I'd Rather Shut My Eyes


kiss, [kis]: verb. To join lips in affection, love, passion, respect, etc.


They made it past the old lady as keys clicked madly, giggles bubbling up as they slipped past full classrooms. Now, standing at the front doors, Michaela stared dubiously behind her.

Well, shit. Am I going to get in trouble? I won't fit in if my first days are spent in detention.

Logan's free hand wrapped itself around her shoulders, and his high, clear voice didn't carry any further than it needed to. "The whole tour, the whole place? I know everything. Ask and ye shall receive." Laughter was at the edge of his voice again.

Michaela studied his narrow, pale face thoughtfully, studying his fair hair without thinking. So easy to drop everything she'd learnt when there was no-one to point it out, pull up a highschool guard once more. Then she realised he had spoken, and stuttered as she tried to think up a response.

"Uh…uhhh…the grounds? Outside."

Logan's slight frame pushed her towards the doors, cane tap-tap-tapping down the four concrete steps that signified imprisonment in the morning and the bliss of freedom in the afternoon. They swung left, onto the grass, Logan stopping and pointing forwards.

"School sign. Street. Car park. No way to the main grounds, there's a maintenance shed blocking the way. Quite an excellent hiding spot, too; unless the groundskeeper actually shows up. If he does, run like hell." They both laughed, and turned to cross to the other side of the school. As they moved across the warm, slightly limp grass, Logan went into full explanation mode.

"This is where all the average Jersey kids sit. No preps, no-one smart, just the local kids. It makes the school look normal, I suppose. But the real thing, the whole hierarchy, sits around that corner," Logan paused briefly to wave, slightly to the left, of the end of the grey building. "Except me. I sit out here too. It's quieter and easier to eat in peace. I can listen to average people with average lives and not worry about my own." His face tightened a little, but it seemed he didn't want to continue on that topic.

The back of the school was medium-sized, leaning towards large. At the very back, football posts and bleachers were clearly defined, bleachers blocking out both the road and the actual playing area. There was a smaller square next to it, a baseball diamond that, for its size, seemed to have a considerable amount of noise emanating from the spot.

"This school likes its sports. We have our own season that runs all year long, we just invite other schools to play whenever possible." Logan explained.

An expanse of green lawn and a small, scattered groups of tables and chairs covered a tiny fraction of its area. Closer to the school building were rough basketball courts, tetherball poles and painted squares for ball games.

The back of the school looked much the same as the front, set further out at the sides and middle, with the building seeming to cave in between; the only difference was, instead of one set of double doors, there were two, on either side of the cafeteria. Large windows spanned the caf, smaller ones were set for the gym and indoor pool.

Indoor pool?! But it's only a public school, how can they afford it?

As if answering, Michaela's thoughts, Logan said thoughtfully "Very into their sports."

And while she stared at the school that was totally unfamiliar, another unfamiliar feeling struck her.

Soft, shaking, and unsure lips upon her own.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, I am so sorry! I really meant to put them in, and the description couldn't go longer without being silly...look, in the next ine she'll be inside, and they meet inside, kay? Shoot me if they don't.

I'm glad people seem to like this! Cookies for all! And I hoped you CONTINUE to like it.

P.S: This chapter? TOTALLY unplanned. Didn't really take me by surprise, but sure was interesting. Good? It's given me loads more ideas.

And HEY! Double digits! Suh-weet!