Skyway Avenue

Chapter Six

"Jack, are you insane?" I asked him. It was eleven days until Valentine's Day and counting and he was trying to get me to make plans with him and Jasey.
"C'mon Alex, it'll be fun." he assured.
"I'm not sure you understand the meaning of that word Jack." I said, closing my locker and pulling on my coat.
"Sure I do. I think that a double date would be a great idea. We'd be abel to settle the whole awkward sittuation thing between you and Jasey." He smiled. It was the smile that Jack used when he was trying to do good.
"I'll ask Jessica and get back to you." I said as we walked side-by-side out to my car. "Need a ride?" I offered in the parking lot.
"Sure." he agreed, hopping inside. For the first few moments, he was silent and so was i as I carefully pulled out of the school parking lot. Then, he said what was obviously on both of our minds. "Why in the world have we let a girl get in the way?"
"Because it's Jasey Rae Merrick, misunderstud beauty of our highschool." I answered quickly without a single thought in mutany with that idea.
"That's no excuse Alex," Jack sighed. "I'm sure that you know that."
The sad part, is that Jack was one-hundred-percent right. We really shouldn't let a girl in between our music and especially not our friendship. "I know." I said, pulling up to his house. As he got out, I asked him, "Hey, when is our next band practice exactly?"
"Uh- I don't know. Maybe Friday night at my house? I'm not sure though, so I'll get back to you on that." he smiled, shitting the door and jogging up to his front door as I pulled out of his driveway/
The rest of the way home -all six houses of it- I allowed my thoughts to orbit completely around Jasey, despite the conversation that I had just had with my best friend.
I knew all-too-well that Jasey was Jack's girl, but I didn't have to be happy with that depressing fact, did I?
After a few moments, I decided that what I was feeling right now was unique, and I decided that it's make some good lyrics, so I grabbed notebook from my closet and began to scribble down emotionallyfilled-to-the-brim words. When I was finally done, I called Jessica.And I felt like a whore in church for doing it.
Hangin Out Behind The Club On The Weekend<3
-Jasey's POV-

"So you actually talked him into the idea?" I questioned Jack on the phone, as I lay back on my bed, exhausted from the day i had just lived through.
"Yeah well, I think so." he said, smiling through the phone it was that smile that only Alex could master quite right. That was one of the things that made Jack so attractive, the fact that he was always so happy.
"Well I think that Valentine's Day sounds fun." I said as glad as Jack was.
"I'm glad to hear that. Well, listen Jasey, I have to go eat dinner. I might call you back depending on how long it takes me to do all of this stupid homework. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye Jack."
"Bye Jas."
After clicking the end button,I felt oddly empty, so I went downstairs to eat and fill it.