Tonight Will Change Our Lives

Guide Me Through The Life I Lost

"I can't believe that you were partnered with... him," Megan stated flatly.

Rachel looked in the direction that Megan had pointed her chin in. Apparently everyone else at school was thinking the same thing. It was a constant rally of 'Did you hear about the new girl and Cadence Winter?' and 'Cadence and Rachel are gym partners'. Rachel was not at all enthused with the added attention.

"I don't know why everyone's worked up about it," She said dismissively, "It's not like I'm going to die tomorrow."

Megan looked at her friend with shocked expression, "Please don't say that."

Rachel frowned at Megan and shrugged. What's the worst that could possibly happen? She looked over at the table Cadence and Aiden were sitting at. It seemed as if they were in a fight because neither were talking nor eating. That's curious, Rachel thought to herself, biting into her sandwich.

I can't believe you, Aiden thought fiercely.

Cadence looked at his enraged brother in annoyance. Hadn't Cadence already proven himself while jogging with the girl? Sure, it had been terribly difficult but Cadence had been able to restrain himself from attacking the insolent girl. Why couldn't Aiden see that?

I saw you, Caden, I saw it in your head. You were too close to her. You almost bit her! Aiden scolded.

Cadence narrowed his eyes at his brother, I can handle it. I'll be god awful cold to her and she won't pester us anymore. It's just for a week. Once she sees me being hostile she'll back off.

Aiden didn't seem to like this idea, That's hard to believe coming from someone who imagined drinking her in front of dozens of humans. For chrissake Caden! If this doesn't work that means we'll actually have to work to scare her off! Why couldn't you have just left her alone in the woods to rot!

Oh, heaven forbid we should ever have to actually work to keep people away from us... Because that's the hardest thing we would ever have to encounter! Geez, Aide, get a grip. It wouldn't be hard anyway, considering she hates you already.

What? Really? But I- Aiden glared at Cadence, You say it as if a human hating me is a bad thing. Humans should hate us.

Cadence rolled his eyes and stood up as the bell rang. Three more classes then he would have to deal with Rachel again. What Cadence didn't understand is how Aiden easily dealt with being outcasts of society. They were still there, living and doing humanly things, yet they were still a lone. Cadence sighed and headed for his class.

"Are you coming to my house?" Megan asked as both she and Rachel exited their last class, English, together.

Rachel shook her head, "I've got to head home because Cadence and I are going to work on those hours."

Megan stared at her friend shell shocked and afraid for Rachel's life, "Do you have a cell phone I could call you at or that you could call the police with? What about mace?"

Rachel laughed, "I'll be fine Megan."

"Well, alright, call me when you get home so I know I can sleep tonight," Megan said before walking away.

Returning to her locker, Rachel began to put books away and pull some out and into her bag. When she finished, she closed her locker and jumped in surprise. Where her locker door had once been now stood that familiar black haired boy and his aviators. His expression was grim with an obvious, 'I-don't-want-to-be-here' air about him.

"Hello," he greeted darkly.

Rachel nodded and together they walked towards the front of the school. Neither of the two spoke. Instead, Rachel found the white tiled floor more interesting than anything in front of her. They walked down the front steps and many whispers could be heard coming from those who were on the school's front lawn. The two teenagers continued to walk in silence until they came to the main road surrounded by the forest. They were headed towards Rachel's home.

"Where's Aiden?" Rachel asked, trying to relieve the tension between them.

She glanced over to Cadence who seemed to look like he had paled since first period. His skin was so milky and smooth looking it made Rachel wonder if he had ever been out in the sun. It was too bad that the altitude of the mountains in which Benchville was situated in allowed only for little sunlight to peek through the heavy clouds.

Cadence let out a long breath, as if he had been holding it in for a while now, "He went home."

And that was it. Simple as that. Rachel looked away from Cadence and returned to the asphalt that they were walking on. Everything seemed to be more interesting than the person next to her. She didn't know why, but it bothered her that Cadence was so quiet. Rachel had an odd feeling that wasn't who he was.

Cadence peered from the corner of his aviators to the girl next to him. She was so intoxicating that it was sickening. Her scent... It was so sweet it made him want to vomit. Instead of breathing, Cadence tried his best not to breathe so he wouldn't be so tempted by her. But he had to. He had to breathe for her.

He hated this. He hated who he was. It was such a pain to be what he was. But without it, who would he be? It was given he would definitely not be human. No matter how hard Cadence wished for it. He could never be human again. As much as he tried to hold on to his past memories and habits, it would never be the same. He could only replicate humanity but never actually be it.

"Are you OK?" she asked suddenly.

Rachel watched as a wave of emotions washed over Cadence's face. He was such a strange person which made Rachel want to get to know him better. Despite the twins' constant warnings, something drew her to them. Cadence gave out another long breath.

"No one's really asked me that before," Cadence stated with out an emotion to match it.

Rachel didn't exactly know how to take this statement. But it must have been good since he was talking to her now. She pulled a strand of hair behind her ear and looked at Cadence with eager eyes. Perhaps he was the softer of the twins.

"Well?" Rachel pressed on, for an answer.

Cadence laughed. Aiden was the only other person who Cadence actually talked to. He had forgotten how different conversations could be with other people. Maybe Rachel could help him feel more... Cadence stopped that train of thought. He had to remember what Aiden said. Cadence could not afford to have a human to take interest in them. Cadence did not answer her question.

"Can you treat me like a human being?" Rachel said annoyed.

Cadence chuckled, "You have no idea."
♠ ♠ ♠
Cut short. Leaves room for more in next chapter.