The Scary Thing Shall Get You All

Prologue: It's Not Ink

"Make sure you lock up, Grace. I'll see you tomorrow." A man said as he pulled on his coat before leaving the large printing room.

"Bye Jase." Grace said as she opened her locker to retrieve her belongings. It had been a late night for Grace, it was always a late night for Grace. She was a reporter for a huge newspaper in New York. Her boss, Jason a.k.a. Jase liked to save money by having his reporters work in the same warehouse as the printing was done. Grace walked through the giant printing room, winding her usual path through the machinery. Each footstep echoing on the walls around her. From behind her she heard a door creak.

"Jase? Is that you?" Grace called out into the emptiness.

Silence. No reply. She continued to walk calmly. It must've been my imagination. She thought.

Then another noise came from behind her, this time not a door, but the scuffle of feet moving quickly on the concrete floor. She turned quickly to see a bare foot go out of view behind one of the large machines.

"Who - who's there?" Grace asked nervously.

Again, silence. She crept slowly over to the place where the foot had been just seconds ago. Looking around the corner she saw nothing but the machinery. Her nerves were beginning to get to her. But her reporters instinct told her not to be afraid. She turned back around to leave the printing room.

A scream escaped her lips. Standing just meters from her was a young boy, about 7. His skin had a greenish tinge and he stared eerily at Grace. Slowly, dragging his feet on the concrete he walked closer to Grace. He stretched out his arms and one last scream came from Grace's mouth.


"Right! Start up the printers!" Jase called out to his employees. "Where's Grace? She's normally early." He asked his secretary.

"I don't know Mr. Saunders." Replied Naomi.

The printers started up with their usual noises. Jase went and got himself a cup of coffee as he waited for the first few issues to print.

"Boss," one of Jase's workers knocked on his office door, "Err.. I think you should come look at this."

"What is it?" He asked puzzled, normally no one bothered him during his morning cup of coffee.

"I reckon you should just come take a look." Jase followed the man out to an area he rarely visited. Only in passing, on his way in & out. One of the men standing around the area was holding one of the pages already printed.

"What? You know I don't like being disturbed during my coffee." Jase asked, slightly annoyed.

The man handed the page to Jase. It looked pretty normal.

"Turn it over." Said one of the workers.

Jase turned the page over. Bright red ink had dripped onto it.

"There's a leak in one of the ink cartridges? You couldn't have just told me that?" He said angrily.

"It's not ink, Sir." One of the workers said.

"Huh? What is it then?" Jase asked, he looked down at the red stain again. It took a while for him to register that what he thought was ink, was actually blood. "Blood?" He asked, stunned.

The workers all nodded. "What should we do boss?"

"Well, err... one of you, go tell Naomi to call the police. If there's been a murder here they're the ones who need to know about it. But make sure the story doesn't get out. It'll make the perfect front page."


"We've discovered the woman's identity and we've informed her family Mr. Saunders." The police officer said. Jase had gone down to the police station to give a statement.

"Really now? And who was it then?" Jase asked curiously.

"A young woman, by the name of Grace Landen." Jase's eyes bulged. "Sorry. Did you know her?" The officer asked.

"Yes, yes. She worked for me. She was one of my reporters." Jase said confusedly. "Who could've done this? I shouldn't have left her alone in the warehouse last night. This never would've happened..." Jase trailed off.

"She worked for you, you say? Did you know her very well?" The officer inquired.

"Yes, we were good friends. Why would anyone want to hurt her?"

"We don't know Sir. We'll try our best to find out. Any information you can give us would be very helpful. Any stories she was working on, previous boyfriends, anyone who might want to hurt her."

"Of course, anything you need. It's yours." Jase slipped into a chair and put his face in his hands. A tear fell from his eye.
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That's all that's written already. I wrote this a forever ago and I'm not gonna continue unless someone shows an interest. So yeah, comment & subscribe x]