be alive... to be real again.

But that would never happen and he knew that. Cadence and Aiden both knew the thoughts of what their classmates thought about them. They thought of them as freaks and were terrified of the brothers. Which is why Cadence was so intrigued by the new girl, Rachel Hale. Not only did her blood smell so good, but she talked to the twins. She even challenged them.

Cadence recalled in the hallway after school when she got angry at them. Her blood rose so high that Cadence almost tasted it on his lips. If it not for Aiden, he probably would have sucked her dry right there. Even again, in the forest. If Aiden had not found Cadence in time and stopped him from taking Rachel to the road, there was no doubt in Cadence's mind that he would have hurt her.

You're thinking too much, again. Aiden said to Cadence's thoughts.

Cadence looked at his brother, "I wish we were real."

Aiden looked at his twin, "What for?"

"I always get the feeling that I'm going to screw up because I can't handle myself properly. If we were normal again, then this wouldn't be a problem. This isn't how I imagined my life, or lack thereof, would be. We're always alone by ourselves and I know you're just as unhappy as I am."

Aiden looked at his brother sadly, "We can't do anything about it."

I know, Cadence thought sadly, looking out at the forest again.
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Everything in italics is a mental note, The brothers can talk to each other mentally... who would have thought? Hahaha... a pun. I'm so hilarious.