I'd Rather Shut My Eyes


yearning, [yur-ning]: noun. A strong wanting of what promises enjoyment or pleasure.


The smell of burnt toast wafted through the entire apartment before Michaela's mom stepped into her room. She looked around slowly, as if she'd never seen the room before. She avoided Michaela's gaze.

"Well, uh…it's this plan, me and Joe thought of, you know, a while ago…everything's sorted, you don't have to worry. Just, just don't think about it" she stuttered, looking at the ground. "Me and Joe have plans tonight, I have to get ready. Could you maybe finish packing? We won't be late, but we have to go."

New apartment? But I LIKE this apartment! Is Joe moving in? Maybe we need a bigger one, if someone else is moving in. Even though he'd probably be in Moms' room…but maybe he has a lot of stuff. Well, it'd better have a decent view. And I am NOT changing schools. The uniform may be lame, but my friends are there. I hope I can still visit…

Michaela broke her train of thought to look at her mother. "So have you guys picked out a new apartment yet? I mean, this one's just big enough for three, but I suppose Joe might not be used to it…he's a pretty cool guy, isn't he, making a commitment like this? Sure, you guys have fun tonight. I'll pack everything, don't you worry." Her grin got bigger and bigger by the sentence. This was exciting!

A grin broke over her mother's face. "Yeah, we didn't want you to know. It's not that far away, and it's pretty big. Even bigger than this. Don't make any plans for this weekend, even though it's holidays. We have to get everything moved in time, so we can get settled."

Settled? We have months for that. I suppose we've never moved before.

The pair grinned at one another, and then a knock sounded at the front door.

"Hayley? You there, babe? We better get going soon, we'll be late!" filtered through the door.

Michaela's mother ran out of the room to open the door, letting in a good-looking, muscled man who immediately picked her up to give her a kiss and called out "Afternoon Michaela! How's the packing getting on?"

Before she could reply, her mother cut in. "You're right Joe, I'll just fix myself up and get dressed, and then we can go. Can you come help?" She led him over to the master bedroom and shut the door. Michaela sighed. She made her way back across the cold kitchen tiles, goosebumps rising on her arms, and picked up the cordless phone. Pressing and holding the 5 button, she put the phone to her ear.

"Hello, is this Asian Hotpot? Can get a delivery?" Michaela rattled off the usual order and address, then hung up and went to start repacking everything her mom would have messed up. She'd gotten as far as sorting out her reading books when her mom peeked into the doorway, no longer sporting a just-tumbled-out-of-bed look, but a wonderful slinky black dress, matching bracelets, earrings and necklace that glinted late afternoon light throughout the room, ridiculously high and thin heels that nevertheless added charm, and softly tumbling blonde curls. A delicate perfume wound its way through the boxes.

Michaela was dumbfounded. "Wow Moms, you look really good. I mean really good. You'll knock 'em dead!"

Her mother grinned. "Thanks dollface. Make sure you eat plenty, and don't stay up too late because you've still got school tomorrow to go to. Don't open the door to strangers, and don't drink any of the alcohol stashed around the house."

A short laughed echoed from behind her, then Joe came up to stand in Michaela's doorway. "She's smart enough to cover up her drunkenness, Hayley. Don't bother!" A ticket hung loosely from his hand, reading "We cordially invite Mr Jonathon Hyder and Ms Hayley Wills".

I wish I could get an invitation like that. Dress up and go to a ball, drink all night and meet other people rich and beautiful.

Her mother saw her wistful glance and smiled gently, seeming to float over to envelop Michaela in a motherly hug. Her mother might be young, and her life might seem more like someone living with their friend, but motherly hugs were built in to the nervous system after giving birth. Nothing could change it.

"I promise, the next party I need to take a guest to, I'll bring you. Then there'll be so many invitations you won't know which balls to go to!" her mother promised.

Michaela nodded and turned to repack her clothes. Her eyes were smarting. Some things just couldn't be helped.

The heavy front door swung shut with a snick and the lock latched into place. Michaela wiped her face and upended a box onto her bed, sorting through the tangles of underwear, shirts and pants.

A brisk BRIIIING echoing through the house brought her standing upright, looking around wildly. Then she realised it was just the phone on the kitchen counter. She quickly dropped the box and ran through to the kitchen to breathlessly pick it up.