Tonight Will Change Our Lives

All You Needed Was Someone To Show You

It was getting pretty late and the two still hadn't arrived at Rachel's house yet. Cadence could feel him growing weak. Slowly, he had been inching towards her, ready to pounce and suck her dry. The only thing keeping him from doing exactly that were the random cars that passed them by. She had no idea what an emotional wreck Cadence was at that moment. Rachel was so oblivious to the battle that Cadence was fighting inside of himself.

"What's up with Aiden?" she asked him hoping to break through Cadence's barrier, "Why doesn't he like me?"

Cadence looked at Rachel through his glasses with agitation. He tried to focus on something other than her but she was making everything too difficult. It was too easy for him, just to bite her. He would have to give up everything he and his brother had worked for just to satisfy his own thirst. But too many times had they moved from a chance at living peaceful because of Cadence. He was at a loss in the situation.

"Save your breath for breathing," Cadence snarled tight lipped to her.

Rachel frowned at his sudden hostile nature. He didn't know but she could see all the emotions coursing through his lean figure. She didn't understand how someone so protected and distant as Cadence could seem as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Oh sorry... maybe I should ask you that question," Rachel said harshly.

Cadence took off his aviators because the sun had been long gone. He stared piercingly at Rachel with his unnatural green eyes. They were so bright it almost made up for the lost of sun they had experienced. His lips tingled softly as he imagined just jumping on her at that instant. He shook his head.

"Just put it behind you and forget about it," he said as calmly as he could but with strain.

"I really don't understand why you and your brother act like such hard asses," she stated bluntly.

Cadence returned his hard stare to her, "Fight the fights worth winning, Rachel."

Rachel matched his angry stare, "Then don't think you're someone you're not."

Cadence looked at the road before him. She was right. Who was he kidding? He couldn't do this. He couldn't pretend to be a human. Cadence had to taste her blood. There was no other way around it. He looked at Rachel who was looking hotly at the ground, obviously angry of how the conversation had turned out.

Before she knew what was happening, Rachel had been shoved against a tree and Cadence was at her neck. Her heart beat raced as he lowered his mouth to her neck. A lump was stuck in her throat and she couldn't say anything.

Cadence had his mouth open around her neck. His fangs almost touching her skin. He wanted badly just to run his fangs against it. He could smell her blood and intoxicating. But something was different. Instead of fear, her blood smelled like... it smelled like.... Cadence got off of Rachel and stared at the girl wide eyed. His mouth was agape as she stared at him equally shocked.

"I have to go," Cadence said suddenly.

Rachel watched as he ran off into the woods, leaving her alone on the empty road.